
The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

author:History is long

On the evening of the second day of the eighth lunar month in 1948, Deng Huizhong returned home in makeup and told everyone in a fiery manner that Deng Cheng, the second eldest, had been arrested and was being severely tortured in prison.

Sure enough, at more than 8 o'clock that night, someone knocked on the door urgently outside, and the little daughter Deng Yeyun asked what was it for? The knocker said it was an inventory of the household registration.

Deng Huizhong knew that he must have come to arrest her, and after repeated instructions, he jumped out of the window and fled, and when Deng Yeyun opened the door, he rushed in at once more than a dozen Kuomintang military policemen and searched them, but he did not see Deng Huizhong and arrested Deng Huizhong's family.

Among them were Deng Huizhong's eldest, Deng Yejia, the second eldest's fiancée, Zhang Shuzhen, and the younger daughter, Deng Yeyun, all of whom were then imprisoned.

On the second night of imprisonment, the enemy summoned Deng Yeyun to interrogate her, put a gun on her back, passed through the Hessen trail, and walked to the Senate that was once behind the county gate.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

As soon as Deng Yeyun entered the door, she heard a scream, which was the voice of her mother Deng Huizhong, and then she learned that her mother had also been arrested.

Seeing that her mother was tortured, Deng Yeyun desperately rushed inside, trying to protect her mother, but at that time, Deng Yeyun was very young, and she was suddenly caught by a big hand of the enemy, and no matter how hard Deng Yeyun tried, she could not break free, and then she was pushed into a room next door.

After a while, Deng Yeyun was taken to the room where deng Huizhong was executed, and the only person on trial this time was Deng Yeyun.

The enemy interrogated Deng Yeyun and asked her who had come to her family, and Deng Yeyun, according to her mother's instructions the night before, said that she had only come to her uncle and aunt, and the second brother went to her aunt's house to celebrate her birthday.

The enemy said that she was not honest, so he began to torture, using chopsticks to clamp her fingers hard, wanting Deng Yeyun to confess, Deng Yeyun clenched his teeth and did not say anything.

When an enemy saw that he could not ask anything, he threw the gun on the table and shouted, "Pull it down and shoot her mother and brother together!" ”

It turned out that the enemy wanted to threaten Deng Yeyun with death, but Deng Yeyun remembered her mother's teachings and did not say anything, and the enemy could only send her back.

One morning a few days later, two enemies escorted her here again, and as soon as she entered the door, she met her mother Deng Huizhong, who was missing day and night. In just a few days, she had been tortured to the point of no return, her hair was white, and she was much older, but her eyes were still full of spirit, without the slightest fear.

Deng Yeyun threw herself into her mother's arms and cried, and her mother touched her back with her hand and said softly: "Yun'er, don't cry, raise your head..."

The enemy said that he was going to transfer her and her mother to another place and asked her if she was going.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

The so-called other place should refer to another world, and before Deng Yeyun could reply, Deng Huizhong shouted, "She is still a child, she doesn't know anything, so she doesn't have to."

The enemy also seemed to have some scruples, so he pushed Deng Yeyun out, and what Deng Huizhong wanted to say was stopped by the enemy, which was the last time Deng Yeyun saw his mother.

"That afternoon, a soldier in charge of the prison quietly handed me a note, written by my mother, who said that the cotton clothes had been prepared for me by my cousin, and there was no need to worry about winter this year. He also told me to live well and study well..."

Many years later, Deng Yeyun recalled his mother, Deng Huizhong, and the scene of separation in prison was like engraved in his mind, never fading.

When it comes to Deng Huizhong, it is estimated that many people do not understand, but when it comes to the two-gun old woman in "Red Rock", I think everyone is clear.

As a classic revolutionary novel, in the 60s of the last century, god-like works influenced generations after publication, and the characters created in the book also became the topic of discussion among the common people.

In fact, there are some, such as Jiang Xueqin's prototype Jiang Zhujun (Jiang Jie), Hua Ziliang's prototype Han Zidong, and the prototype song Zhenzhong of the small radish head, all of which are real.

