
Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

author:Beauty never prevails

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

Cold Blue

In 1396, that is, in the twenty-ninth year of Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, Beisheng Prefecture set up Lancangwei (present-day Yongsheng County), set up Tun Tun, and implemented the "Yu Bing in The Farmers", with "Ten Hundred Households" Tun Tian in Zhongzhou, with the increase of the population of "Juntun", "Mintun" and "Shangtun", its housing had to be built along the "sandbar", gradually forming a village. After years and months, in order to facilitate the tuntian military and civilians to "set up stalls and barter" on the spot, the "Zhongzhou City" was later formed, and the "Yin, Noon, and Shu" days were set to rush to the market.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

Zhongzhou is the rich place of Yongsheng "Biantun culture", and its handicraft industry is mainly based on simple tools in border areas, relying on manual labor and engaged in small-scale production. Until the beginning of the founding of New China, it was always integrated with agriculture and belonged to the cottage industry of the nature of peasant side business. Farmers process their own agricultural and sideline products as raw materials, or manufacture certain labor tools and daily utensils. In addition to meeting their own needs, their products are sold redundantly.

With the second great social division of labor, the handicraft industry of Yongsheng Zhongzhou, only a little separated from agriculture, formed an independent individual handicraft industry, which is characterized by the use of private means of production as a unit of one household, generally not employing workers or only assistants and apprentices who do auxiliary work, and taking their own manual labor as the main source of livelihood.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

After 1949, the Yongsheng handicrafts embarked on the road of socialist co-operation, and the handicraft industry was revitalized. The Zhongzhou handicraft industry belongs to the typical peasant side industry of cottage industry, most of which is "suspended" in the "rectification", and more practitioners have embarked on the "road of socialist co-operation" to "collective management". In 1982, the household contract responsibility system was implemented in rural land, and the handicraft industry, which was mainly collective, was once again transformed into "individual private operation". Some traditional handicrafts have been carried forward and innovated. Some traditional handicrafts, with the passage of time and the development and changes of the times, have been replaced by other emerging industries and their products, and the "workshop-style" handicraft industry has to withdraw from the stage of history.

The author's topic is "Dialogue on Some Handicraft Industries in Yongsheng Zhongzhou", with the aim of finding out what services the handicraft industry once provided for the economic development and daily life needs of the rural areas of Zhongzhou in the past.

1. Traditional workshops

(1) Winemaking

The process of producing alcohol containing a certain concentration using microbial fermentation. Zhongzhou's workshop winemaking, mainly liquor, mostly with starch-containing substances as raw materials, such as sorghum, corn, barley, wheat, rice, bowl beans, etc., the brewing process is roughly divided into two steps. The first is to use Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus aflex, etc. to decompose starch into sugars, called the saccharification process; the second step is to ferment glucose to produce alcohol by yeast. Its process flow: cooking material - spreading - adding wine koji - fermentation - steaming wine - receiving wine (wine quality control) - blending - filling. When loading, it should be operated in accordance with the principle of "stable, accurate, fine, uniform, thin and flat"; the steam should be operated in accordance with the principle of "two small and one large"; the steam should be operated in accordance with the principle of "medium wine flowing wine, atmospheric rear-end". The alcohol content of liquor is generally controlled at about 60 degrees.

Traditional steaming wine, put a large pig iron pot on the pot village, add an appropriate amount of water and wheat grass (as a partition pad) and pork bones (to remove the peculiar smell), built-in clay pot (closed, for more wine) or wooden steam (open, for dry wine, must be laid on the steaming spoon, to prevent wine leakage), after adding a fire in the pot village to boil the water in the large iron pot and make the water vapor in the cage overflow, add the wine collection and drainage pipe (usually bamboo), Place a pig iron cuspid pot on the cage and seal it with a sand cloth or towel along the perimeter, add cold water to the top iron pot of the cage, and change it at any time to keep the water temperature low, and continue to steam out the wine.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

During the distillation process, the liquor flows out, and the alcohol concentration of the first distillation is more than 80%, which is called "wine head", which slowly declines, and the alcohol concentration is called "wine tail" at 20% to 40%. Experienced winemakers can distinguish between "wine head" and "tail" when receiving wine. If the wine is tasted, it is divided when the taste is slightly sour to distinguish the quality of the wine. The wine is bounded by about 50 degrees, and the wine above and below 50 degrees is canned, sealed and set aside.

