
This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

author:Konoh E-Renko

[High-energy E Beizi] is today's headline signed author, this article is high-energy E Beizi original, prohibit any form of reproduction, reprint please contact the background, but welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

Some time ago, Dou Xiao announced his relationship with his girlfriend He Chaolian on Weibo.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In the past two days, the TV series "Love You, Cure Me" starring him is also going to have a big finale.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

The same is a Happy Ending~

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Ben's old mother finally smiled with satisfaction

However, compared with He Chaolian, Sun Shu's love is not so smooth, and the feelings are bumpy and simply not like the heroine.

When the other heroines are sweetly accepting the care and pampering of their boyfriends, Sun Shu is inexplicably dumped by her boyfriend...

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

The reason of "inappropriate" is simply a necessary excuse for scumbags to break up

Not only was he dumped, but he also had to face the cold violence of his boyfriend Yan Shuren's "no explanation and no responsibility".

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

It's not okay not to break up, you have to break up, and finally you are driven away by your boyfriend, and you don't even understand what's going on when you break up.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Inexplicably dumped, missing for eight years, severe depression, and the he road of her ex-boyfriend, Sun Shu is really not easy to walk.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated
This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In fact, Yan Shuren is not an irresponsible scumbag who loves to play "cold violence". It is just that the growth has experienced ups and downs, the loss of relatives can not be solved, and depression has been suffered.

But he did not want to hurt the people around him who cared most, so he chose to leave alone.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren is like a cactus, arming himself with thorns, and others can't get close, and he can't touch it.

If he found that his thorn would stab the person he loved most, he would choose to silently pull the thorn out and bear all the pain alone.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

If it were not for Sun Shu, Yan Shuren might not have fallen in love for the rest of his life, because "after tasting loss, he would be afraid of losing again."

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

I have to say that Dou Xiao's acting skills are still quite good, and the state of depressed patients is interpreted quite wonderfully, and it is easy to retract.

Irritable, Yan Shuren will lose his temper from time to time, and he can't control his emotions to get angry at the people around him;

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

I also have nightmares, and I am constantly haunted by nightmares;

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Every time I struggle to wake up from a nightmare, I am both powerless and wandering;

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

A big close-up of the face can also hold

In addition to these points of explosion, Dou Xiao's acting skills when showing "emotional introversion" are also wonderful.

Patients with depression sometimes choose to close themselves off, stay away from crowds, and become depressed.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren is often sullen and unhappy, and even pessimistic and world-weary;

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Still feeling uneasy and anxious, Dou Xiao's control and display of these emotional small details is excellent.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren will also have frequent emotional collapses, falling into a pessimistic mood and difficult to let go.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In order not to let his bad state affect the people closest to him, he can only stubbornly refuse the company of relatives, friends and lovers.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In fact, Yan Shuren, who was not troubled by depression, was not a "scumbag", on the contrary, he was a considerate and gentle and romantic warm man.

He will create small surprises in love;

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Nor does he hesitate to express his love out loud.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

More importantly, it will accompany you to talk, listen to your little troubles, solve your worries and problems, and make you happy.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

This is probably the reason why Sun Shu still loves Yan Shuren even if he is dumped!

Therefore, when Yan Shuren fell ill, Sun Shu did not choose to leave, but patiently encouraged and accompanied Yan Shuren.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

So, if your lover suffers from depression, will you continue to love him?

Do you still know how to love him? Will you accompany him desperately like Sun Shu?

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren's depression is not unexplained, but related to her mother's death.

Yan Shuren, who is about to graduate with a doctorate, witnessed the scene of his mother's death in a car accident.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren's memory is amazing, resulting in these pictures that he has never forgotten.

Time can erase all pain, but he cannot get out of the painful memories of the past.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

The unexpected death of his mother made Yan Shuren bear a huge sense of guilt, and he believed that his mother's death was inseparable from himself.

Yan's mother fell into severe depression because Yan's father was killed in front of her eyes. Under the company of Yan Shuren and the control of drugs for a period of time, Yan's mother's depression was much better.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In the middle of a period of time, Yan's mother felt that she was in a good state and once stopped taking antidepressant drugs, but not long after stopping taking, she suffered a car accident and unfortunately died.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Everyone told Yan Shuren that this was an accident, and Yan's mother chose to commit suicide because of depression.

