
People in Ningxia think that the lamb stir-fried noodles made by their mothers are the most delicious hometown flavor in the world

author:Look at the fat man of the recipe

Lamb stir-fried noodles

raw material:

1000 grams of flour 250 grams of lamb 50 grams of spinach 30 grams of green onions 5 grams of fresh ginger 15 grams of garlic cloves 3 grams of refined salt

MSG 2 g Peppercorn water 30 g Soy sauce 25 g Vinegar 50 g Clear soup 15 g Oil splashed with chili pepper 15 g sesame oil 100 g

Production: (made of 5 bowls)

1, Put the flour in a basin, add water (400 grams), and form a softer dough, knead it repeatedly until it is evenly smooth, cover it with a clean and damp cloth for 15 minutes. Lamb washed and cut into thin slices; Wash and cut the spinach into small pieces. Cut the onion into 1.5 cm long segments; Fresh ginger pat loosely chopped; Garlic cloves are also cut into thin slices.

2, stir-fry spoon on the fire, pour sesame oil, heat up and put in the cut lamb slices and sauté until broken, then put in the green onion, fresh ginger, garlic slices, soy sauce, salt, pepper water, vinegar, oil pepper, monosodium glutamate and clear soup, stir well with a hand spoon. While stir-frying the lamb, take the dumplings out of the bowl and put them on the dough case, use a rolling pin to push and roll into large pieces, then cut into 3 cm wide strips, pinch the two ends with your hands, and roll them into a 2 cm square piece directly into the pot of boiling water. After all the pulling, put spinach in the pot, cook it slightly, use a colander to fish out the dough slices, drain the water and pour it into the stir-fry spoon, turn the spoon upside down a few times, and put the spoon on the plate.


The noodles are thin and tender, and the juice is tight and fragrant.

Note: It is estimated that you will not pick up the noodles, you can only go to the supermarket to buy processed noodles, huh!

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