In order to make the wine uniform and consistent, to meet the taste of consumers, it is necessary to mix, mix different alcohol concentrations, fractional distillation, and vintage, as different proportions of blending, to seek the balance of color, aroma, taste, and then fill and store (mostly 6 months), so that the new wine spicy, after aging (let the wine body mature), remove the bad taste and improve the taste.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

In Zhongzhou, from the early Ming Dynasty to the middle of the Qing Dynasty, winemaking workshops mostly brewed liquor from corn and wheat. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, in addition to corn and wheat, winemaking workshops also used sorghum to brew liquor. In the Republic of China, the number of breweries increased. After the founding of New China, liquor was monopolized, and all liquor was transferred and supplied by foreign countries, except for the agricultural production cooperatives that processed a small amount of liquor for the state's commerce. From the 1960s to the 1970s, during the "Agricultural Village" movement set off across the country, villages in Zhongzhou asked for arable land from barren mountains in the foothills of Ruiguan Mountain, transformed chaoshi mountain into "terraces" of nearly 200 mu, and planted the "Taiwan Sugar" series of sugarcane. Under the dual pressure of tight grain and tight supply of liquor, the production teams used the slag skin of sugarcane squeezed sugar to make wine, which was called bagasse wine at that time, also known as "sweet slag wine", and distributed according to the number of household registration population.

At present, Zhongzhou Brewery has a century-old history, and there is only 1 leng family in Shangjie Village, which has been passed down for four generations. The fourth generation of Leng Jian and his wife, still in the winemaking industry, and in the original winemaking method, absorb advanced technology to purchase environmentally friendly kitchen utensils, from the original can only brew a single liquor of Bud Valley liquor, to the current can brew sorghum, barley, glutinous rice, buckwheat and other varieties of wine, can meet the different needs of the market.

Zhongzhou, in the past 10 years, has entered the private brewing industry, and there are only 2 households, Wang Songlin and Chen Wenhua.

(2) Clay pottery

After 1962, the production of clay pottery in Zhongzhou was established and gradually developed into a new industry.

Hu Kui, the ninth production team of Zhongzhou Xiajie Village, was once a backbone technical employee of Yongsheng Ceramics Factory, because his parents were old and his children were young, and his wife was difficult to maintain at home, so he had to choose to retire and return home to farm. In view of his familiarity with the techniques and operations of pottery production, at his initiative, a 2-warehouse pottery kiln was built in a collective manner. In that year, it increased the economic income of the ninth production team by more than 2,000 yuan.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

By 1964, the ninth and twelfth production teams were cooperatively operated. Tang Yuankui, the production team leader, is responsible for production and operation. The original 2-warehouse pottery kiln was expanded to 5 warehouses, and Li Yanqing, Liu Weihan, Huang Zhongwei, who had worked as workers in Yongsheng Ceramics Factory and had technical expertise, were hired to participate in the pottery making of the clay pottery factory, and constantly improved and innovated the specifications and styles of varieties, and the quality of all links was good. After rectification training, nearly 10 employees can operate independently on the car tray, laying a stable foundation for expanding production.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

