
Film Past: During the fall of Northeast China, the "Full Screen" film company shot a feature film

author:Trekking tells history

The feature films filmed by the "Full Screening" film company are divided into national policy films, entertainment films, films showing marriage and family life, comedy and absurd feature films, costume films and opera films, and films reflecting the lives of the people at the bottom. Among them, the "national policy film" is the "lifeline" of the creation of the "Manying" feature film, and its content is to publicize Japan's aggressive policies such as "Japanese goodwill", "one virtue and one heart", and "five ethnic concords", directly serving the colonial rule of the Japanese invaders. ­

(1) In the early days (1937-1939), "Full Screen" began to produce feature films in 1938, completing 9 films that year, 8 films in 1939, and shooting a total of 17 films in two years. ­

"National Policy Films": The national policy films filmed during this period include: "Candle Of Great Ambition", which depicts the life of the soldiers of the puppet regime and publicizes the "achievements" of the soldiers; "The Changhong of the Mainland", which praises the good deeds of the puppet Manchu police; "Pastoral Spring Light", which beautifies rural life under colonial rule; "The Selflessness of the State Law", which preaches the pseudo-Manchu procurators' selfless feelings for the law and not favoritism; and "The Flower of the Border", which describes the "merits" of the puppet Manchu officers in defending the frontier and the "brave spirit" of fighting. These "national policy films" are mainly enslaved and educated the people in the occupied areas, with poor art and reactionary content. ­

Several films starring Li Xianglan: "Honeymoon Express" imitates the plot of the Japanese film "The Peeping Bride", depicting a bizarre and ridiculous story of a newlywed couple on the train. Through 5 different stories, "Rich And Noble Spring Dream" reveals people's different views on money and different faces in front of money. "Journey to the East" tells the story of two rural farmers visiting Japan and making a lot of jokes. "Revenge of the Wronged Souls" tells a story of punishing evil and promoting good. "Iron Blood wise heart" depicts the fight between the puppet Manchu policemen and the opium smugglers. ­

Film Past: During the fall of Northeast China, the "Full Screen" film company shot a feature film

Li Xianglan

Some of these films are pleasing to the audience through entertainment, and some are also typical national policy films. For example, "Journey to the East" aims to beautify Japan, and "Iron Blood wise heart" touts the "achievements" of the pseudo-Manchu police. ­

Entertaining film: "The Birth of a Star" makes the "full screen" actors all appear in the film through the scene of recruiting actors. "Tangram" depicts the love story of the landlord's daughter and the tenant. "Confidant Song" depicts the story of an urban youth who has fallen into a rogue situation and finally changed from evil to righteousness under the advice of his wife. "Tears of a Loving Mother" describes the relationship between a child and his adoptive parents. "True and False Sisters" tells the story of a vain sister who pretends to be a sister and lives a luxurious life. "Searching for Mother" describes the story of an orphan who, led by his adoptive father, searches for his birth mother. ­

(2) Mid-term (1940-1942) In November 1939, the new studio of "Manying" was completed and put into use, and the production capacity was expanded, and at the same time, Masahiko Gan was inaugurated as the chairman of "Manying". As a result of some new measures taken by Masahiko Gan, such as adjusting the organization and using Chinese directors to shoot films, etc. There has been a clear development in this feature film. In 1940, 19 films were produced, 26 in 1941, 19 in 1942, and a total of 64 films were produced in 3 years, which was a exponential increase from the previous two years.

"National Policy Films": "National Policy Films" are still the "lifeline" of "Manying" feature film creation, representative of which are "Dawn and Dawn" and "Yellow River". Dawn of Dawn depicts the puppet Manchu army, the police, and Japanese counselors in the puppet Manchu government fighting together against the "bandits", and japanese counselors and police officers and policemen "heroically" killed in battle. "Yellow River" depicts the Kuomintang army breaking through the Yellow River in order to prevent the Japanese invading army from advancing, causing the people of 4 counties to suffer a tragic yellow disaster. The Imperial Allied Forces of the puppet Nanjing Government and the Japanese Invading Army led the people to repair the Yellow River at the mouth of the mouth and rescue the masses from the water damage. The film reverses black and white, beautifies the Imperial Allied Forces, and smears grease and powder on the Japanese invading army, and its ideas are extremely reactionary.