There has been much controversy about the prototype of the most legendary character in the novel, the two-gun old woman, and later Yang Yiyan, one of the authors of "Red Rock", said that there are three prototypes of the image of the "two-gun old woman", namely Deng Huizhong, Liu Longhua, and Chen Lianshi.

All three of them were communists, and they all participated in and commanded many uprisings and armed struggles in the Huayingshan area, and if we really wanted to find out the difference, it was that Deng Huizhong was arrested and sacrificed, while Liu Longhua and Chen Lianshi fought hard until the victory of the revolution.

If only from the image point of view, there is no doubt that Deng Huizhong is closer to the appearance of the "two-gun old woman", we all know that the classic image of the "double-gun old woman" is an old-fashioned woman with a foot-binding, good at using two pistols.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

Deng Huizhong, whose original name was Zhang Huizhong, was born in 1904 in Zhangjiawan, Changtan Temple, outside Yuechi County, Sichuan, when the society was very serious, and women were oppressed by feudal ideas.

For example, Deng Hui has three older brothers, after reaching the age, they all went to study, only deng Huizhong grew up, the family did not agree with her to read, which made Deng Huizhong very helpless, but she did not give up the desire for knowledge, after the brothers came home from school, she stayed by their side and taught herself to read and write.

Gradually, Deng Huizhong became self-conscious and did not want to be oppressed by feudal thought anymore, and when she was very young, her grandmother would wrap her feet.

On the issue of foot binding, Deng Huizhong fought strongly with her grandmother, often after her grandmother wrapped it, she untied it in the middle of the night, and then her grandmother's foot binding plan failed.

Deng Huizhong, who failed to wrap her feet, was sometimes taken by her mother to visit other people's homes, and whenever Deng Huizhong showed her "big feet", others would laugh at her, but Deng Huizhong did not care.

Of course, the early process of foot binding also caused a certain degree of damage to Deng Huizhong's foot, and later when she participated in the revolution, walking always gave people the feeling of jumping and jumping, and for a long time, people said that she was "Scud".

Of course, to say that Deng Huizhong is the prototype of the "two-gun old woman", it is naturally inseparable from the double gun.

In 1948, when the superior party sent her to guide the work of the underground party branch in Yuexi, the branch gave her a pistol, and she was overjoyed and loved it.

Later, the superior leader issued a pistol to her, during this time Deng Huizhong had two guns, which is the origin of the title of "two-gun old woman", in fact, Deng Huizhong was not yet 50 years old at the time, but at that time, people looked old, less than 50 years old became an old woman.

Deng Huizhong herself did not mind, and later she made a double gun in front of outsiders and said "how is my double-gun old woman", "double-gun old lady" is so famous, but according to Deng Yeyun's recollection, Deng Huizhong's marksmanship is general, not as accurate as a hundred shots and a hundred shots, "Red Rock" is a novel after all, and the two-gun old lady's gun method should be the prototype of other characters.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

With the development of the guerrilla force, more than a dozen fighters were added to the squad, and none of them had guns, so Deng Huizhong led the fighters to the landlord's old rich man's house to borrow it.

Seeing that Deng Huizhong had a large number of people, the landlords and rich people also had to borrow, but there were also times when it did not work, and once a landlord was very angry about their borrowing of guns, and threatened Deng Huizhong that he would go to the township office to report that they had robbed guns.

Deng Huizhong didn't care, and told the landlord Lao Cai: "If you don't report it, you really have to report it, I'm afraid it's also to find trouble for yourself, and it's strange that a few grandfathers in the township office don't take the opportunity to knock you!" ”

When the landlord Lao Cai heard this, it was really this truth, the guerrillas just took a few guns with him, really wanted to call the people from the township office, and did not want him to "a layer of skin", and finally had to say to Deng Huizhong: "Or your two-gun old lady is strong!" ”

Later, Deng Huizhong led the guerrillas to beat the enemy to the ground in a battle, and because he held a double gun, the name of "two-gun old woman" gradually spread.

However, such an "old revolutionary", after the sacrifice of the slag hole, due to incomplete information, did not examine and approve the identity of the martyr, did not make qualitative treatment, and even sometimes suffered criticism, and some people believe that Deng Huizhong defected in prison.