In August 1966, the Zhongzhou Brigade's Vice Industry Joint Team was established, and the production of clay pottery was merged into the management of the Sideline Team. After that, the scale of production was expanded, and the number of operators increased to more than 20 people. Deng Liangying, director of the wing, and Li Lin, an accountant, personally visited and studied a pottery factory in Jianshui County, Honghe Prefecture, thousands of miles away. Subsequently, Li Yanqing, who was skilled and had a strong sense of responsibility, was sent to the factory to study for 3 months. After Li Yanqing returned, he built a new pottery kiln with 9 warehouses connected into a line, and the pottery kiln was covered with a large tile house that could cover the entire kiln, and the structure, facilities, warehouse doors, and fire caves of the kilns were greatly improved. Tang Yuankui asked Zhao Zirong, the deputy county magistrate in charge of agriculture, to reflect on the production of pottery pots in Zhongzhou, and with his consent, introduced a multi-functional pedal reel machine (which can make model samples of various styles and sizes), which greatly improved the production speed of pottery products. The net income of the year reached more than 20,000 yuan. As of 1982, the total net income amounted to 3.48 million yuan.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

Zhongzhou produces pottery products, with complete varieties, fine craftsmanship, gorgeous appearance and durability. After the products are baked, all the genuine products are purchased and sold by the supply and marketing cooperatives, and the defective products are repaired by the joint team and sold at a reduced price in the market. Its products are not only sold to all parts of the province, but also exported to India, Myanmar and so on.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

The types of ceramic products in Zhongzhou are all-encompassing for families. There are large and medium-sized clay pots that can flood 300 kilograms of meat and 50 to 100 kilograms of wine (water), medium and small diameter wine tanks; large, medium, and small pushui altars (also known as pickle altars) for brewing various vegetables; large and medium-sized tea pots and medicine pots; medium and small caliber oil pots; large, medium, and small altar jars that can be made of spicy ginseng, liver flower sauce, and wheat sauce. There are also small and medium-sized round mouth altars that can hold salt and pepper noodles of small caliber; various types of hot pots, clay pots, sweat chicken bowls, flower pots, etc.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

By 1982, the production of clay pottery products had been transformed into a self-employed business. Self-employed people include: Deng Liangwu, Li Haoming, Qin Peirong, Liu Runan, Tang Jiahong, Liu Liping, who built their own pottery kilns, used their homes as factories, and are still engaged in the production and firing of clay pottery to serve the society. At present, Tang Jiahong, the grandson of Hu Kui, is the representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Yongsheng County.

Second, the production of grass smoke

Zhongzhou cigarettes: In Zhongzhou, "grass tobacco" is processed into "cigarettes", which has a history of nearly 80 years. Most of the markets for wrapping and packaging "grass smoke" in Sanchuanba, the county and even neighboring counties are in short supply. Smokers inside and outside the prefecture have called it "famous and local tobacco".

In our country, the smoking customs that have persisted for thousands of years have influenced generations of people. Especially in the vast rural areas, nearly 60% of adult men have a habit of smoking. Some underage boys regard smoking as a fashion, so they often "steal" a few mouthfuls, and after several repetitions, they are "addicted to the mouth", and then they become "open-faced" smokers. In many ethnic areas, both men and women suck. For example, the Lisu people, smoking is not distinguished between men and women and young and old, if you do things to them, go to their homes to spread cigarettes, it is best for everyone to pass on one, otherwise, you have the suspicion of neglect, the work is not so sharp.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

In the old days, people smoked by crushing tobacco leaves, putting them into pipes (also known as smoke pots), lighting fires and smoking, "inhaling" into the lungs, and spitting out by "exhaling". The Zhongzhou people wrapped grass tobacco leaves into sticks and then packaged them into bags, so that smokers did not have the inconvenience of carrying pipes. Once Zhongzhou cigarettes are listed, they are very popular with smokers, especially those with a longer "smoking age", they believe that Zhongzhou cigarettes, the smoke taste is delicious, a cigarette should be divided into 2 times, or 3 times to smoke, both convenient and "addictive".

