
Hengfeng Bank's "Precision Agricultural Loan" Opens up the "Last Kilometer" of the New Year's Goods Out of the Village

author:Popular Daily

Celebrate the New Year on the spot, and the taste of the Year will not diminish. In the storage workshop of Jiangsu Rugao Longevity Biological Industrial Park, ham, sausage, meat pine and other geographical landmark agricultural products have been ready to be shipped to distribution markets throughout the country, but the potholed roads in the park have seriously affected the speed of warehousing and distribution, and a large number of New Year goods have encountered transportation "obstruction". "Thanks to Hengfeng Bank's 'precision agricultural loan', with funds, the road reconstruction project in the park will certainly be fully completed before the Spring Festival, and the New Year goods will not be worried about 'going out of the village', and the migrant workers who have been busy for a year can also rest assured that the New Year will be at ease!" Liu Ya, the financial head of Nantong Gaoteng Construction and Development Co., Ltd., the project contractor, finally relaxed his brows.

The "Precision Agricultural Loan", which helps it solve its urgent needs, is an innovative and innovative financial business variety launched by Hengfeng Bank Nanjing Branch in combination with local regional advantages and economic characteristics. The business focuses on serving agricultural and rural departments, farmers' professional cooperatives and infrastructure construction, agricultural production materials manufacturing and sales, planting and breeding, logistics and transportation and other related enterprises that provide services for the "three rural areas", and issues agricultural inclusive financial loans for short-term production and operation turnover in batches, which have the advantages of a wide range of applicable objects and simple approval procedures, and are equipped with special accounting quotas, which can help cooperatives and agriculture-related enterprises raise production funds in the shortest possible time.

If agricultural products want to "go out of the village," they must be inseparable from the "road." The road of Changshou Biological Industrial Park that needs to be transformed, with a total length of 5.185 kilometers and a total investment of about 180 million yuan, is a demonstration project built by Nantong Gaoteng Construction and Development Co., Ltd. "This year, there are many online and offline new year goods orders, the delivery pressure is relatively large, and agricultural and sideline products, convenience foods have a shelf life, if the road repair is not good, resulting in a large number of new year goods stranded, slow sales, will affect our credibility." Manager Shi, head of Rugao Longevity Biological Industrial Park, introduced. In order to ensure that the new "Spring Festival" of new year goods and materials is on time, the construction personnel of Nantong Gaoteng Construction "open fire" and seize the construction period, and dare not stop for a moment. The completion of the project is imminent, but at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the enterprise, the construction party, and the material party need to carry out year-end calculations, and the wages of migrant workers cannot be delayed, and the liquidity demand of enterprises has surged.

When Hengfeng Bank Nantong Branch took the initiative to explore the local construction enterprises and projects under construction, it learned about the capital needs of Nantong Gaoteng Construction, and the business team reacted quickly, took the initiative to dock with enterprises, designed financing schemes, went deep into the construction site of the park, and field researched the situation of enterprises promoting the construction of road reconstruction projects. On the day of submitting credit information, coinciding with a large-scale power outage near the industrial park, in order to help enterprises promote the transformation project as scheduled and land financial support as soon as possible, the account manager sorted out the credit information under the lighting of the mobile phone power supply, and finally successfully issued an inclusive loan of 10 million yuan for the enterprise, fully guaranteeing the transportation of annual goods, and the wages of more than 60 migrant workers were also issued in a timely and full manner.

Hengfeng Bank's "Precision Agricultural Loan" Opens up the "Last Kilometer" of the New Year's Goods Out of the Village

Promoting the "out-of-the-village" of agricultural products and opening up green channels for rural infrastructure construction and urban consumption is a microcosm of Hengfeng Bank's integration into the new development pattern of "double circulation" and service of inclusive finance. In the next step, Hengfeng Bank will adopt a flexible approach to promote the accurate docking of production and marketing, help make up for the shortcomings of the agricultural product supply chain and the agricultural industry chain, and make the "last kilometer" of more agricultural products "out of the village" smoother. (Reporting by Wang Xinlei, client reporter of Dazhong Daily, correspondent Shi Tianyu)

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