
Watch the chess magic words real temperament! Wang Runan, the two old presidents of the Chinese Chess Academy, and Hua Yigang met in the Tianyuan Tournament

author:Xinmin Evening News

Yesterday, the second game of the Chinese Go Tianyuan Battle Final, in the chess viewing room of the Tongli Tianyuan Cultural Garden, was very lively. Wang Runan and Hua Yigang, the two old presidents of the China Chess Academy, watched the chess and dismantled the chess pieces, and experienced a fierce fight with the two chess players for 5 and a half hours. Watching the two elders dismantle chess together, time seems to return to the time when the Tianyuan Tournament was founded, and the years pass, and the passion of the second elder for Go is not diminished.

Watch the chess magic words real temperament! Wang Runan, the two old presidents of the Chinese Chess Academy, and Hua Yigang met in the Tianyuan Tournament

Pictured: Wang Runan and Hua Yi just dismantled the chess Xinmin Evening News reporter Wang Kai

Speaking of history| the first edition has only 3 seeds

The challenger, Fan Yunruo from Shanghai, went down to the city first, and the second game Tianyuan lian laughed at the nine duans and fought a battle with white backs. Wang Runan rushed to Tongli from Pingxiang, Jiangxi, the first venue of this year's women's weijia, to serve as the chief referee for the second game of yesterday's Tianyuan final. 10 minutes after the landing, Wang Runan got up and left his seat, drank two sips of tea brewed before the game, and came to the chess viewing room next to the Tianyi Pavilion to place the chess pieces that Fan Yunruo and Lian Xiao had already played. Not long after, Hua Yigang also walked in. After finishing the CCTV TV fast chess game in Pinghu, Zhejiang Province, he rushed to Tongli a day early to serve as the chief referee of the first game. The two elders sat opposite each other, watching chess and dismantling chess, and the small chess viewing room seemed to return to the time of the first Tianyuan Tournament.

Elder Wang and Elder Hua are old friends of Tianyuan Sai. Although the schedule of the Go season is very full every year, the two still try to find time to care about the Tianyuan Tournament as much as possible. Wang Runan said: "Tongli Tianyuan Competition, I have come no less than 10 times. "The second old man is modest. Tianyuan Race, the two are the heroes behind the promotion. When the Tianyuan Tournament was founded 32 years ago, it was Hua Yigang, who was the leader of the national Go team at the time, who planned the tournament. The first China Tianyuan Tournament was held at the China-Japan Friendship Go Guild Hall, when Wang Runan served as the director of the Go Club. Yesterday in the chess room, Hua Yigang also corrected a statement that the first Tianyuan Tournament was not 4 seeded chess players: "At that time, it was discussed for a long time, and finally the 3 seeded chess players of Nie Weiping's nine dan, Ma Xiaochun's nine dan and Cao Dayuan's nine dan were preset, and the other chess player who finally entered the final four was Liu Xiaoguang's nine dan who broke out of the qualifiers. ”

Watch the chess magic words real temperament! Wang Runan, the two old presidents of the Chinese Chess Academy, and Hua Yigang met in the Tianyuan Tournament

Pictured: Hua Yigang presided over the 28th Tianyuan Tournament Guessing Ceremony Data Chart Zhou Guoqiang Photo

Telling jokes | Wang Runan becomes "Wang Hainan"

From the first Nie Ma Contending Feng to today's Lian Xiao Fan Yunruo fierce battle, the Tianyuan Tournament has reached the 33rd session, becoming the oldest news chess battle and Go title battle in China. Wang Runan and Hua Yigang, who have retreated to the second line, are still old habits, and they come to Tongli Ancient Town to taste tea and play chess. Yesterday, when the chess game was played, a high school senior broke into the chess viewing room and chatted that he was also an amateur five-dan Go enthusiast. The student mentioned that the dan certificate had the signature of "Wang Hainan", and Wang Runan was not angry at all after listening to it, but quipped: "Then your certificate may not be real." Not long after, a mother came to see Wang Runan with her child who was learning chess, and Elder Wang got up and walked to the table at the door and signed the child's certificate. As he signed, he asked the child, "Do you know who I am?" After hearing the child's accurate answer, he quipped: "Just now there is a big brother who is two heads taller than you. Hearing Elder Wang say this, everyone laughed.

Watch the chess magic words real temperament! Wang Runan, the two old presidents of the Chinese Chess Academy, and Hua Yigang met in the Tianyuan Tournament

Photo: At the 30th Tianyuan Competition, Wang Runan presented the award to Chen Yaoye Infographic Zhou Guoqiang Photo

Talking about the robbery| "Wang Lao robbery" really came

As the two chess players exchanged fire, in the chess viewing room, Wang Runan and Hua Disappeared in a leisurely posture, and the second elder leaned forward to the chessboard to analyze the pros and cons. Dismantling the chess pieces to the key point, the second elder also stood up. This passion attracted more and more chess friends watching the game next to them, and it was hilarious.

Fan Yunruo looked for robbery from the remnants that were eaten and lived on the left, and after the sticky robbery above, Xiao Fan detonated the "robbery in the robbery", and instantly became a mulberry field full of chaos. Seeing such an exciting game, Wang Runan and Hua Yigang's voices also rose, and the two had arguments around the robbery. It really corresponds to the chess player's moves, such as the robbery material proposed by Wang Runan, and someone on the side joked: "Wang Lao's robbery material has come, 'Wang Lao robbery'." Wang Runan responded with a smile: "'Wang Laoji', there will be a meal later." ”

Watch the chess magic words real temperament! Wang Runan, the two old presidents of the Chinese Chess Academy, and Hua Yigang met in the Tianyuan Tournament

Pictured: Wang Runan and Hua Yigang pay attention to the chess game Xinmin Evening News reporter Wang Kai photographed

Speaking of feelings| this is a wonderful game of chess

In the era of artificial intelligence, watching chess and dismantling chess will also refer to the wisdom of AI. On the side of the chess friends to open the real-time analysis of "absolute art", Wang Runan and Hua Yigang will carefully inquire. After reading the AI evaluation of the next few steps of chess, Hua Yigang pointed to the chessboard and Wang Runan and smiled: "I can also judge the situation on the side." But such a big place in the middle, I can't count it (artificial intelligence). ”

At the official stage, the situation was once subtle, and no one could tell how the chess game would end. Wang Runan got up again, turned to the opposite side and continued to play chess with a chess friend, who referred to another set of real-time analysis of AI "star arrays". Someone next to him quipped to him: "You can play chess with Elder Wang, your level has improved a lot." ”

In the end, Lian Xiao used the upper left corner to lay the foundation for the victory, fiercely fighting 276 hands, and Fan Yunruo stopped the clock and conceded defeat. At this moment, the second elder in the chess viewing room was relieved to see the time, which was close to 6 p.m. A wonderful chess game! When evaluating the second game of the Tianyuan War final, Wang Runan and Hua Yigang, who had sat for 5 and a half hours, did not see a trace of fatigue. The chess player sighed: "Look at Elder Wang, Elder Hua, the spirit of chess is still so good!" (Xinmin Evening News reporter Jin Lei Zhang Jiandong)