There are four reasons why Zhongzhou cigarettes are approved and praised by smokers on the market. The first is the tobacco leaves of cigarettes, using old varieties of grass tobacco grown in Xingwen Sheep House (now Wenxiang). Because of the unique characteristics of the local soil in Xingwen, the grass smoke produced has a pure and fragrant taste, without acid, bitterness and astringency. The second is to put the rolled grass smoke first in the "old water" (old water, is the tobacco tendon, tobacco bone and liquor after a long time in the wood and ceramic water tank brewed) soaked for about 3 hours, the rolled tobacco leaves, every day to soak in the old water tank, over time, the smoke concentration in the old water tank is getting higher and higher, improve the quality of the smoke, and the liquor can eliminate the odor, (liquor, at least 1 time every half a month). The third is to add spices to cigarettes in moderation, and commonly used spices are cinnamon, mindan and perfume. Dissolve the cinnamon bark and the mindan research or dissolve the perfume liquid, mix it in an appropriate amount into the tobacco leaves, spray it with white wine and stir it well, and then wrap it into a branch of grass tobacco with the "foreskin" made of tobacco leaves. Fourth, cigarettes are all manual work, one by one wrapped out. The thickness and size of the cigarette are required to be consistent, and the key is to pay attention to the word "smooth". Otherwise, when you smoke, you will not pick up the fire (extinguish the fire), or you will not be able to smoke it, which will affect your reputation.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

The tobacco-wrapped production of the Zhongzhou people began in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and reached its peak on the eve of liberation, with nearly 20 peasant households wrapped in tobacco. Cigarettes are mainly sold to markets throughout the prefecture. Taking Jinguan Street as an example, on the day of the street, the four shops in front of the Pi family on the east side of the Jinguan Cross Street entrance to the corridor aisle line are about 30 meters long, all of which are stalls for Zhongzhou people to sell cigarettes, and the cigarettes sold on the market side of each street market can be sold out.

In the past, due to the blockage of traffic, coupled with the extreme lack of materials, the price of domestic cigarettes was expensive, and only a very small number of people from wealthy families could afford to buy them, and the vast majority of smokers could only use local materials according to local conditions and use "pipes" to install cigarettes and light them. In view of the fact that carrying pipes, cigarette bags and lighting utensils, etc., it is very "redundant", which has spawned a convenient "cigarette" to ask the market. And Zhongzhou is also a place where the horse gangs in Lijiang, Zhongdian and other places often come and go, and they often have to buy a few Zhongzhou cigarettes to take home. Some merchants have also brought Zhongzhou cigarettes to some markets inside and outside the county to sell, which has undoubtedly increased the popularity of Zhongzhou cigarettes. They are "intermediaries" and intermediaries, and their participation has expanded the export channels of Middle-earth cigarettes.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Liangguan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives concentrated the centralized purchase of grass tobacco produced in Xingwen, Siwei and other places to the Zhongzhou Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and the Zhongzhou Sideline Industry United Team wrapped them into cigarettes and sold them to the supply and marketing cooperatives. To this end, the Zhongzhou Sideline Industry United Team organized the industry personnel who had been wrapped in cigarettes, and a professional team of about 15 people specialized in cigarette production, only until the tobacco leaves were wrapped every year. Wrapped year after year, the supply and marketing cooperatives never had a backlog, and they can sell out in a short period of time. It not only satisfies the needs of society, but also adds a considerable income to the collective economy of Middle-earth every year.

The people in Zhongzhou are basically concentrated in the streets. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the origin was from a person from Sichuan who came to Yongsheng to set up a stall and do business, named Li Yunshan. He lived in Zhongzhou on the street for a long time, settled in the Liu family, saw that there were grass cigarettes for sale in the market, the tobacco leaves were wide and slightly longer, after trying, it was better than the grass smoke in his hometown of Sichuan, but he did not see cigarettes for sale in the market. Therefore, Li Yunshan "sprouted" in his heart to "dedicate" the tobacco wrapping technology work passed down to him by his ancestors (in fact, to thank the Liu family for letting him settle down), and to make up for the lack of market demand. His idea was appreciated and supported by the head of the household, who expressed his willingness to learn technology from him, and the workshop was set up on the second floor of the Liu family, and was signed up by Wang, Tang, Ding, Liu, Shen and other households. Under the teaching of Li Yunshan, the combination of learning and application, after a period of training and on-site operation, the first batch of cigarettes wrapped in rolls were packaged and listed, so that the benefits of grass tobacco itself have been further exerted, and it has also increased a lot of income for its owners. Fame and fortune were accepted, and cigarettes officially kicked off in Middle-earth. Relying on cigarettes to support their families, the number of farmers wrapped in cigarettes has gradually increased. After the founding of New China to 1955, there were more than 20 households in the cigarette, each family has made a cigarette engraved with their own name "brand", such as peony card, Yufeng brand, rooster brand, Meihua brand, etc., to distinguish and display the quality and credibility of each cigarette, in the competition to seek consumer satisfaction, increase its sales, income.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

