
Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

author:TimeOut Beijing
Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces
Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

"Of course, I have a special feeling when I go back to Beijing, after all, after living in this city for so many years, the best times of my youth are spent in this city, and I will think of a lot of things from the past."

- Wild children

The Wild Kids band appeared at the Shrimp Mi Chamber Music Festival. In October Beijing, hit by plummeting temperatures and incessant rain, their music is a touch of warmth.

Except for the schedule of performances, all the members of wild children are staying in Yunnan. The pace of life is not the same, each has its own busy things: people with families and families spend more time together, and some members live relatively freely, usually going out to play and riding motorcycles around the sea.

Of course, most of the time they are still full-time making music, if you must say that you are doing something different, it may be that Zhang Yu recently participated in the Pastry Class run by the Dali community, and maybe he will have the opportunity to become a baker in the future.

Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

Nowadays, although wild children only occasionally come to Beijing because of their performances and work, those familiar with their stories know that this is a city with deep roots in them.

In 1996, Zhang And Xiaosuo came to Beijing, where they left their creative and stage footprints. In 2001, Wild Boy founded the River Bar in Sanlitun South Street, which became a gathering place for musicians, although it was transferred 2 years later, it still has some "legendary" color.

It's changed too much – compared to Beijing in 1996, this is the biggest impression that Beijing has brought to wild children now, and it seems that it is not the same city at all. For example, the performance venue of this music festival is located in 798, and in the 90s it can be described as "desolate", "now we can't recognize it after we come, there are many places that are developing very fast, including culture."

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Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces
Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces
Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

Wild children in stage performances

"Beijing, Beijing, where am I going?".

Wild children say bluntly that they have never found a sense of home in Beijing, and even in 1996, it was more of a fresh and exciting mood that prevailed. But this is still a place they can't forget.

Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

We talked to WildBowl about life and creation between the festivals, and they also generously "contributed" 5 songs that are suitable for listening to at the end of the holiday and on the way back to you, and give them to you who need to be healed by the Wildboys band and music.

Dialogue – The WildBoy Band

Q: Are wild children working on new creations? Will you still maintain the "wild child at first sound" style?

A: We may have created more songs in the past, and now we are more inclined to pure music, and the new works must still sound like wild children, but there will definitely be new changes compared with the previous works, because our lives will change, and we will also cooperate with some young musicians, so the so-called style will definitely change somewhat, but we believe that the things in the bones can still be heard as wild children.

Q: If there were no so-called "external restrictions" now, would your work be different from what it is now?

A: The restrictions of the outside world do not seem to have any impact on us, and our works seem to have always been more in line with the heart, so the works are not likely to change because of external restrictions.

Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

Q: Do you have a deadline for writing songs?

A: (What does Deadline mean?) Is that what the deadline means? We create more casually, sometimes writing songs may be written in an hour or two, sometimes it may be half written, just put there, for several months, several years are possible, which day to think of continuing is also OK.

Q: What are some of the more important places in Beijing for you?

A: Probably most of the members, including some of the old members, have had a relatively deep relationship with Beijing, and then many people have lived in Beijing and lived for a long time, and Beijing in the 90s was a very important place for some people who chased their dreams or liked music, because at that time, only Beijing could find some of the same people and see some different performances. Beijing is also a very important place for us, especially when we were young, such as Sanlitun South Street, the river bar opened by Brother Tong after 2000, where we spent a very unforgettable time with many of our band friends.

Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

Q: Whether through variety shows or various other means, many young people have become fans of wild children, what are the reasons why you think your music can attract young people?

A: We think that good music can attract different young people from generation to generation, there is no reason for this, just like when we are young, we will also be attracted to a lot of great music, so good music can naturally attract young people.

Q: How did it feel to come to Beijing to participate in the Shrimp Mi Music Festival?

A: We have all been listeners of Shrimp Mi Music for many years, through which we have listened to a lot of foreign music, and have a particularly deep feeling, we are very happy to be invited to participate in the Shrimp Mi Music Festival, which is an affirmation of both sides. Shrimp Mi, who returned to the sight of music fans, is now a music label, mainly doing performance production, hoping that more people will pay attention.

Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

Q: As mentioned earlier in "Slow Down in a High-Speed Society", your lifestyle is so different from the lifestyle of young musicians, is it difficult to adapt to the fast-paced life of the modern era?

A: The scientific and technological means encountered in daily life can still be learned, and we have not yet reached the stage of not using mobile phones and computers. We don't want to be deliberately slow, but for example, I have to wear flower glasses when I look at your problems now, and the passive is slower than the young.

Q: The band retweeted a Weibo post about how Yu Hua embarked on the path of literature and asked, "How did everyone get on the path of music?" "So looking back now, how would the wild child answer this question?"

A: It's all about the same, we don't want to clock in to work or find a very standardized job to do, so music may be equivalent to a relatively free way, we all like this life.

Q: Are there any young bands/musicians you appreciate?

A: Last year, I participated in "Summer of the Band" and met a lot of excellent young bands, such as mandarin and Fulu shou, etc., Faz is also young compared to us, their knowledge, concept and technology including attitude are very good, outside the program we think Su Zixu, and there is a band from our little hometown in Gansu, Hu Xiaochun, are very good.

Wild Kids: Beijing has no sense of belonging, but it is important | TO faces

Wild Kids recommended five songs for us to listen to on the way back from their vacation

I'm here to share it with you

The reason they recommend it is --

No reason to recommend.

Because "there are countless possibilities for music, and there is only one that can be said." ”

Editor/Text: Moran

Assistance: Yun Hao

Image source: Provided by the Shrimp Mi Music Festival, partly from the Internet

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