
2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

author:Lixiao cuisine

"White dew" is an important festival that reflects the growth of cold in nature, the arrival of white dew, that is, to tell everyone that due to the gradual cooling of the weather, the day has sunshine is still hot, the temperature drops quickly after the evening, and the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large. The most special thing about this year's white dew is that it is the same day as the first day of August in the lunar calendar. The old saying "Bailu is at the beginning of the moon, it must be sad in the coming year" means that if bailu meets the first day of August in the lunar calendar, it will indicate that the year of the second year will cause people to worry; mainly because there is also a folk saying that "the first day of August looks like the year". 2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

Ichigo: Millet

Recommended Recipes 【Millet Meatballs】

〖 Ingredient List 〗 Millet Coriander Green Pepper Red Pepper Egg Pork Scallion Ginger

Preparation Steps

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

1, prepare the appropriate amount of millet, according to the amount of family meals appropriately added, millet wash twice, and then put millet into a large bowl, add enough water, soak, millet as far as possible to choose sticky millet, so that it tastes better.

2, prepare a piece of pork, chopped into meat filling, to choose fat and lean pork, pure lean meat to eat is not fragrant, add onion and ginger together to chop into meat filling, put the meat filling into the bowl to season, add salt Chicken essence Egg raw soy Sauce Lao Wang oil consumption Corn starch Fully stirred evenly,

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

3, prepare a piece of lotus root, peel, cut into a thin lotus root slice, and then cut into thin strips, then chop it, the lotus root is chopped a little, chop well and put into the meat filling, fully stirred evenly. Stir well to form a ball.

4, millet has been soaked, bubble hair open, the meat stuffing into a ball, put into the millet rolling back and forth, evenly glued to the millet and put into the plate for later. Then put the plate in the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat and steam over medium heat for 30 minutes

5, now adjust a sauce, prepare a small bowl, add soy sauce Lao Wang, consume oil, slightly aged vinegar, put in salt, chicken essence, pepper, add some corn starch, stir well, then put it in the pot and boil, boil until thick, drizzle on the millet dough Delicious.

Two whites: winter melon

Recommended Recipes 【Cumin Winter Melon Slices】

〖 Ingredient List 〗 Winter melon flour Eggs Corn starch Pepper

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

1, prepare a winter melon, you can prepare a little more, winter melon rinsed clean, and then peel off the skin of the winter melon, after the winter melon peeled, rinse it, so that the winter melon will not stick to the hand, and then cut the winter melon into the same size of thin slices, thin and thick to the same, so that it is more delicious to eat.

2, after the winter melon slices are cut, put into the pot, add the right amount of flour, stir well, and then beat two eggs, eggs should be added according to the amount of winter melon. After that, stir the winter melon thoroughly.

3, after stirring evenly, start the pot to burn the oil, then put the winter melon into it and fry it, fry it until one side is browned, turn over and fry the other side, fry until both sides are browned, you can also hold it directly. Sprinkle with paprika pepper stir well and you can hold and eat.

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

4: Prepare a small bowl, add tomato paste, add sugar, edible salt, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, add some cornstarch, add the right amount of water, and stir well. Heat in a pan until thick, add the fried winter melon slices, drizzle with cooked sesame seeds and sprinkle with green onions.

Two whites: almonds

Recommended Recipes 【Almonds with Jam】

〖 Ingredient List 〗 Almonds Sesame Sugar or Rock Sugar

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

1, prepare half a bowl of almonds, if you prefer to eat almonds, you can prepare more in moderation. The almonds must be unshelled, rinsed the almonds, washed with clean water, and then set aside to dry naturally.

2, after the nuts are dried, wipe them with kitchen suction paper, so that you can clean up thoroughly, and then boil the oil, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, put in the almond nuts, low temperature frying, if the oil temperature is too high, it is easy to paste, just like fried peanut kernels, after frying into the dish naturally cool

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

3, put a little cooking oil in the pot, pour in the appropriate amount of white sugar, boil into sugar color, just like the same sugar color as the sweet potato, after burning, pour in the fried almonds, stir non-stop, and then sprinkle the cooked white sesame seeds, stir well, you can eat.

Three fruits: Guiyuan

Recommended Recipe 【Guiyuan Lamb Porridge】

〖 Ingredient List 〗 Guiyuan Lamb Onion Ginger Red Dates

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

1, prepare the ingredients, prepare a piece of lamb, first wash the lamb, put in the flour, and then put in some edible salt, so that the cleaning is cleaner, after the lamb is cleaned, the lamb is put into the pot, put in the onion and ginger into the = some cooking wine blanched water.

2: Heat the oil, stir-fry the shallots and ginger, stir-fry the shallots, stir-fry the lamb, stir-fry until the lamb is slightly white, and put the lamb on the plate.

3, just fried lamb into the casserole, and then put in the red dates and peeled cinnamon balls, and then put in the white kidney beans, white kidney beans to be soaked two hours in advance, and then put into boiled water, low heat to cook for 2 hours,

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

4, prepare the seasoning for boiling lamb, put in the star anise, coriander, cinnamon, etc. Soak in hot water for an hour, after soaking, pour the water into the lamb, and filter out the spices. After the lamb broth is cooked, add a little salt to the pot, and the delicious boiled lamb broth is ready.

Three fruits: pears

Recommended Recipes 【Pear Jelly】

〖 Ingredient List 〗 Pear Lemon White Cold Powder

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

1, prepare two pears, it is best to choose Sydney pear, more moisture, but also more delicious. First peel the pear, then cut into small pieces, prepare a piece of lemon, put it all into the wall breaker, and then pour in a little more water and beat into juice.

2: Put the beaten juice into the pot and add the rock sugar in the appropriate amount of cold powder. After the fire boils, turn the heat to a low heat, slowly boil, and simmer until it is blistering, you can turn off the heat.

3: Prepare a mold, put in the dried cranberries, then cover the lid, and then with the help of tools, pour the juice into the mold. Let it cool at room temperature. After setting the mold, prepare a plate and sprinkle it with the coconut, then pour the pear juice balls inside the mold into it.

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

Three fruits: grapes

The flowering period of grapes is in April-May, and the fruit period is usually in August-September, grapes are many small partners like the fruit, grapes are also the fruit that must be eaten by the white dew festival, grapes are very delicious to eat, nutrition is also very rich, water sugar is more. The advantages of grapes are particularly many, beautiful, fragrant, delicious, is the best in the fruit, can be eaten fresh and can be processed into a variety of products, such as wine, grape juice, raisins and so on.

2021 is not ordinary, the first day of August coincides with the White Dew Festival, eat six foods and avoid five things, and be in good health in autumn

After the white dew, the weather gradually becomes cooler, the weather is also particularly dry, autumn is the season of autumn fat, but also the season of health. After the white dew, the weather is getting colder and colder every day, and if you want to maintain health, there are 5 things that must be done well.

1, clothes morning and evening in time to add clothes,

2, food pay attention to nourish the lungs and dryness

3, live at night do not be greedy

4. Go out to exercise and combine dynamic and static

5. Prevent respiratory diseases

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