The cigarette smoker Wan Chongren's family has found another way to process the rolled grass tobacco into square tobacco, which is unique. His family specially made hundreds of thin iron "clips" of homemade square cigarettes, put the rolled cigarettes in the clips, tied them tightly with two square hoops, dried them, and then withdrew the hoops, and the square smoke was ready. The sale price is one-third higher than the others, which is quite satisfactory to customers.

After 1955, grass tobacco in Xingwen and other places was purchased by supply and marketing cooperatives, and production cooperatives were generally established in rural areas. Labor was concentrated on agricultural production and water conservancy project construction, and most of the tobacco-wrapped farmers stopped producing cigarettes, and a few households only intermittently wrapped them. During the period of "cutting the tail of capitalism", individual cigarettes were completely terminated, and after the market was "invigorated and liberalized", some peasant households regrouped. So far, the demand for cigarettes in Zhongzhou is still in short supply.

Third, textiles

In the Republic of China period before the founding of New China, Yongsheng's textile handicraft production was rapidly popularized in the township streets with dense population and rapid economic development. Most of the cotton cloth sold on the market is self-spun, which not only meets the needs of the local people, but also exports to foreign markets. Horse gangs walking on the Tea Horse Ancient Road, driving raw materials such as cotton yarn from Xiangyun, Xiaguan, Dali and other places to supply producers everywhere. At that time, there were only more than a thousand people in the border ancient town - Zhongzhou, and its handmade textile production was developed rapidly according to the geographical advantage and the convenience of transportation.

Textile production in Zhongzhou Shangjie has Wang Hao and Wang Fu brothers, each with 3 looms; the lower street has Feng Junchen and Hu Kui 2 households, each with 4 looms. A total of 4 weaving households in Zhongzhou, in addition to the loom, also have spinning wheels and all accessories and equipment, they all use the family house as a textile venue, and the number of employees in each family is about 15 people.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

The cloth sold in the market, at that time, there was a saying in the folk: "The Qingyi cloth of the southern piece and the Shenjia cloth of the northern piece are deeply satisfied by the masses, the cloth is thick and tight, and the color is bright and correct." "In Zhongzhou, the fabrics produced by the Wang family are exquisite, of high quality and costly. The Feng and Hu families, together with Jinguan Textile and the well-known owner Tan Bizheng and the Shahe textile owner Shen family, are in-laws and brothers-in-law, all of which are cared for by the Shen family, and the fabric is never inferior to other families. The dyed fabric has a variety of colors such as black, dark blue, light blue, etc., which do not fade for a long time, especially the light water blue cloth is very popular with women.

The cloth produced by Zhongzhou is long strips, measured in "pieces" and "widths". When selling fabrics, you never use a ruler to measure them. As we all know, in terms of "pieces", each piece of cloth is one foot long and 3 inches wide. If the "width" is used, it is a picture that folds diagonally into a square with the width of the cloth. One piece of fabric can be sewn into 1 set of pants.

