
Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

Today, we use cabbage to make a delicious dish, change a fresh way to eat, the value is high and the taste is good. And the meaning is also very beautiful, meaning that the new year is reunited, happy and happy, and the New Year can be directly served to the dishes of the year.

By Rong Xiao Chef


Glutinous rice 300 g

Shiitake mushrooms 30 g

1 cabbage

1 handful of celery stalks

1 carrot

1 potato

Half a catty of pork

Pepper 1 scoop

1 scoop of light soy sauce

1 scoop of oyster sauce

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

1, first prepare a bowl of glutinous rice, I have a total of 300 grams here, wash and then add water to soak for 4 hours in advance, you can also soak the night before the next day;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

2, another handful of shiitake mushrooms is about 30 grams, warm water to soak hair;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

3, glutinous rice soaked well to absorb enough water, first pour out the drainage, then directly on the pot steaming, poured into the steamer basket and spread with chopsticks, cover the lid and steam for 30 minutes;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

4, steaming glutinous rice time we to prepare other ingredients, first to process the cabbage, the leaves are broken into pieces, and then the cabbage leaves and cabbage stems are divided into two, wait a minute we only use the leaf part;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

5, after the water in the pot is boiled, first add a drop of oil, then put the cabbage leaves into the boiling water for 10 seconds, blanch it softly, quickly pass the cool water after fishing out, cool the leaves and then fish them out to control the dry water for backup;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

6, then prepare a handful of celery stalks, add a hot pot to the pot and then fish out the cold water, and then put it together with the cabbage for later;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

7, then we prepare a carrot and a potato, first peel off the skin, and then change the knife to cut small pieces, directly added to the blender, and then the soaked shiitake mushrooms are also added, beaten into small particles can be;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

8, after putting out, then grind some pork, add a few slices of ginger together to grind into minced meat, and finally prepare two handfuls of corn kernels;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

9, at this time the glutinous rice is also steamed, after turning off the heat we can use chopsticks to pick up and look at it, soft and sticky glutinous without clipping it, take it out and pour it into the bowl first, use chopsticks to pick it up and let it cool;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

10, then start the pot of hot oil, first fry the minced meat, stir-fry the minced meat, add a spoonful of bean paste to fry the red oil, then add the onion, ginger and garlic to fry, and then add carrots, potatoes, shiitake mushrooms and corn kernels to stir-fry together;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

11, stir-fry until the raw, pour the glutinous rice into it, stir-fry evenly and stir-fry, not a lump and a lump. Then add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of pepper, a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, stir-fry evenly and then you can get out of the pot, put it out and put it into a bowl first;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

12, a little cool after a cold began to pinch, first grab a handful of sticky rice, and then group into a ball, the size is determined according to the size of the cabbage leaves, as long as the cabbage leaves can be wrapped;

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

13, after all the dough can start to pack, a piece of cabbage a round ball, with the tiger's mouth first squeezed inside, squeezed into the shape of a large and small gourd below, then tied up with celery stems, cute cloth bag shape is ready.

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

14, it looks like I want to taste it in particular, but this is not yet fully cooked, all wrapped up and tied up and put into the steamer basket again, the water can be boiled after 6 minutes on high heat, and the pot can be started.

Simple method zero failed glutinous rice dumplings

15, wow, really delicious! Looks like a cloth bag, tastes like roasted wheat, tastes fresh and soft, and is paired with cabbage leaves, and the taste is refreshing and not greasy. Cabbage means hundred fortunes, cloth bags mean lucky bags, meaning very beautiful, used to make New Year dishes is also very suitable!


Glutinous rice balls are a very nutritious dish, with the effect of warming the liver, tonifying the qi, strengthening the spleen and relieving diarrhea, but delicious can not eat more Oh, especially friends with a bad stomach, it is not recommended to eat too much glutinous rice and other foods at a time;

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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