
Milan President: The mayor of Milan agrees to the plan for the new stadium, and Inter's economic situation is fine

author:Football donuts

Milan president Scaloni expressed optimism about the team and Inter's plans for a new stadium in an interview.

Milan President: The mayor of Milan agrees to the plan for the new stadium, and Inter's economic situation is fine

"If we can't build a modern new stadium, it will be difficult to continue to return to the top stage. It's been talking about it for at least two years, and on Monday we met with the mayor of Milan, Sara, and I felt good. ”

'The mayor agreed to our plan and we need new pitches to increase the team's revenue and also to help the team at the game level.

"I have received verbal assurances from Mr. Mayor that some details need to be confirmed, and we are optimistic about this and hope to start this plan as soon as possible."

'A lot has changed compared to two years ago, and the plan for the new stadium is to be joined together with the Milan government to ensure that all parties get what they need."

'The club needs a new stadium to compete at the highest level in Europe and I'm confident we'll finally come to an agreement."

Speaking about the current economic situation of rival Inter in the same city, Scaloni said: "The problem has not worsened, as far as I know, Inter's economic situation is not a problem, and this is not the focus of discussion at present. "#Inter#AC米兰 #

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