In 1956, after the founding of New China, with the establishment of the high-level agricultural production cooperative, in order to increase the collective income, the Zhongzhou Township Party Branch combined textiles, building repairs, silkworm farming, cigarettes, agricultural tool processing and some workshops to unify leadership and management, Zhang Yuejun served as the leader to grasp the operation and management, Li Zhengming was appointed as the accountant responsible for the accounts and financial management, and the practitioners were concentrated in the Sanguan Temple of the township office, giving them work points and participating in the year-end dividends. Textile industry includes Wang Zhiping, Tan Yuqin, Hu Zhi, Shen Fuzhao and others. Until the climax of the "Great Leap Forward" in 1959, due to the shortage of labor, it was closed and the textile machine was brought back by each family. After that, with the development of China's light industry and the general supply of textiles in the rural supply and marketing market, Zhongzhou's textiles also pressed the termination button.

Fourth, civil building materials

(1) Stone

In the countryside, when building houses and walls, they must use stones to build stone feet, and the rubble should be leveled on the ground. Before the founding of New China, Zhongzhou was more than the qiaotou river, which was planed with stones and driven back with livestock. After the founding of New China, the method of "opening stones" was mostly used, or explosives were used to explode stones. It is then transported back by trolley, or carriage or walk-behind tractor (including small four-wheelers). The location is in the eastern foothills of Ruiguan Mountain, where the foundation of the house is paved and stoned, and the foundation of the house is more than a stonemason and other planers, and the odd jobs of transporting stones are invited. As a result, there are more than 10 households in Zhongzhou, in the foothills of Ruiguan Mountain specially opened a stone farm, engaged in the excavation, excavation and sale of stone, until in recent years, the national "ecological governance" work was fully launched, only to shut down the stone yard, Yongsheng in the county-wide sub-regional fixed point to retain the transformation of the environment to meet the standards of several enterprises to supply the construction of stone.

(2) Bricks and tiles

Clay firing. Bricks are mostly used for brick and wood or brick-concrete structure housing, or business buildings. Fired bricks, mainly green bricks, followed by red bricks. Tiles, mostly used in private houses. Before the 1980s, the houses in the vast rural areas were almost earthen wall tile roofs, and even the public housing built by the organs was mostly earthen wall tile roofs. Fired tiles are divided into cylinder tiles, plate tiles, prints, hook-headed tiles, lace hanging eaves tiles, ridge pressure nuts, tile cats and so on.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry
Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

(3) Lime

It is fired with limestone. In the era when cement was not yet available and scarce, lime was the support grout for building tiles, repairing, painting, bridges, culverts, ditches and baokans, etc., and was also an indispensable raw material for the leveling of the land in Sanhe.

From 1970 to 1975, four natural production teams in Zhongzhou built seven brick kilns, and the brigade also built two lime kilns. Brick kilns and lime kilns, produced as side businesses, are operated collectively. After the implementation of the responsibility for land co-production contracting to households, individual farmers also operated brick kilns and lime kilns. Later, it was discontinued due to difficulties in hiring skilled workers (most of whom went to other cities to work).

Fifth, agricultural tool processing

(1) Iron products

The processing of production and daily necessities in Zhongzhou has a long history. There are hoes, planing hoes, strip hoes, rakes, nail grasps, iron tooth rakes, fire tongs, iron scoops, spoons, spatulas, sickles, axes, two digging, chopping knives, chopping knives, horseshoes, horse nails, cast iron production (such as ploughs), some construction bed nails, etc. The iron tools that are built like grappling nails are deeply loved by the people of Sanchuanba. Later, the Zhongzhou people used galvanized iron sheet to process large basins, iron barrels, chimney pipes, downspouts, funnels, etc., and sold them in the markets of Jinguan and Liangguan, and the sales were very good.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

(2) Bamboo grass products

The bamboo utensils made by the Zhongzhou people with bamboo include sieves, large basket sieves, large (small) dustpans, rice baskets, funnels, bowls, reclining mats, straw hats, dung baskets, pickles, fine baskets, fences, bucket baskets, trenches, chicken covers, tons, back baskets, straw baskets, bamboo brush handles, bamboo roofs, bamboo roofs, and folding baskets. Grass products include grass mounds and curtains, straw mats, straw hats, straw shoes and straw ropes. Farmers who process bamboo and grass products, their products are mainly sold in the county town and the Jinguan and Liangguan markets.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

(3) Wood products

1, housing components: Zhongzhou since ancient times to live in the house, the vast majority of people are buildings, all are wooden components, only the outer wall of the house is the earthen wall or earth foundation (earth brick) support, commonly known as "silver gold", so Zhongzhou local carpenters, can carve beams and paint buildings, can be installed and decorated.