Yan Shuren thought that it was because he agreed that his mother would no longer continue to take antidepressant drugs, which would lead to her mother's suicide, so she could not let go.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Because the testimony could not take effect due to the different confessions of several witnesses on the day of the incident, Yan Shuren always suspected that his mother had not committed suicide but had other reasons.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

A chance encounter in the hospital allowed Yan Shuren to recognize Liu Cuifen, the party involved in her mother's car accident that year, and Liu Cuifen blurted out that "she hit the car herself", which aroused Yan Shuren's desire to re-investigate.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren once again visited several witnesses of that year and asked them to verify the real situation of the day.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

The appearance of Liu Cuifen awakened Yan Shuren's traumatic memory, and high-intensity mental pressure once again induced the emergence of Yan Shuren's depression.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

During the investigation, someone told him that Yan's mother had indeed committed suicide, and these words deepened his depression.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

But the truth is that Yan's mother did not commit suicide that year, but because she saw That Liu Cuifen wanted to throw away her child, she was in a hurry to catch up all the way and encountered a car accident.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Therefore, Liu Cuifen will be at the scene for the first time and become a so-called witness

Yan Shuren, who suffered from major depression, shut himself in the courtyard every day and did not want to communicate with people.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Fortunately, Sun Shu has always been there, and she accompanies Yan Shuren every day and patiently persuades Yan Shuren to get out of her psychological predicament.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Finally, with his own efforts and the company of Sun Shu, Yan Shuren finally bravely walked out.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Perhaps, as Dean Chen said, "Companionship is the best way." ”

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In the update of the finale, Dou Xiao, who had just announced his relationship, finally kissed Miao Miao.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Yan Shuren finally cured his depression in the company of Sun Shu, and finally had the courage to propose to Sun Shu.

The couple, who were torn apart by depression, finally ushered in Happy Ending.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated
This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Although Yan Shuren is an outstanding psychiatrist, he cannot avoid falling into the quagmire of emotions and cannot extricate himself, and it is with the company of Sun Shu that he slowly gets out of his predicament and welcomes a new life.

As mentioned at the beginning of the TV series, as Irving Yaron, a tenured professor emeritus of psychiatry at Stanford University, says, patients and psychotherapists are already accompanied by each other.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In addition to mentioning Yan Shuren's depression, this drama also shows us a lot of psychological problems that exist around us, such as Internet addiction, bipolar disorder, alcohol dependence, anxiety and other psychological problems.

And most people tend to overlook the importance of these issues.

Some people feel that mental illness is basically pretentious, especially some patients' families, who regard the abnormal behavior of some patients with mental illness as a kind of rebellious psychology of patients.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

There are also those who have a strong sense of shame about psychological problems, who are reluctant to admit that it is a disease, and even choose to avoid talking about it.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

But behind the cause of each mental illness is actually a reflection of the real world.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

These stories are all based on more than 20 true events, almost every one of which I have seen on social news.

For example, the father who sends his child to an Internet addiction school and feels that the child is disobedient and "just beats up", forces the child to accept his arranged life, and if he does not obey, he will be locked up in the basement.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

As a result, children grow up under violent thinking, leaving an indelible psychological shadow.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

There is also Wang Linglong, who suffered from "bipolar disorder" because of entrepreneurial failure.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Wang Linglong grew up under the high requirements of her mother, but she never received her mother's positive approval. The failure of the business, her mother's dislike of her once again intensified her mental illness.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

In her mother's eyes, Wang Linglong's mental illness was only because she was "too capable."

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

There is also plastic surgery addiction, do not allow their appearance to have a trace of flaws in the Internet red Zheng Xianyu, every time go out to meet people or do live broadcasts always worry that others think they are not good-looking.

Even when the takeaway brother delivered the takeaway to the door, Zheng Xianyu had to repeatedly confirm that his beauty was flawless.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Zheng Xianyu has had nearly 20 plastic surgery before and after, and his excessive love of beauty has approached a state of hysteria, and even forced his mother to sell a house for his own plastic surgery, and called it "investment".

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

Many of the cases in this drama may still have a lot of room for thinking, but at least they are sincere enough to let society pay attention to psychologists and people with psychological problems.

Let everyone know that mental illness is normal, and having mental illness is not a very difficult problem to talk about, and it is good to seek treatment in time. Psychotherapists are not simply hearing news and prescribing drugs, but a job that has been learning and growing all their lives, and they use their own experience to help everyone who needs help.

This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

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This "scumbag" who was dumped, disappeared, and severely depressed could not be hated

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