
All the medical staff in Tongzhou District who rushed to Wuhan's aid returned safely

author:Tongzhou release

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The deputy center rushed to the aid of 11 medical staff in Wuhan to end the 14-day recuperation and isolation and return home safely. At present, all 16 medical staff of Beijing Friendship Hospital Tongzhou Branch, Dongzhimen Hospital Tongzhou Branch and Beijing Chest Hospital who rushed to Wuhan's aid have returned safely.

All the medical staff in Tongzhou District who rushed to Wuhan's aid returned safely

Some medical staff of Beijing Chest Hospital held flowers and held up homemade signs and banners that read "Salute to the Hero, Welcome Back", eagerly waiting for the hero to return. Among the waiting lines at the hospital were the families of 10 medical staff in Wuhan. Shao Yi, the lover of Shi Liang, an attending physician at Beijing Chest Hospital, waited in the crowd with his two daughters for his return.

All the medical staff in Tongzhou District who rushed to Wuhan's aid returned safely

Shi Liang's eldest daughter Shi Xinyang: "My sister misses dad's chocolate cake very much, my dad didn't eat the birthday cake, my sister didn't eat my dad's birthday cake, so this afternoon there was a cake delivered!" ”

Celebrating his father's birthday is the greatest wish of both daughters. For his wife Shao Yi, the most important thing tonight is to take another family portrait. She told reporters that when Shi Liang left for Wuhan on January 27, he did not let his family send him, and took a parting family portrait before going out. The children miss their father, and the mother will often show the family portrait to the children.

Shi Liang's wife Shao Yi: "When you come back, take another family portrait as a souvenir, have a meal together in the evening, and then let him have a good rest!" ”

Liu Jixing is the only male nurse in the team of 10 chi-chi medical staff of Beijing Chest Hospital. His sister, as a nurse, also stayed in the isolation ward of Beijing Ditan Hospital. Mother Liu Liping is alone at home worrying about a pair of children who are also on the front line, and she is also a medical worker, and she understands the choices made by her children better.

Liu Jixing's mother, Liu Liping: "Still worried, worried is worried, but now we save lives and help the injured, the epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility, we should still rush to the forefront!" ”

Liu Jixing of Beijing Chest Hospital: "Now that I am back, when I get home, I want to accompany my mother well." I want to say to my sister, now that my brother is back, you can rest assured! Mom has me to take care of, you can rest assured in the frontline fight against the epidemic! ”

All the medical staff in Tongzhou District who rushed to Wuhan's aid returned safely

During their stay in Wuhan, 10 medical staff from Beijing Chest Hospital, together with other members of the Beijing medical team, undertook the task of treating seriously ill patients in three wards.

Chen Xiaoyou, vice president of Beijing Chest Hospital: "Because we know that we are in the intensive care ward, in such a situation, our two clinicians took the initiative to take on more night shift work, and they performed very well!" ”

Yesterday afternoon, Ai Qingwei, chief nurse of the emergency department of the Tongzhou Branch of Beijing Friendship Hospital, also returned safely with the Beijing Aid-E medical team. As of April 14, all 16 medical staff from the sub-center who rushed to Wuhan have returned safely.

Source: Tongzhou TV

Tongzhou Rong Media Center reporter: Lu Jianjie Wang Pengwei

Editor-in-charge: Liu Tianze

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