2, wood carving products: the production of products are carved flower windows, carved partition doors, eight immortals table, Taishi chair, large tsubaki stool, incense case, pillar pair, plaque and so on.

3, general wood products: there are buckets, wooden barrels, water tanks, koshiki, pipes, mules, horses and donkeys used shelves, saddles, various wooden boxes, lang cabinets, flat barrels, large cabinets, benches, tables, large wardrobes, etc.

Yuan Guan Village in Zhongzhou once made wooden paper umbrellas for sale. The most prosperous period for Middle-earth carpenters was the establishment of the Brigade Sideline Brigade, that is, from 1966 to 1985, with a lot of work, high income and good treatment.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

Sixth, the life service industry

(1) Leather processing

If there is a leather trade, someone will do leather processing. Zhongzhou leather processing, mostly soil leather, practitioners are divided into kneading skin peeling, processing and sewing two. Products include leather ropes (leather strips), leather pockets, rye, sheepskin coats, dog skin mattresses, belts and so on.

The cobblers of Nakasu Village used to process leather shoes, leather bags, etc.

(2) Cloth shoe processing

In the past, Zhongzhou people "blind date", in addition to looks, but also have to see whether the needlework of the woman who is in the picture is good or not, and whether she will make cloth shoes. It can be seen that making cloth shoes is a yardstick to measure a woman's skill and ingenuity.

The product style of Zhongzhou cloth shoes: If divided by the sole, there are thousand layered bottom cloth shoes, raw bottom cloth shoes, hanging bottom cloth shoes, and semi-hanging bottom cloth shoes. If the upper opening is divided, there are scissors mouth cloth shoes, round mouth cloth shoes, square mouth cloth shoes. Among them, square cloth shoes are divided into two types: tripping and tripless (for women's cloth shoes). The upper of the shoe is embroidered, called embroidered shoes. With the development of the times, the cloth sole gradually became fashionable rubber sole, that is, the upper made of cloth was included on the special rubber sole.

Zhongzhou people make cloth shoes, first "Na bottom", the cloth is pasted with a mask to make a layer of "hard cloth shell", lofting (set "shoe sample"), cut and wrapped in a new layer of white cloth, after that, using a thimble, a needle and a thread will run through the hard cloth, densely sewn firmly.

Do a good job of the sole, according to the corresponding cloth, with green cloth, lamp grass velvet and other cuts, pay attention to the upper will be embroidered on the flowers, swallows, insect fish and other patterns. After molding, the shoes should be filled with wooden blocks of the corresponding size and shape and then supported by small wooden wedges, and after 1 to 2 days, the filled wooden blocks are removed so that the cloth shoes are full and do not pinch the feet.

Before the 1970s, Middle-continent people got married, and cloth shoes were indispensable. When the bride passes through the door, each adult in the man's family is given a pair of cloth shoes. On the wedding day, the groom wears new shoes with "raw bottoms" and the bride wears embroidered cloth shoes.

Due to the time-consuming and laborious processing of cloth shoes, the workshop only undertakes lofting, embroidery, and supersole (the upper and sole are sewn with the upper line). After the brigade sideline joint team set up a sewing society, and purchased a sewing machine, began to process the upper, and purchased a different size of rubber soles, the masses were liberated from the homemade cloth shoes, the sewing society processing cloth shoes are very recognized, affordable and convenient, just need to customize the money, three or five days can pick up the goods.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

(3) Cotton wool processing

Lay the warp on the wide board, the weft line, lay the new cotton, or the old cotton, shoulder the shoulder to hold the bow string rhythmic cotton, so that it is bounced to soft, uniform, and then, and then the twisted warp, weft on the net, lock the edge, a bed of bubble loose cotton wool is made, this is the traditional cotton process.

