
Reading | Han poetry features: ingenious imagery new; chapters and methods neat and flexible; rhetorical and bright Han Chen its poetry characteristics of the first exploration of birds and flowers dialogue golden leaf shy window purple rhyme ecstasy Dewa Bibo Ming Yue Liu Xia New Yuan Yun Song Male and Female Bagua Song New Year's Day Sense New Age Period Yi Yu Run Tease He Heng Street Oblique Bridge Yuntai Liuxia Xinjiang Heavenly Song

author:Color Harbor

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > a preliminary study of Han Chen's poetry characteristics</h1>

▓ Zhoudu

Reading | Han poetry features: ingenious imagery new; chapters and methods neat and flexible; rhetorical and bright Han Chen its poetry characteristics of the first exploration of birds and flowers dialogue golden leaf shy window purple rhyme ecstasy Dewa Bibo Ming Yue Liu Xia New Yuan Yun Song Male and Female Bagua Song New Year's Day Sense New Age Period Yi Yu Run Tease He Heng Street Oblique Bridge Yuntai Liuxia Xinjiang Heavenly Song

A collection of Han Chenqi's poems

Recently, I had the privilege of reading Professor Han Chenqi's poetry collection, and its profound connotation and variety of forms were breathtaking. As a college teacher who has studied modern Gelug poetry slightly, I would also like to share some of my own feelings about Professor Han's extremely high artistic achievements in poetry creation.

The concept is ingenious and the imagery is novel.

For example:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > bird-flower dialogue</h1>

Half a night without sleep, flipping through the two photos of a flower and a bird in the daytime, it seems to have some understanding, so there are birds and flowers talking, just to laugh.


I am a bird,

Looking high above the top of the tree,

I don't know why I looked out?


I am a flower,

Silently lonely and open on the bank of the bridge,

Somehow open?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > gold leaf shy window</h1>

Brahma chanting little monk,

Green lantern robe ancient maple poplar.

One night the wind blew furiously,

Full of gold leaf mimosa windows.

Eun Hui Yue film fan Jin Dao,

Illusions and illusions.

The winding path is dusty,

Pavilion yellow cover shakes the sky makeup.

Fluttering sprinkled from the wind,

Why wait for the spring rain to run yellow?

In "Dialogue between Birds and Flowers", the poet uses anthropomorphic techniques to take examples, using the intention of birds and flowers to skillfully convey the voice of persistent pursuit of sincere emotions and beautiful ideals. "Golden Leaf Shy Window" depicts the state of autumn and winter with rich imagination, and continuously creates a wonderful artistic conception with several rich poetic objects such as "green lantern robes", "full of golden leaves", "Chang'e Moon Shadow" and "Quiet Winding Path".

The rhythm is harmonious and full of musical beauty. For example:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Purple Charm</h1>

Yunshui Neon Flower Butterfly Dance,

Ten miles long mountain to run free.

Qingxia beautiful lavender,

Yunshui invites koi tide.

Flowers dance heartlessly,

Xianghai has lovers to be pampered.

A pool of blue water reflects red,

The purple clouds drifted away.

Allure of Ecstasy Loves Purple Rhyme,

Listen to the wrens deep in the long mountains.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Deva Bibo</h1>

A few blue flowers and stars twinkle,

A flood of blue waves dotted with trees.

Isolated islands are full of yellow flowers,

White wall next to Deva Red Plum.

River Bay Old Reed Songgull Bird,

Lingta New Willow Dance Dreamland.

Nanshan longs for Yu Meiren,

North Lake seduces tulips.

Magpies put on jubilant branches,

Spring colors endless song bright sun!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > tea moon flow xia</h1>

Golden tea spring flower drink Kyoto,

One sip and one glance at Jiangnan.

Mountain tea summer wind drink lonely,

A product and a sigh can be relied upon.

Cui Ming autumn moon drink flowing Xia,

One by one, he looked at Shan Shan.

Bud tea winter snow drink Chan Juan,

A song and a string are immersed in joy.

Fragrant tea drunk clear the void,

A fluttering spirit dances.

Qing Ming dreamed of nine like elephants,

A boiling and a ripple of hearts.

Thousands of cups of hometown tea,

Bodhi Treeless Laughing Mirror Altar.

Phonology is one of the most important stylistic features of poetry, and Professor Han's poetry creation fully demonstrates his profound artistic accomplishment as a scholar-type poet. In his large number of lyric poems, he often uses overlapping, repetition, comparison, duality and other techniques. In the use of rhyme, he used various methods of rhyme in many ways, so that the rhyme of poetry showed changes in harmony. For example, "Purple Rhyme Ecstasy", "Dewa Bibo", "Ming Yue Liuxia", in addition to the occasional sentence rhyme, the odd sentence decides whether to rhyme according to the needs of poetic expression.

The rules are neat and flexible.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > new yuan cloud song</h1>

Sigh in the clouds, sigh in the new yuan, song:

Clouds, clouds:

Cloud God Cloud Immortal Cloud Ah Cloud,

Every minute and every second is a cloud!

