
Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

author:Deng Haichun

In the history of our country, the Qin state is a rather inspirational country, which was originally a small country in the northwest frontier that was repeatedly despised and oppressed by the princes, but it finally calmed the world and completed the great unification. When it comes to the rise of the Qin State, changing the law is a rather critical element, and when it comes to the change of the Qin State, I believe that many people first think of Shang Martin, the leader of the change.

Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

As a Wei nobleman, Shang Martin originally served the State of Wei, but the King of Wei was unable to use his talents, so he turned to the thirsty Duke Xiaogong of Qin. With the support of Xiao Gong, Shang Martin implemented a drastic change of law, and soon achieved good results, so that the national strength and combat strength of the Qin State were greatly strengthened. However, after making great contributions, Shang Martin was charged with treason by Qin Xiaogong's successor, King Huiwen, and even sentenced to the punishment of car splitting. So, why did Shang Martin make a great contribution to leading the change of law, but in the end it ended up in such a miserable end?

When it comes to the death of Shang Martin, there are actually many reasons. First of all, the most direct reason is that Shang Martin had a conflict with King Huiwen and his henchmen, who had not yet succeeded to the throne at that time, in the process of changing the law. In order to make the new law more majestic, Shang Martin advocated the concept that "the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people", so he resolutely punished the prince who violated the law, that is, the future King Huiwen. Because he could not directly torture the prince, Shang Martin punished his teacher Gongzi Qian with a slitting sentence.

Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

After this incident, King Huiwen and Gongzi Qian naturally resented Shang Martin, so as soon as the former succeeded to the throne, he began to prepare to settle accounts with Shang Martin. Soon, King Huiwen ordered the pursuit of Shang Martin on the charge of treason, and Shang Martin naturally could not resist the powerful Qin army, so the soldiers were defeated and killed, and the body was tragically torn apart. Intuitively, in fact, Shang Martin's death was ostensibly because he had offended King Huiwen, Gongzi Qian, and others.

Broadening our horizons a little, we will find that shang martingale's miserable end is inextricably linked to his offense against the old nobles in the process of changing the law. Not only the punished King Huiwen and Gongzi Qian, but also many of the old nobles of the Qin State suffered losses of interests due to the change of law. In order to vent their anger and defend their interests, many nobles jointly falsely accused Shang Martin of rebellion after King Huiwen ascended the throne, which led to its later tragic end.

Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

The above is only the surface, and pushed to the root, shang martingale's death is nothing more than a drama that is often staged in history. After the Shang martingale presided over the reform of the law, the society of the Qin state was transformed, the living standards of the people were also improved, and even the land and officials that were firmly controlled by the nobles in the past became things that the commoners could reach. Therefore, the people all respected, appreciated, and loved shangmartin, and even reached the point where they knew the Shang Jun but did not know the Qin King.

Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

For a monarch as talented as King Huiwen, Shang Martin was indeed a rare talent, but he also really had a feared popularity, which could threaten his rule and make him feel a deep loss of face. As the king of a country, King Huiwen hoped that he was the most beloved person in the minds of the people, and was also worried that the excessive prestige of Shang Martin would make the Qin state change hands. Therefore, he chose to kill Shang Martingale. It is worth mentioning that compared with the Shang martingale, who was deeply loved by the people, Zhang Yi, who was relied on by King Huiwen of Qin, although he was also very capable and talented, was not much respected by the people. Perhaps, it is Zhang Yi's alternative "low profile" that allows him to be favored during the huiwen king period.

Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

In the end, Shang Martin's end was so miserable that he actually blamed himself. First, Shang Martin supported the harsh punishment law, believing that punishing evil is the best way to promote good, and torture can play a role in deterring evil villains. As a result, it was the car rift punishment that he did not abolish became his ultimate destination; second, Shang Martin implemented a strict household registration management system within the Qin state, so that he himself was wanted and wanted to escape and could not stay in the guest house.

Third, the state system established by the Shang martingale, although nominally "the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people", in fact it still served the monarch and the ruling class. In the system of "rule by law" advocated by Shang Martin, the monarch still had supreme authority, which is why King Huiwen could easily order the hunt for a heavy vassal who had contributed to the country and had not actually violated the law. In the society constructed by the Shang Martingale, the monarch still exercised privileges, and the people of the Qin State, despite their improvement in life, remained the king's slaves. It was precisely because of the many limitations of the Shang martingale transformation method that he was erased by King Huiwen soon after losing the support of Qin Xiaogong.

Shang Martin made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Qin State, but why did he end up with a car split?

In general, the fundamental reason why Shang Martin's final fate was so miserable was that he was deeply supported by the people, so he was hated by King Huiwen. Intuitively, Shang Martin's change of law touched the interests of the nobility, and his resolute law enforcement also caused real harm to King Huiwen and his teacher Gongzi Qian. Therefore, on the surface, Shang Martin's death was due to his grudge with the new monarch, his favorites, and the nobles, and he was killed in retaliation. Finally, Shang Martin's change was indeed progressive at the time, but there were many limitations, and it was these limitations that led to the possibility that he could be eliminated without resistance once he fell out of favor.

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