
A few delicious dishes are shared with you, the taste is mellow, the mouth is fragrant, and there is always a dish that suits you

author:Tranquil clear skies

Crispy stewed meat

A few delicious dishes are shared with you, the taste is mellow, the mouth is fragrant, and there is always a dish that suits you

Ingredients: pork ribs (pork belly) 4000 g, wheat flour 25 g, green onion 250 g, ginger 150 g, rice wine 600 g, soy sauce 400 g, sugar 250 g

Directions:1. Select thin-skinned pork belly, scrape and wash, then wash with warm water, immerse in a pot of boiling water, soak for about 5 minutes, boil the bloody water, wash, cut into 40 square pieces (about 100 grams each);

2. Take 1 large casserole dish, use a small steamer to pad the bottom, first spread the green onion, then add the loose ginger pieces, then arrange the pork neatly on top, add sugar, soy sauce, wine, and then add the shallot knot, cover the pot;

3. Wet the flour with cold water and roll it into strips, seal the lid of the pot around the seam, boil it on high heat, and then change to a low heat and simmer for about 2 small ins;

4. Open the lid (if the minced meat is 80% crispy, you can turn the meat over, then seal the lid and continue to simmer over low heat. Remove the end of the casserole from the fire;

5. Take another 10 small porcelain jars, and put 4 pieces of stewed puff pastry meat in each jar (skin facing up, 3 flat bottom layers, 1 piece on the upper layer);

6. Skim off the oil slick on the gravy, pour it into 10 cans, cover it and seal the lid around the jar with a peach blossom (sheepskin) strip, and steam it for about half an hour until the meat is crispy;

7. Place the jar in the steamer basket before eating and steam over high heat for about 10 minutes.

Sea cucumber braised gum

A few delicious dishes are shared with you, the taste is mellow, the mouth is fragrant, and there is always a dish that suits you

Ingredients: 150 g of water hair sea cucumber, 100 g of water hair flower gel, 100 g of net lettuce leaves, 4 slices of shiitake mushrooms, green onion, ginger. Oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, fish sauce, cooking wine, starch, broth, sesame oil, peanut oil.

Directions: 1: Cut the sea cucumber into 3 cm long pieces, and cut the water hair gel into 4 * 4 cm pieces. Blanch the sea cucumber and flower gelatin with boiling water, simmer in broth, and beat the green onion and ginger to set aside.

2: Place the wok on the heat, add a little oil, season and sauté the lettuce into the dish. The wok is re-heated, put a little bottom oil, add green onion, ginger to sauté the aroma sequentially add broth, cooking wine, oyster sauce, fish sauce, MONOSG, after opening the pot, remove the green onion and ginger, and then add the simmered sea cucumber, flower gum and shiitake mushroom slices, burn for a while, add water starch to hook the mustard, drizzle a little sesame oil, put it on a plate with lettuce.

Pot roasted river eel

A few delicious dishes are shared with you, the taste is mellow, the mouth is fragrant, and there is always a dish that suits you

Ingredients: 750 grams of river eel, 25 grams of lard (plate oil), 75 grams of winter shoots, 20 grams of spring onion, 10 grams of ginger, 10 grams of white sugar, 5 grams of cinnamon, 20 grams of rice wine, 10 grams of vinegar, 20 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of sesame oil, 30 grams of lard (refined).

Directions:1. Slaughter the live river eel, cut the throat tube, cut a small hole in the entrance, blanch the mucus with boiling water, and then insert the bamboo chopsticks from the throat into the abdomen, pinch the eel body with one hand, stir the eel in one direction with the other hand, roll out the intestines in the eel's abdomen, cut off the head and tail, cut it into 6 cm long segments, and wash it;

2. Wash the pork plate oil and cut into small cubes;

3. Peel off the outer skin, wash and cut into pieces of winter shoots;

4. Put the wok on high heat, cook the lard, heat it, lay the bottom with green onion, line the eel segments on top, spread the ginger slices, diced pork plate oil, bamboo shoots, cinnamon, add rice wine, water, boil, change the heat and simmer for 1 hour;

5. When about 1/4 of the soup is left, pick off the ginger slices, add soy sauce, sugar and vinegar, collect the soup over high heat, drizzle with cooked lard, shake and push with a hand spoon, and drizzle with sesame oil. This is a Ningbo local dish.

Apricot crispy chicken wings

A few delicious dishes are shared with you, the taste is mellow, the mouth is fragrant, and there is always a dish that suits you

Ingredients: Chicken wings, 10 pieces, shrimp, 8 pairs, fatty meat, 1/2 two, fried almonds or fried peanuts (chopped), 1 tbsp rice wine, salt, a little each, too white powder, 1 tbsp, rice wine, 1 tsp, salt, 1/2 tsp, egg white, 1 tbsp.

Directions: 1: Remove the large bone in the chicken wings, and chop off the tip of the chicken wings, add the ingredients and mix well.

2: After the shrimp are processed, dry the water with a paper towel, chop together with the fat, add all the seasonings and stir well, divide into 10 equal parts.

3: Spread out the boneless part of the chicken wings, wrap a shrimp filling, smooth the surface of the filling with water with your hands, and sprinkle with almond crumbs.

4: Heat the fried oil until it is seven minutes hot, then put the wrapped chicken wings into the air and fry them over medium heat for 5 minutes.

Dry-roasted eight-treasure mandarin fish

A few delicious dishes are shared with you, the taste is mellow, the mouth is fragrant, and there is always a dish that suits you

Ingredients: 1 mandarin fish (about 750 g), 1 fishing net (carrot carving). Shiitake mushroom grains, ham grains, pork grains, shrimp, green beans, red dates, lotus rice, glutinous rice, ginger grains, green onion, garlic, seasoning /. Bean paste, cooking wine, soy sauce, aged vinegar, refined salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, pepper, salad oil, etc

Directions: 1. The glutinous rice is steamed and taken out, the shrimp is blanched in water, the red dates and lotus rice are soaked in warm water, and then taken out, together with shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, ham and green beans, add refined salt, and the MSG is mixed into eight treasure fillings.

2。 After the initial processing, the mandarin fish is stirred out of the gills and internal organs with bamboo chopsticks from the mouth of the fish, a cross flower knife on both sides, salt, cooking wine and ginger grains are added to marinate for about 10 minutes, and then the eight treasure filling is filled into the belly of the fish, and fried in a 60% hot oil pan until the skin is golden brown and taken out.

3。 Stir-fry the wok with salad oil, ginger grains, garlic, meat grains, cooking wine bean paste, add mandarin fish, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate and an appropriate amount of water, change the heat to low heat and cover until the fish is ripe, then use the high heat to collect the juice, bright oil, add aged vinegar, sprinkle pepper and green onion into the pot, cover the fishing net and serve.