
"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

author:Belly movies

Hello everyone, I'm the Black Lord.

I was going to recommend some movies with good theater reputation for everyone.

Helpless in this "Journey to the West 3" can win the box office champion.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

I was really bored.

Fortunately, I found this high-scoring and unpopular film on the Internet.

Or recommend this good film that you can watch without buying a ticket to everyone.

"Childhood That Can't Fly"

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

The film is mainly about the teenager Chala who makes him look like a problem teenager due to family reasons.

Only his teacher Carmela knew his life and knew everything about him.

Carmela did everything in his power to help Pave the way for Chala in his life, and Chala had a lot of respect for this teacher.

Their feelings continue to heat up in this life of mutual help, and questions about Chala continue to arise...

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

Recently, I don't know if it is due to the reason of getting older.

The black man always likes to watch some movies about family and the family type.

(Some people say that the mentality is old is really old)

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

Friends who like this kind of subject matter as much as the belly black lord.

This film will definitely not disappoint you.

Douban scored 8.4 (2112 reviews), better than 84% of drama films.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

After watching it, many friends not only fell in love with this movie.

Also successfully circled by the small male protagonist of the film.

The little male protagonist is too handsome, and the aunt is about to fall in love with you

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

Film barrage: This guy is so handsome

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

Hum ~ Let the belly black king take you to understand this little male protagonist who has circled countless powders.

At the beginning of the film, Chala's daily life is explained.

Raising pigeons.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

Keep a dog.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

As the story unfolds, you'll learn that the family's financial resources are earned by Chala selling pigeons and raising dogs to gamble on dogs.

Because he has a mother of an addict.

Drinking and smoking all day did not help Chala financially or in life.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

A child who has just entered the sixth grade has to think about earning money to support his family every day, going to school, and hiding from the checks of social workers.

At this time, a so-called government education expert wanted to send Chala to a re-education school (similar to a Chinese labor camp).

Everyone knows that going into that kind of school will have a certain impact on the child's purpose.

So Mrs. Carmela resolutely rejected the offer.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

As Teacher Carmela herself said, to educate children, you need four things.

Home, school, harshness and love.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

The black man believes that the most important thing is home and love.

It was clear that in Chala, these two things were seriously missing.

Without a father, my mother was muddy all day.

Chala's daily "messing" at school has a lot to do with that.

At a young age, he had to take on the responsibility of raising a family, and his daily life of participating in dog fighting and gambling created a somewhat obedient personality.

But is he really as useless as he appears to be?


In many parts of the film, his daily life is described in detail.

He makes breakfast for his addictive mother.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

When Mrs. Carmela needed help, he did not hesitate to promise her.

Carmela: I don't dare go out alone right now, but tomorrow I want to see Camilo (her grandson).

Chala: Needless to say, I'll accompany you.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

When his good friend was insulted, he was the first to rush up and fight for his friend.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

A sixth-grader will take care of his mother, respect his teachers, and protect his friends.

However, it is such children who are sent to re-education schools by education experts sent by the government.

It sounds like a great irony.

Education specialists and new young female teachers don't understand Chala's heart at all, and they don't want to.

To put it bluntly, they are educated for work.

Teacher Carmela, on the other hand, educates for the sake of education.

The two are completely different from their own starting points.

So, at a time when young female teachers also proposed sending Chala to re-education schools.

Teacher Carmela said the sentence that I think is the most meaningful in the whole film:

If you want a juvenile offender, treat him like a juvenile offender.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

This sentence is simply the soul of this movie.

The way of education is very different at this time.

Teacher Carmela pulled them to her side and seriously solved their problems.

The secret of education is to respect students, and this sentence of the American educator Emerson is most appropriate for Teacher Carmela.

At Teacher Carmela, the student's free expression is fully affirmed.

She always patiently listened to the children first, and then taught them what to do, and she never pushed the responsibility away.

When people led by education experts encounter so-called "bad children", they always like to push their children away from themselves.

Not just for "bad boys."

Treating Yeni, the little heroine with excellent character and learning, the young female teacher did not fundamentally help her.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

Yeni's family did not have a household registration in the city, which made Yeni's school registration a problem.

When the young female teacher learned of this, she just asked her to go home and discuss with her father to solve the problem of school registration.

Yeni's father was just a small citizen who bought vegetables every day.

There is simply no capacity to solve this.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

When Mrs. Carmela found out, she went to Yeni's house to inquire about it herself, and then prepared to help her register her student registration.

Without the help of Mrs. Carmela in her studies and life.

Chala and Yeni's path certainly won't be as smooth as it is now.

But don't forget.

The title of the movie is "The Childhood That Can't Fly," and you'd be wrong to think that all stories will have a happy ending.

Teacher Carmela wants to help Chala and Yeni make their future better.

In the face of Cuba's own educational and legal loopholes, Carmela alone has not played a role.

That's what the director wants to express.

Chala and Yeni, like this pigeon, spread their wings to soar above the sky, but their feet were firmly imprisoned.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

In the end, Chala's mother still did not succeed in quitting drug addiction, he still did not know who his father was, the financial difficulties were still not overcome, education experts, social workers still wanted to send him to re-education school.

Yeni's school registration remains unresolved, and she and her father are to be sent back to their domicile.

A lot of trouble has come.

Weak in the face of the education system and the law, they are powerless.

The importance that a country attaches to education directly reflects the strength and quality of this country.

I don't know if the director's repeated glances at dilapidated houses and cities are satires of the educational cause in Cuba.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone

And the role of the education expert that appears in this film, I believe many friends have a deep understanding.

Because this kind of person is very common in our student days.

I am disgusted by the teachers who call parents at every turn.

Because the direct consequence of the parents coming is that the light lesson is the heavy lesson.

The black man once saw a survey report on the Internet about how much it affected the child by calling parents.

Seventy percent of children feel that being called a parent has had a great impact on his heart.

What I have always misunderstood is, why do you have to call a parent if you make a mistake?

As a teacher, your responsibility is to teach and educate.

Teaching and educating people are two things.

Why is it that when students make mistakes, many teachers will push the matter of educating people on their parents.

I hope that all teachers will educate their children from the heart like Carmela teacher.

Unfortunately, these are just my hopes.

Finally, put a handsome photo of Chala.

"Childhood That Can't Fly" is an unpopular high-scoring film to share with everyone