
Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

After Gong Zizhen's career was blocked, his heart was depressed, which also aroused his attachment to his hometown. So the poet decided to end his wandering life and return from the capital to his hometown where he had been separated for many years, to visit his relatives and friends who had been thinking about the twilight. After a long journey of two and a half months, Gong Zizhen finally returned to his hometown in Hangzhou.

When the elderly father meets the son of the distant journey; the wandering son who is frustrated by the eunuch, and the father who gives birth and educates himself, the scene of the intersection of sorrow and joy is really difficult to describe. His family told him that since receiving a letter from his family who had resigned from his post and returned to the south, his old father had leaned on the door several times a day to look at it. Gong Zizhen was extremely excited and felt extremely ashamed.

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

Caizi was busy receiving visits from relatives and friends for the first few days, and after a few days, he planned to go out to see the city of Hangzhou, which had changed a lot. It was the height of summer, and the rainstorm I was looking forward to had not arrived for a long time, but it was very suffocating. The vendors who sold melons and fruits could not arouse his interest; the cargo man with the rouge needle and thread was even more dismissive.

Gong Zizhen was strolling along the street, when he suddenly saw a book stall under a large willow tree with a thick hug, two empty boxes joined together, covered with a layer of butter cloth, and many books were arranged on the tarpaulin. There was not a single customer in front of the stall, and the book seller was reading with his back to the big willow tree.

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

Gong Zizhen felt a little curious, so he took a few steps and went to the book stall to browse through it, but he did not find the book he wanted to read. Frustrated, he was about to leave, but the boss got up to greet him. Caizi carefully looked at the boss, only to see that he was in his early twenties, his face was thin, but his face was full of Sven righteousness, and although he was worn, he was also clean.

Gong Zizhen saw at a glance that the boss had just read a copy of a poem, so he asked him to show it to himself. The other party then explained to him that this was a non-sale book, but just a poem and recorded notes that he usually copied after reading books.

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

On the contrary, the poet felt even more surprised, he did not expect that a book seller still liked poetry so much, and it also aroused his interest. So he asked the other party to copy the poem to him, and finally he couldn't wait, so he simply took it and looked at it himself. But after he opened it, he glanced at it, and he was startled, it turned out that the copied books were all his own miscellaneous poems.

The other party saw that the poet's expression was very severe, so he said that he had copied Gong Zizhen's poems, and the boss also said bitterly: "Mr. Gong lao has learned a lot of skills and is bent on saving the country and the people, but I recently heard that he was useless in the capital and had to resign and return to the south." Sir, what a world! Gong Zizhen listened to his story, and his heart was surging and it was really difficult to suppress for a while.

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

He could never have imagined that in his hometown there would be such a young man who knew him, such a poor book stall, who could actually impress the author's heart through a few poems. The poet hastened to tell the other party that he was the author of these poems.

Feeling a little like he was dreaming, the young man quickly rubbed his eyes and inquired carefully, until he was sure that he was the poet he had long admired, and then excitedly invited him to write a poem for himself. Gong Zizhen was also very excited, he did not hesitate, a little contemplation, a seven-piece poem has poured out of the pen:

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

Miscellaneous poems

Qing Dynasty: Gong Zizhen

When the children talk about the soldiers, the news is all to prevent the father from being shocked.

Lai is a good sentence of whipping, and only the name of the poem is circulated in the township.

The gist of the poem is that his sons and daughters like to talk about scripture papers, and even the maids can talk about poetry. But the poet has always kept these things hidden from everyone, because he is afraid of disturbing the fathers and elders of the villagers. It was only this time that when I left Beijing Yang Whip, I recited a few poems, and my hometown spread the reputation of writing poetry. Brahma, also known as Brahma, refers to the Buddhist book, which is extended here to poetry.

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story

Gong Zizhen wandered around the book stall and improvised a poem, but composed a good story. The author vividly depicts the respect of the people in his hometown for him, people have not yet arrived in Hangzhou, his poetry has returned to the hometown, how can the poet not be moved? Although he suffered a little setback in his career, compared with many poor people, he was lucky enough, and that little life bump was nothing at all.

Thinking like this, the poet suddenly felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, and he also realized that he should adjust the direction of creation, need to praise more of those simple and hard-working people, and face life and combine reality, rather than just chanting Gongzi Beauty and Wind and Snow Moon.

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