Clouds come and go clouds, clouds,

It's a cloud all night!

Clouds soaring clouds, clouds,

One dollar and one new is all clouds!

Clouds become clouds, clouds,

A cloud for a lifetime!

Ah, my cloud!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > male and female gossip songs</h1>

Men are the day,

Women are the ground;

Man is the day of the woman,

Women are men's land;

Women have no law to sigh,

Men can't help themselves!

The man is Ray,

Women are the wind;

Men are women's ray,

Women are men's winds;

Woman no thunder tired eyebrows,

The man cried without wind.

Men are water,

Women are fire;

Men are women of water,

Women are men's fire;

Women without water lose their souls,

The man was in a daze.

Men are mountains,

The woman is Zee;

Men are mountains of women,

Women are men's Zee;

The woman has no mountain as a flower prisoner,

Men are thirsty for dead cows.


(1) Male and female sexual genera take the "Zhou Yi" gua symbolism:

STEM: Heaven, Father;

Kun: Earth, Mother;

Quake: Ray, The Eldest Man;

Sundanese: Wind, eldest daughter;

KAN: Water, middle man;

Off: Fire, Middle Girl;

Gen: Mountain, boy;

KEY: Ze, maiden.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > New Year's Day</h1>

Sigh in life, sigh in the new yuan!

People, people:

Heavenly Immortals Heavenly Gods, O People,

Born to be the only time to be human!


Fate comes and goes,

Day after night.

Love, Love, Love:

Clouds of love, love,

One dollar and one new again.

Flowers Ah Flowers:

Flowers blossom and fall flowers,

Once in a lifetime.

Ah, New Year's Day

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > the elderly period</h1>

Life enlightenment, only long songs:

Weak crown when the xi,

Crown of "Zhiqing",

Crown but not crown!

And when it comes to standing,

Looking forward to the establishment of the "order of the house",

Standing but not standing!

When you are not confused,

Confused by the "couple",

Confused but not confused!

The Time of Destiny,

Believe in the fate of "Wenqu",

Fate is not fate!

When the ear is smooth,

Inheriting the "nectar" of shun,

Go with the flow and not go along!

Full of passion and enjoyment,

The peak of life is the peak of the old age!

Han poetry pays great attention to poetry types and chapters, although his poems are more than five or six lines and one section, but from the overall point of view, the verses, chapters, syntax, rhymes and feet have their own changes, not too rigid, pay attention to the poetry type and can not be bound by it, there are changes in the whole, showing a flexible and diverse asana. "New Yuan Yun Song" basically has three lines per section, one rhyme to the end, "Male and Female Bagua Song" changes rhymes each section, "New Year's Day Sense of New Year" changes rhymes with the first two sentences of each section, the last sentence rhymes the same, and "Elderly Period Yi" rhymes interlaced. The lines of poetry are regularly staggered in length and length, and large sections are neat and symmetrical. There are also occasional diamond-shaped bodies such as "Fan Autumn", which shows that its syntax and chapters have many variations:

Reading | Han poetry features: ingenious imagery new; chapters and methods neat and flexible; rhetorical and bright Han Chen its poetry characteristics of the first exploration of birds and flowers dialogue golden leaf shy window purple rhyme ecstasy Dewa Bibo Ming Yue Liu Xia New Yuan Yun Song Male and Female Bagua Song New Year's Day Sense New Age Period Yi Yu Run Tease He Heng Street Oblique Bridge Yuntai Liuxia Xinjiang Heavenly Song

The rhetoric is gorgeous and the style is bright.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > yurun</h1>

Summer cargo autumn cargo gold mine,

Lotus is like a lotus.

Rain runs and teases the first spring,

How many red lotuses and how many ships?

Red Fern instigates the Hibiscus Building,

Cui Ya shy Jinshan Lake.

White Dragon Cave gushing West Lake water,

Lover's Bridge hanging ice jade pot.

Bibo Heying Cishou Pagoda,

Can Delicate Red wake up Daigo?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > cross-street diagonal bridge</h1>

Fluttering little spring snow,

A few people rejoiced and a few people were petite.

Jiangnan Ruixue flew triumphantly,

Ice-flowered crystalline cannabis.

Shanmen Hengjie Chenxiwei,

Dream Creek Inclined Bridge is lonely.

The great river towers over the peaks of Yangzi Snow,

Long willow contains new shoots.

The wind god drifted snow for three thousand miles,

Horses gallop to the sky!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > gimbal liuxia</h1>

Radiant sun and moon glow,

Spring is cold and crowded.

Lamp Sea Tengbo Fish Mouth Island,

Yuxia Feihong Beauty Jiao.

Starlight Moon Shadow Jinshan Lake,

Fire trees and silver flowers float in the sky.

Dragon and phoenix chengxiang xijindu,

The Golden Monkey Dance wins the sky high.

