
Luo Qinshun's "double thinking"

author:Old Lee tou Lay Down to talk about the meeting


Compared with the influence of science and psychology, the sense of existence of the main "qi" theory is really not high. But for the sake of the comprehensiveness of the system, it should be briefly discussed. In this issue, I will briefly talk about Luo Qinshun's theory, which is in direct opposition to Wang Shouren's thought.

Luo Qinshun's "double thinking"

Hello everyone, welcome to the old Li Tou Lying Talk, I am old Li Tou. At that time, Wang Shouren vigorously promoted Lu Xiangshan's subjective idealistic psychology, which had a great influence on society. At the same time, Luo Qinshun's academic activities are also unfolding. It can be said that Luo Qinshun's theory developed in a tit-for-tat debate with Wang Shouren's thought.

Luo Qinshun criticized Lu and Wang's subjective idealism of "nothing outside the mind" and "irrational outside the heart." He believed that if all things in heaven and earth were in a person's heart, as Lu and Wang said, then wouldn't this become a big heart and a small heaven and earth? This is not possible. As for the change of the characters of heaven and earth, it is the function of nature and has nothing to do with human activities, so the changes in all things must not be attributed to the changes in "my heart". So, where did this "change" come from?

Luo Qinshun, like Zhang Zai, regarded material qi as the original source of the world. Qi exists eternally and is in constant motion, and people and things are "born of qi gathering.". Reason is an inevitable law of the movement of qi, and qi is ever-changing, but "the pawn must not be chaotic" means that the movement of qi has its own certain objective law (reason). (It can be seen that he disagrees with the idealistic ideas of the Cheng Zhu school on the issue of rational-qi relations.) In this regard, the principles of man and things are all the principles of one breath change, and their principles are the same, so they are called "rational one"; however, "after forming, their divisions are special", that is, the laws or characteristics of the movement of each specific thing after forming are different, which is called "differentiation". "Li Yi" exists in the "division" and manifests itself through the "division".

Because "reason is different", the mind as a "human god" and the sex as a "human physiology" come from the principle of qi. The specific content of human nature is benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom. Because human nature is made up of one qi, Luo Qinshun believes that "all human nature is good" and there is no evil, and people's physiological desires are human nature, and there is no evil. But why is there something evil that arises? In Luo Qinshun's view, this is due to the fact that people cannot restrain their physical desires.

On the one hand, Luo Qinshun adhered to his simple materialist point of view and acknowledged the existence of an external objective world; on the other hand, he was deeply influenced by Cheng and Zhu thoughts, agreed with the statement that sex is reason, and believed that the mind is the "existence of reason", and the principle in the human heart is also the principle of heaven and earth and all things, and the two are one thing. As long as you do your best, you can grasp the principle of all things.

Next issue is coming soon

Although Luo Qinshun was the main "qi", his theory was still deeply influenced by Confucianism, and he himself regarded himself as a post-scholar of Cheng Zhu. However, Wang Tingxiang, who also inherited and developed Zhang Zai's qi monism, questioned the view that ethical relations such as father and son of the monarch were regarded as eternal a priori.