Film Past: During the fall of Northeast China, the "Full Screen" film company shot a feature film

White Rose


Other "national policy films" produced during this period included the legal propaganda film "Love Flame", the glorified Japanese "Modern Japan", the "Modern Boy" depicting young people "clinging to the heroic map of serving the frontier, bravely serving the national army, and obtaining no honor"; the propaganda film "On the Horizon" of the National War Law; "The Royal Subordinate Official", which depicts officials in the puppet Manchu government fighting against the evil party that fraudulently collects pig taxes; and "New Life", which the puppet Manchu Association helped shoot to show the "rejuvenation" of the countryside and the growth of youth training. These films are all based on serving Japan's aggressive policies, smearing grease and whitewashing the puppet regime of the puppet Manchus and whitewashing the real life under the Japanese and puppet regimes. ­

Films depicting marriage and family life: In order to change the situation in which "national policy films" are generally snubbed, the number of entertainment films in this issue has increased significantly. Among them, a large proportion of films depicting marriage and family life are accounted for. For example, "Love Sea Voyage", which depicts the twists and turns of love between two brothers and two sisters; "Like Flowers and Beautiful Family"; "Who Knows Her Heart", which depicts lovers studying abroad, fiancée forced to marry someone, and after marriage, two men are killed and injured in the fight, and the woman commits suicide; "The Fragrance of Flowers by the Fence", which depicts the abused child daughter-in-law bravely escaping from home in search of happiness; "Who Knows Her Heart", which describes a maid pretending to be Miss Kuojia to fall in love with someone; "Her Secret", which describes a pair of lovers who were separated by their parents and reunited after 20 years. "Double Tears", which depicts young women running away from marriage and looking for their sweethearts; "Friends From Afar", which depicts a newlywed couple acting like a third party; "The New Marriage", which depicts the wife's willfulness and husband's fear, and finally reconciles; "Heaven on Earth", which depicts the newlywed man who does not keep his duty and is deceived outside; "Rain and Flowers Cruel", which depicts the painter who went abroad for further study and his wife lived with people and was abandoned; "The Man who dressed as a man to work in a coal mine in search of a father and daughter, and then married the same miner. "Dream Song", "Home", "Hate Sea Shipwreck" and so on also belong to this type of film. ­

Film Past: During the fall of Northeast China, the "Full Screen" film company shot a feature film

Films reflecting the lives of the people at the bottom: During this period, a number of films reflecting the lives of the people at the bottom of society appeared in "Manying", such as "The Wind Tide" that reflected the fact that female workers were deceived and sold and were rescued and married; "Lovers of the Art Garden" that depicted the turbulent and displaced life of the broken old drama team; "Wandering Singers" that described the wandering life of poor artists; "Song Girls Hate" that depicted beautiful and amorous actresses who were chased by Kuo Shao, raped, and wrongfully imprisoned, and finally found out the truth; "Song Girls Hate", which depicted poor musicians, novelists and painters living without a living. "Symphony of Troubles" that changed the difficulties of life by acting with an entertainer who learned to sing; "Man Tingfang", which depicts the embarrassing lives of two staff members; "Iron Man", which depicts the demolition of the city wall and brings disaster to the craftsmen; "Wang Mazi Plaster", which is reflected in the competition for selling plasters in the thick market; "The Night Is Not Clear", which carries out opium trafficking under the cover of opening a hotel; "Mr. Liu Turns Back", which is gambling and sells his daughter to a brothel.