Han Chenqi's poetry is imaginative, and at the same time has a strong ability to control language, so the words of his poetry are very rich, and the rhetoric shows gorgeous and colorful characteristics. For example, "Rain Run Teasing Lotus", "Horizontal Street Diagonal Bridge", "Yuntai Liuxia" are all written in a feminine and bright way, weaving a colorful picture, making the work unique to the gentle and delicate style of Jiangnan and has a high aesthetic value.

Recently, I read the phased achievement report of the National Social Science Foundation project "Research on innovative poetic styles of contemporary Chinese poetry" presided over by Huang Yongjian, a scholar at Shenzhen University, in the WeChat group, which mentioned seven kinds of modern grammatical poems: five words, seven words, eight words, ten words, eleven words, twelve words, and there are several types, such as the same body with an equal number of tons per line, or the symmetrical body formed by the unevenness within the verses, but the patterns of each section are the same.

Professor Han's poems are full of works that have been experimented with in various ways, and there are even original nine-word works that are not mentioned in the report. For example, the Han's KuanSao style in the first volume of the "Han Chen Qi's Poetry Collection", "Kuan Sao Chang Huai":

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Xinjiang Tiange</h1>

Climb the Heavenly Mountain and look at the beacon,

When the flint and lonely Miao miao is old!

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look at the wheel platform,

The wheel platform is a silk elm locust!

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look at Loulan,

Lou Lan Miao's living and beautiful immortals!

Climb to see the Tianshan Mountains and look at the mouth of the gorge,

The vicissitudes of the gorge are bustling wine!

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look at Danxia,

Danxia's colorful reeds!

Climb to the Heavenly Mountains and look at Yadan,

Yadan Magic Brilliant Rainbow Beach!

Climb over the Tianshan Mountains and look at the Sacred Lake,

The mournful note of the whining of the lake of God!

Climb across the Heavenly Mountains and look at the Gobi,

The Gobi is barren and rugged with gravel.

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look out over the desert,

The vastness of the desert!

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look at the poplars,

The wild hills of poplar pride!

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look at the Red River,

The Rushing Crane of the Red River!

Climb the Tianshan Mountains and look at the Heavenly Pond,

Tianchi Hanging Baguio Yao Xianqi!

Climb the Heavenly Mountain and look at the wild dwelling,

NoiZuchi Nobuyuki Fun!

Climb the Heavenly Mountain and look at the bride,

The ripples of the bride Chan Juan!

Dengsi Tianshan thinks about life,

The Golden Stone Of Life Gap?

In his Treatise on the Flow of Articles, the Jin Dynasty Zhiyu pointed out: "The Nine Words of Ancient Poetry, the genus of the Other Dynasty, the One Who Notes the Other, is also, and does not enter the chapter of the ballad, so Shi Xi is for it." Although there are a few creations in his poetry collection, such as lyric works, which cannot be called modern neo-Gelug poems, their superb artistic expression is enough to provide an artistic model for the creation of contemporary new poems. It is believed that in recent years, the scholars in China who have adhered to the creation and research of new grammatical poetry should be represented by Mr. Huang Huai and Mr. Huang Yongjian. Their self-discipline and thirteen-line Chinese poems are extremely creative. Some of Professor Han Chenqi's poetry creations, with their diverse practices, are enough to be juxtaposed with the first two scholars, and their status and influence in the development process of new poetic regularization are of irreplaceable historical value.

Reading | Han poetry features: ingenious imagery new; chapters and methods neat and flexible; rhetorical and bright Han Chen its poetry characteristics of the first exploration of birds and flowers dialogue golden leaf shy window purple rhyme ecstasy Dewa Bibo Ming Yue Liu Xia New Yuan Yun Song Male and Female Bagua Song New Year's Day Sense New Age Period Yi Yu Run Tease He Heng Street Oblique Bridge Yuntai Liuxia Xinjiang Heavenly Song

Zhou Du close-up

【About the Author】Zhou Du, Associate Professor, Doctor of Literature of Soochow University, Vice Dean of the School of Literature of Jiangsu University. Research interests: modern Chinese literature, journalism and communication, etc. Main courses taught: Modern Chinese Literature (Professional Basic Course), Western Culture and Literature (Elective Courses in School), Modern Chinese Literary Trends and Community Studies (Elective Courses for Graduate Students), etc. Since 2010, he has published several papers in CSSCI source journals, Peking University Chinese core journals, and presided over and participated in research projects at the municipal and departmental levels, provincial and ministerial levels. He was awarded the honorary titles of "Advanced Individual of Teaching and Educating People" of Jiangsu University, Excellent Teacher of Jiangsu University, and Excellent Academic Tutor of Jiangsu University.

Reading | Han poetry features: ingenious imagery new; chapters and methods neat and flexible; rhetorical and bright Han Chen its poetry characteristics of the first exploration of birds and flowers dialogue golden leaf shy window purple rhyme ecstasy Dewa Bibo Ming Yue Liu Xia New Yuan Yun Song Male and Female Bagua Song New Year's Day Sense New Age Period Yi Yu Run Tease He Heng Street Oblique Bridge Yuntai Liuxia Xinjiang Heavenly Song