It was not until 1983, under the review of relevant departments, that Comrade Deng Huizhong was posthumously recognized as a martyr.

On November 23, 1983, Deng Yeyun received an invitation to attend the 34th anniversary of the martyrdom of the people from all walks of life in Chongqing, and Deng Yeyun rushed to Chongqing with an excited mood.

In Chongqing, Deng Yeyun received organizational care and met Yang Yiyan, one of the authors of "Red Rock", and Han Zidong, the prototype of the character "Hua Ziliang" in "Red Rock".

Seeing Han Zidong, Deng Yeyun was very excited, hurried over to shake hands with him, in "Red Rock", the two-gun old woman and Hua Ziliang are husband and wife, from this point of view, Han Zidong can also be regarded as Deng Yeyun's "father".

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

In fact, Han Zidong and Deng Huizhong may not have met at all, Han Zidong successfully escaped from prison on August 18, 1947, and was the only revolutionary volunteer who successfully escaped before the 11.27 massacre.

At this time, Han Zidong is more than 70 years old, very thin, two eyes but bright, the voice is also very loud, for many years, Han Zidong has been committed to the work of evaluating martyrs for the dead friends, especially for those who have not been rated as martyrs after the founding of New China for various reasons, but also all parties appeal to give them an explanation.

With the efforts of the comrades of the martyrs' review group, people can no longer only see the two-gun old woman in "Red Rock", but also see the revolutionary life of a martyr Deng Huizhong in real history.

Deng Huizhong was originally just a rural girl, and even often suffered from the oppression of feudal ideas, but later came into contact with the Communist Party and gradually grew into a revolutionary fighter.

When Deng Huizhong was 15 years old, the family wanted to arrange a marriage for her, but Deng Huizhong refused, so Deng Huizhong's parents could only choose the way of blind date to find a spouse according to her ideas, and the other party must be someone she could see.

This was a very novel and bold attempt at the time, and under the arranged marriage system of the old society, women could not see the groom in advance.

Deng Huizhong's parents were stubborn but their daughter, and finally agreed, and later her mother found her a blind date, that day Deng Huizhong looked through the curtain, saw a medium-sized, big-eyed young man, very polite and cultured, and only agreed to this family affair.

This young man was Deng Fuqian, who was teaching at Jiangxiguan Primary School at the time, and after the two were married, Deng Huizhong moved into her husband's dormitory.

Deng Fuqian received an advanced education, was very cultured, and unlike the traditional feudal man, respected women, and hoped that her wife could also become a knowledgeable person.

Influenced by her husband, Deng Huizhong re-established her life goals and decided to become a cultured and thoughtful new woman, so she began to study primary school textbooks by herself, and with the help of her husband, she was admitted to the Yuechi County Women's Normal School.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

Later, in order to thank her husband for her encouragement and support, Deng Huizhong decided to take her husband's surname, from Zhang Huizhong to Deng Huizhong, in 1933, Deng Huizhong graduated from school, and stayed with her husband to teach at Jiangxiguan Primary School, the husband and wife have a very stable relationship, and have 3 children, living a good life.

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, Deng Fuqian, who had embraced revolutionary ideas in his early years, was determined to devote himself to the revolution and serve the country, and one day, Deng Fuqian returned home to Deng Huizhong and said: "Huizhong, the country is in trouble, we cannot sit and wait for the demise, I decided to go to Yan'an to participate in the anti-Japanese resistance." At present, the 3 children are still young, and it is up to you to pull them up in the future. ”

Although Deng Huizhong understood her husband's decision, it was difficult to accept it, but she knew that her husband was going to participate in the revolution after all, and she could not pull her husband's hind legs, so she said: "Your decision is right, you often say to me, 'The skin does not exist, the hair will be attached', and with the country, there is a home." You can go with confidence, the children are handed over to me, and I will certainly train them to grow up. ”

Within a few days, Deng Huizhong pawned the family's field as a coil and sent him to Chongqing, where their youngest child, Deng Yeyun, was only 5 years old.

Before leaving, Deng Fuqian introduced the revolutionary comrades Wang Zhao and Cai Yiqu to Deng Huizhong, and with their education and help, Deng Huizhong joined the Communist Party of China in 1939 and threw himself into revolutionary activities like his husband.