The cotton wool produced in Zhongzhou has a dense mesh and tight lock edges, which is very popular with the people of the local and neighboring villages. Cottonsmith Zhang Yanggao, he returned from studying in other places, became the backbone of the sewing society cotton wool processing, he took 2 employees to work, in addition to cotton wool processing, but also process pillow cores, cotton creeds.

Since the 1960s, Zhongzhou's cotton wool processing has been processing cotton wool for Jinguan and Liangguanji (supply and marketing cooperatives). At present, there are still individual cotton wool, quilts, silk quilts processing.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

(4) Garment processing

Zhongzhou, without other ethnic groups, is all Han Chinese. Everyone has a basic consensus - they identify themselves as descendants of "Yi niang han laozi", that is, the Han people of "Yi and Han fusion". In the final analysis, Zhongzhou Village was a village built on the Sandbar of Sanchuan during the Hongwu Period of the Ming Dynasty, and then the command post of the entire Sanchuan "Tuntian", which integrated military, political, economic and cultural integration at that time. The "Tunbian Tuntian" soldiers came from the Central Plains (Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Nanjing, etc.), and to gain a foothold, they needed to marry a wife, and the natives of Beisheng Prefecture (Yongsheng) at that time were mostly "Yiren" (called "Barbarians" by the Central Plains), which constituted the basic fact. In terms of clothing, the traditional costume of the Middle-aged people is that men wear long shirts, horse coats, pants for large waist, large pants tube crotch pants; women wear large-faced plackets (the face hem is long, covering the knees), pants are small waist and small pants tube crotch pants, waistband large placket, the placket is tied with a white cloth embroidered "streamer", wearing a women's cloth hat and a turban bib, and girls wear sister clothes (the face is long and covers the waist). The color of the clothes and pants, mostly black, blue and blue, and the white cloth is mostly matched (trouser waist, pocket, streamer, inner lining of the clothes, etc.), which is somewhat similar to the current Yi branch of Yongsheng - the clothing he left behind.

Zhongzhou garment processing, between the Ming Dynasty and the founding of New China, was hand-sewn. By June 1966, Zhou Rukang and others engaged in the processing of mechanical clothing were drawn by the Zhongzhou Sideline Joint Team, and at the same time, 5 people including Xiang Maoting were drawn, together with their "Shanghai brand" sewing machine, Peng Shoushan served as the leader of the Zhongzhou Sewing Society, and there were 4 sewing technicians drawn from various production teams. For the Liangguan Ji Society and jinguan ji she for clothing processing, while undertaking Zhongzhou and neighboring villages garment processing business, clothing is mostly traditional, with the development of the times, fabrics and colors increased, processing clothing styles also increased, there are student clothing, all kinds of children's clothing, Zhongshan clothing, Tang clothing, all kinds of shirts, etc., until August 1982 disbanded. Later, garment processing turned to self-employment.

(5) Silverware processing

Before the 1970s, Zhongzhou silverware processors included Zhao Shangqing and Zhao Meizhang, which were heirloom silversmiths, mainly making silver bracelets, silver earrings, silver rings, silver locks and silver fish on hats, silver bodhisattvas, etc., and also doing the popular furniture trim, hooping and other crafts.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

(6) Other processing

Such as mung bean sprout processing; tofu processing; sugar water and maltose processing, etc., these family workshop processing, not only to solve their own employment, but also convenient for villagers to buy.

Looking back at the Mikawa Nakasu handicraft industry

Author: Leng Bi

Source: Yongsheng County Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Image: Beauty never wins

Platform Editor: Huazi

Review: Xiong Jinjiang