Comedy and absurd feature films: Probably out of the need to occupy the film market, this issue of "Full Screening" has produced some comedy and absurd stories. Comedies include "When the Running Comes", which depicts a lazy coachman, alcoholic, unwilling to work, but makes good luck and wins a lottery coupon; "When the Running Comes", which depicts two vendors who go to find a gold mine together to change their predicament and are chased by tigers in a snowstorm; "Star Diary", which depicts a hotel cleaner and elevator worker who accidentally becomes a star; "Golden Dream", which describes a mine owner who is looking for a mine and has not seen the mine, but has won the lottery; "The Golden Dream" that describes a strange book that accidentally discovers strange books, learns stealth from them, and repays his personal vendetta. "Mirror Flower Water Moon"; "Yishun Baishun", which depicts a person who can't swim but becomes a water lifeguard, thus making a lot of jokes; "Yan Nanfei", which describes the husband's return home to see his wife who was forced to remarry and the new husband live in harmony and resolutely left; "Everyone is happy" that an old lady persuaded the 4 children who often quarreled. These comedy films do not integrate comedy jokes into the plot, and some are "living treasures", so they cannot give people a beautiful enjoyment. ­

Film Past: During the fall of Northeast China, the "Full Screen" film company shot a feature film

Absurd feature films include: "Vase Detective", which depicts a rich man with a mute disease, who draws his will into a picture and hides it in a vase before his death, and only after detective reconnaissance can he find out the truth; "Absurd Hero", which depicts an unemployed young man who accidentally became a sports journalist and became a hero because he saved a woman; "Youth March" and short film "Fat and Thin Three Changes" that describe the love story of company employees, also belong to absurd story films. ­

Costume films and opera films: In order to compete with Shanghai films, "Manying" also filmed some costume films and opera films during this period. For example, "Dragon Fighting Tiger Fighting" (part 1, part 2), which depicts the loyal love between poor Xiucai and Miss Rich, "Niangniang Temple" based on the folk tale "Queen Mother Niangniang" circulating in northeast China; "Flower Monk Lu Zhishen" and "Leopard Head Lin Chong" adapted from "Water Margin"; "Black-faced Thief" with mysterious costumes "Black-faced Thief" (part 1, part 2); "Rouge", which is based on the story of the same name of "Liaozhai"; and "Princess Ying Luo", which depicts the fantasy story of the princess of the ancient Kuiliang kingdom who wisely selected a horse. ­

(3) In the later period (1943-1945), the production of "full screen" feature films, after initial preparation, medium-term development, and in the later stage, it went to a process of gradual decline. A total of 27 feature films were produced in this issue, of which 12 were produced in 1943, 11 in 1944 and only 4 in 1945. ­

During this period, the "national policy film" was still valued, and "The Land Meets Spring", "Blue Blood Shadow", "Night Attack Wind" and "Orchid Special Attack Team" were filmed successively. "Spring on the Earth" is a reactionary political propaganda film that glorifies the puppet Manchukuo army and slanders the anti-Japanese army; "Blue Blood" is a detective film that glorifies the puppet Manchu police; "Night Attack" is a detective film depicting the puppet Manchu gendarmes detecting the theft of aircraft intelligence made in puppet Manchukuo by American spies; and "Orchid Special Attack Team" depicts the story of the Japanese aviation troops sneaking into Pearl Harbor and beautifying the Japanese invading army. "Blade Love Song" [] also belongs to this type of film. ­

During this period, "Man Ying" made some films showing love and family life. The "Marriage Proposal" depicting the daughters marrying their parents; the "Mandarin Duck After the Disaster", which describes the twists and turns of love stories; the film "The Rich And Noble House", which depicts the internal struggles and bitterness of the big families; the film "White Snow Traces", which depicts the depravity of the rich gentry and the deception of the young girls; the film "The Return of the Present Dynasty with The Revelation of the Present Dynasty", which depicts the husband's change of heart and later regrets; and the "Generation of Marriage Tides", which shows the negative heart of the obsessive woman, all belong to this type of film. In the later stage of "Manying", he continued to shoot some costume films, and also made several martial arts films. Costume films include "Yan Qing and Li Shishi" based on "Water Margin", "Hundred Flowers Pavilion" based on "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "White Horse Swordsman" depicting chivalrous guests, and "Tuberose" depicting the bitter life of old opera artists. Martial arts films include "Blood Splash Hibiscus", "Midnight Bell", "Tiger and Wolf Fighting" and so on. ­

During this period, "Manying" also filmed the musical film "My Nightingale", the children's film "Rain and Spring Breeze", "Good Boy", the comedy film "History of the Green Forest" and "Love and Hate", "Thousand Golden Flowers", "Wonderful Wolf Smoke" and so on. ­

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