The first task entrusted to Deng Huizhong organizationally was to continue teaching so that more children could receive revolutionary education, and Deng Huizhong went to schools during the day and tutored peasants to read and write at night, and at the same time developed a group of activists.

Because teaching was too hard, Deng Huizhong could only send the children back to Yue Chi's hometown and let her mother help take care of them.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

In her grandmother's house, the three brothers and sisters of Deng Yeyun had lived a poor life since childhood, and when they were growing up, they often could not even eat some meat.

One year on Deng Yeyun's birthday, grandma said: "Today is your birthday, grandma gave you a tooth sacrifice, okay?" ”

During the meal, Grandma brought out a bowl of green pepper fried meat, and the three brothers and sisters were very happy, and a plate of dishes was quickly swept away.

When it was the next day, Deng Yeyun learned that the meat was actually rat meat, and in order to let the children eat some meat, Grandma took the skin of the rat, washed it clean and made it for everyone to eat.

Deng Yeyun's two brothers said indifferently, "I'm afraid of anything, as long as I can eat it!" In two days we'll catch the snake and give it to you. ”

One day, Deng Huizhong entrusted someone to carry a letter to the boss Deng Yejia, asking him to wait at the door of a small shop the next day, she would send living expenses, after getting the news, the whole family was very happy, and the children were so excited that they couldn't sleep at night.

The next day, Deng Yejia came to the agreed place early, but he waited until it was dark, and did not wait for Deng Huizhong, returning home and saying: "The sun is west, and I have not seen my mother's shadow..."

Because Deng Huizhong was not around, did not have the care of her mother, and was during the War of Resistance, her children lived a hard life.

Soon after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Deng Huizhong returned from the countryside to teach at the Jiangxi Pavilion in the city, became the principal, and the family lived together.

At that time, the eldest Deng Yejia went to Chongqing as an apprentice, and when he returned, he dropped out of school to work, the second deng cheng had just attended middle school, and the youngest daughter, Deng Yeyun, was studying at Jiangxiguan Primary School.

In order to facilitate communication between revolutionary comrades-in-arms, Deng Huizhong began to use his home as a contact point.

According to Deng Yeyun's recollection, one evening during the Spring Festival this year, Deng Huizhong introduced a strange man wearing a long shirt to the house as a guest, and introduced him to his children and said, "This is Uncle He, your father's good friend!" ”

Then, Deng Huizhong asked the children to inform several other uncles and aunts to come to the house at 8 o'clock in the evening, and those uncles and aunts gathered in a house for a meeting, while Deng Huizhong's 3 children were outside to keep a sentry, and someone came to deng Huizhong, and they said that their mother was not at home.

Among the people who came to the family, Uncle He came most frequently, and they often listened to Uncle He tell them about the revolutionary concept and situation, and it was not until after the founding of New China that Deng Yeyun knew that this Uncle He's real name was Zhu Guangbi and was Deng Huizhong's superior.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the underground work of Comrades Sichuan became more arduous, and in order to carry out united front work, Deng Huizhong joined the China Democratic League in 1946, after which her work became busier.

In October 1947, after the establishment of the Provisional Working Committee of the Underground Party in Eastern Sichuan, it was decided to carry out armed struggle in the Huayingshan area, establish a revolutionary base area, and destroy the source of troops and grain supplies for the Kuomintang reactionaries, so as to contain the enemy army and cooperate with the People's Liberation Army in fighting in Sichuan.

In order to mobilize the revolution, Deng Huizhong not only carried out activities among intellectuals, but also often went from village to village on the pretext of going to relatives, organized "sisterhoods" and "turnaround meetings," and called on the peasants to unite to carry out the "three resistances" struggle.

In March 1948, Deng Huizhong served as a liaison officer of the Yuexi branch, participated in the military training of the detachment directly under the Yuexi branch, in the training, she strictly demanded herself, quickly learned a lot of tactical moves, in order to solve the problem of the guerrilla guns, she often took the guerrillas to the landlord's old rich family to "borrow".

