
Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

author:Cultural dim sum shop

<h1>Text: Zhang Qiangqiang;</h1>

<h1>Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and the distance are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the excitement outside</h1>

<h1>Introduction: "Nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! </h1>

For all Chinese, home is not only a simple Chinese character, but also the warmest place after experiencing countless hustle and bustle and exhaustion in the world. No matter where you go, home will always be the most precious word in Chinese heart. And "nostalgia" has also become a song that has been sung for thousands of years, carrying the memories of countless ancestors, walking through the wind and dust, through the smoke of war, and illuminating the night sky of history.

Among these songs, poetry is undoubtedly the most affectionate and beautiful. Countless wanderers who have traveled to the end of the world have turned their thoughts into words and created beautiful and classic poems that have touched generations of people. These songs about "nostalgia", or lingering, or cheerful, or sad, warmed the years and amazed the time. In your mind, which is your favorite "song of nostalgia"?

Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

<h1>What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? </h1>

A "song of nostalgia" from the Song people, poignant and sad, writing the most painful nostalgia in the world, "looking at the end of the world and not seeing home", which makes people tearful. For thousands of years, the chanting of "nostalgia" has never stopped. However, in this Song people's "song", what kind of thoughts will write such a painful nostalgia? A poet from the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Qian, wants to sing his "Nostalgia" to you:

"Nostalgia" Song Dynasty Li Qian

People say that the sunset is the end of the world, and the end of the world will not see home.

Hating bishan is blocked by each other, and bishan is still covered by twilight clouds.

Li Liang was a famous thinker, educator and poet of the Northern Song Dynasty. He was bright and studious from an early age, and he was more diligent in his studies after the death of his father. At the age of 20, he became increasingly famous for his articles. Unfortunately, Heaven did not bless the talents, but the young and promising Li Qian was repeatedly frustrated and hit the road of Keju Shijin.

Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

For three years, jingyou was poor at home and lacked travel expenses, so he could only walk from Jiangxi to the capital city of Bieliang. Unfortunately, this time, he was also named Luosun Mountain. Perhaps because she had no face to see her family, Li Liang stayed in the capital, in a dilemma and embarrassed. At this time, he fell to the end of the world, his heart was full of frustration, and he naturally missed his hometown in the distance. Therefore, under infinite sadness and longing, he wrote this poem of experience that has been passed down through the ages, "Homesickness".

As a universal emotion of human beings, "nostalgia" is a topic that has been sung for a long time from ancient times to the present. Wanderers are far away in a foreign land, whenever they see the sunset and dusk, see the birds returning to their nests, and see the falling flowers go in the spring, they will always touch the scenery and have infinite lovesickness. What this Song poem wants to express is the strong nostalgia that breeds the poet who is in exile at dusk and evening, and the pain is incomparable and makes people cry.

Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

What is the farthest distance in the world? Of course it is "Tianya"! However, there is a distance that is farther than the end of the world. That is the distance between the wanderer and his hometown. "People say that the sunset is the end of the world, and the end of the world does not see home", the poet wrote from a distance, writing what he saw and felt when he looked at the end of the world: In many people's hearts, the place where the sun sets should be the end of the world, but the sunset can be seen, but the hometown cannot be seen. Because for the wanderer who is in exile, the hometown seems to be far away from the end of the world.

These two sentences can be said to be extremely ordinary and extremely shocking. At dusk and sunset, the wanderer wanders away alone. This scene makes people can't help but feel sad. For the sake of survival, for the sake of the future, for the sake of ideals, they have a home and cannot return. However, when people are frustrated, their desire for home is also the strongest. At this time, for them, the hometown is so desirable and so far away.

Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

"Looking at the end of the world and not seeing home", this is a kind of spatial feeling, but also a psychological distance. It's out of the ordinary, but it's reasonable. When the wanderer is extremely eager for home, he is always eager to fly home immediately. But the reality is cruel, and many people often have a home that cannot be returned. No matter how far away the end of the world can still be seen, but "home" cannot be seen, what a painful thought!

In the last two sentences of the poem, the poet withdraws his gaze from the distance and lands on the nearby Bishan Mountain. The end of the world is far away, the poet has nowhere to find his hometown, retracts his sight in frustration, and looks at Bishan in a daze. Why did the poet "not see his home"? Because there are bishan mountains obstructing the view. The hometown is invisible, not only because of the distance, but also because of the mountains.

Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

The first two sentences of the poem are written about the distance of the hometown, and the last two sentences turn to the hometown as the barrier of Bishan Mountain, which is really sad. At this point, the poet's emotions can be said to be extremely painful and lost to the extreme. However, even the bishan mountains that can be seen in front of the eyes are gradually obscured by the clouds in the twilight as the sun sets. In this way, home seems even more out of reach.

Throughout the poem, the poet's vision is constantly changing, and the emotions are becoming more and more painful. He looked at the scenery in front of him from far and near, from large to small, and the colors of the surrounding scenery also changed from light to dark. Then, these are changes in the surface. Hidden in it is the poet's growing nostalgia. In the end, this nostalgia was so thick that it could not be dissolved, and it became a "twilight cloud" that hung over the heart, lingering, deep and sad.

Interpretation of "Nostalgia": What kind of nostalgia is it that makes it so painful to write such a deep nostalgia? Text: Zhang Qiangqiang; Welcome to my "Cultural Snack Shop": poetry and far away are not far away, it is right in front of you. Most of the time, there is only literature here; occasionally I look out the window and talk about the wonderful outside; introduction: "nostalgia", a song that sings for a thousand years! What kind of thoughts would it take to write such a deep nostalgia? The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach!

<h1>The end of the world is far away, far from the "home" in the heart of the wanderer, and it is out of reach! </h1>

In classical Chinese poetry, in order to express "far away", it can be said that although the end of the world is far away, the things expected are farther away, or it can be said that the things in expectation are close, but they are farther than the end of the world. This poem is to use the recent "tianya" to reflect the remoteness of "home". In space, the farthest distance is "tianya". However, for the wanderer who has been in exile for many frustrated people, "home" is farther than the end of the world and cannot be reached. Such helplessness can only be felt by those who have truly experienced it.

Even so, when the poet looks at his hometown from afar, his vision is blocked by heavy blue mountains and twilight clouds, making his hometown even more out of reach. Returning to home without a plan, farther than the end of the world, such helplessness and pain, is really a deep nostalgia. Only such a helpless thought can write such a painful homesickness! Only such a deep nostalgia can sing for a thousand years without fading!

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