The guerrillas also grew rapidly, but there were often financial problems, and one day Deng Yeyun received a letter from Deng Huizhong, asking her to rush to the Land Temple to wait for her mother.

Deng Yeyun hurried to the side of the Land Temple, thinking that something had happened to his mother, but soon saw an old woman, wrapped in a green cloth scarf on her head, wearing a blue short shirt and black pants.

Deng Yeyun couldn't help but smile and said, "Mom, you really can act." ”

Deng Huizhong said: "How can you deal with the enemy and not act?" ”

Deng Huizhong said to his daughter, "Yun'er, I have something for you to do." You go and ask Cousin Lee to sell our grain and send the money here tomorrow. ”

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

At that time, Deng Yeyun felt very strange, it was when the price of goods soared, these rice was only enough for our whole family to live for half a year, after selling, what did they eat?

Deng Yeyun asked, "What do you want so much money for?" ”

Deng Huizhong pondered for a moment and said solemnly and sadly: "Yun'er, Comrade Cai Yiqu was arrested yesterday, and we must quickly redeem him before the enemy can find out his identity." Our family's rations will be said later, and it is important to save the comrades first! ”

Deng Yeyun knew that the stakes were high, did not say anything more, went back and quickly entrusted a few people, sold the grain separately, and according to his mother's previous instructions, took the money to the designated place and handed it to his mother.

Later, Deng Yeyun heard that Cai Yiqu had been released on bail at that time, but Deng Huizhong did not return the money to his home, but used the money to buy guns and give them to the rebel troops.

In August 1948, after the huaying mountain armed uprising broke out, Deng Huizhong was responsible for the logistics supply of a team, ensuring a steady stream of supplies to the guerrillas.

However, due to the bad timing of the uprising and the disparity between the enemy and our forces, the armed uprising soon failed, and Deng Huizhong became an important target for the Kuomintang military and police to arrest.

One night in September 1948, Deng Huizhong returned home in makeup and told everyone that deng cheng had been arrested, and that Deng Cheng's original name was Ye Di, and when he joined the party, he changed his name to Deng Cheng, expressing his loyalty to the party and the people.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

Although in the long-term revolutionary activities, Deng Huizhong was mostly absent from home and seemed to be neglecting to discipline his children, in fact, his parents were the best teachers for his children, and Deng Fuqian and Deng Huizhong were both concerned about the country and devoted themselves to the revolution.

Her three children also participated in revolutionary work from an early age, and later joined the party one after another, and Deng Huizhong often encouraged the children to study more, and only by mastering more cultural knowledge could they serve the toiling masses in the future.

Whenever it was late at night, she would take out a book of progressive books that the authorities had forbidden to read from the pickle jar, and the whole family would gather around a small oil lamp and read them with great interest.

For the education of children, Deng Huizhong always follows the rules, and sometimes, she will ask some questions for her children to discuss. Once, Deng Huizhong asked the children to discuss "people are not for themselves, heaven is damned", right?

Deng Yejia was an apprentice in Chongqing at the time, saw the boss acting very selfish, and thought that this sentence was right, Deng Cheng said that it was not all like that, the teachers of the New Third Middle School could stand up at a critical moment, not afraid of killing the head, not selfish.

Deng Huizhong told the children that selfish people are landlords and capitalists, and under her words and deeds, the children gradually understood that the work of communists is to make the toiling masses live a good life, which is selfless.

Among the three children, Deng Hui liked the second eldest, Deng Cheng, the eldest, and Deng Cheng joined the party when he was in middle school; Deng Huizhong did not know it at the time; when he later learned that his son had joined the party, he was "full of sorrow and joy."

Happily, there were revolutionary fighters in his own family, and there were people who followed the revolution, and Deng Cheng's fiancée Zhang Shuzhen was Deng Huizhong's niece, and deng Huizhong also developed into a communist.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

Deng Cheng was arrested during the riots on his way to deliver letters to the organization, first in Yuechi Prison, and after Deng Huizhong was imprisoned, they were escorted to Zha di Dong Prison.

After his arrest, Deng Cheng was unyielding and suffered heavy sentences many times, but he refused to say anything.

After their family was captured, the enemy exhausted torture in order to get useful information from their mouths, especially for Deng Huizhong and Deng Cheng, the enemy tied Deng Huizhong up, nailed it from his fingernails with a bamboo stick, nailed it to ask a question, Deng Huizhong clenched his teeth, and passed out many times without revealing a single useful message.

In order to make Deng Huizhong obey, the enemy captured her family and threatened her to kill them all if they did not do so.

Deng Huizhong responded domineeringly: "Our whole family is not afraid of death, blood debt and blood repayment, you must remember this sentence well!" ”

Later, Deng Yeyun listened to the person in charge of the prison and said that "Old Lady Deng" had a very hard mouth, and she had used many kinds of punishments, that is, she refused to confess.

She said: "There are many Communist Party members, there are many in the whole world, there are more in the Liberated Areas, and there are also local people, so I will not tell you!" ”

Seeing that no useful information could be found from her mouth, the enemy sent their mother and son to the slag cave, and on November 27, 1949, Deng Huizhong and Deng Cheng were martyred at the same time, and they died heroically, when Deng Huizhong was 45 years old and Deng Cheng was 18 years old.

Deng Yeyun and Deng Yejia were transferred to Hechuan Prison and survived, and it was not long after the People's Liberation Army captured Hechuan County that their brother and sister were rescued.

They returned to the Jiangxi Pavilion, the place where Deng Huizhong had been teaching for many years and teaching them by example, but there was no longer a mother, and they had never heard from their mother and the second eldest.

It was a long time before they received news that their mother and second brother had been killed by the enemy at the "Sino-US Cooperation Center", and at that moment, the brothers and sisters hugged each other and cried.

The revolution succeeded, but their mother died on the eve of victory, and in 1950 Deng Yejia and Deng Yeyun went to Hankou to visit their long-departed father, Deng Fuqian, and from the time they remembered, they looked forward to reuniting with their father and reuniting the family.

At that time, Deng Fuqian walked towards them wearing a gray cloth uniform, and after seeing Deng Yeyun, the corners of his eyes became moist: "Yun'er, how much do you look like your mother!" ”

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

Hearing her father's words, Deng Yeyun's tears came out of her eyes again, and she missed her mother!

After arriving in Yan'an, Deng Fuqian went to study at the Military and Political University; after graduation, the organization sent him to the base area behind enemy lines in Jin-Cha-Ji to fight guerrillas.

In 1949, he went south with the army, and when he arrived in Hankou, he transferred to the Wuhan Civil Affairs Bureau, and was just about to pick them up, but he learned the news that his wife Deng Huizhong and son Deng Cheng had died.

When Deng Yeyun told his father about his mother's deeds in prison, Deng Fuqian was full of emotions: "How strong her will is needed to endure the test of torture. You have such a good mother, you should be proud, and you should learn from her! ”

Later, their brothers and sisters all took their mother as an example, contributed to the people, worked hard and complained, the eldest Deng Yejia changed his name to Deng Yongyi, first worked in the Yuechi County Public Security Bureau, and later entered Wuhan City as a public security soldier, during which he was honorably joined the party, was rated as an advanced worker of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau, and unfortunately died of illness in July 1960.

The youngest daughter, Deng Yeyun, was admitted to the Chinese Department of Northeast Normal University with excellent results in 1952 under the care of the organization, and after graduating in 1956, she became a teacher, worked hard all her life, like her mother, passed on her knowledge to more people until her death in 1990.

On November 27, 1983, at the 34th anniversary of the martyrdom of the martyrs in Chongqing, when Deng Yeyun walked into the venue of the memorial conference wearing white flowers and looked at the tombstones of the martyrs, she could not help but sigh with emotion, if her mother's spirit in heaven saw the prosperous day of New China, she would be very happy.

The prototype of the "two-gun old lady" was only 45 years old when she was sacrificed, and her marksmanship was average, and she was really not afraid of death

In "Red Rock", it is said: "Who has not died since ancient times? But it is supreme glory that a person's life is linked to the revolutionary cause of the proletariat, which will always maintain its youth! ”

The "old woman" who once fought for the liberation of China with two guns, she dedicated her youth to the revolution, but she never got old, always 45 years old.

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