
Writing a biography of mortals and small things for the people, "Daughter of hometown" records the typical characters in a typical environment, Nian Feng: The Wind Comes from Hometown - The Preface to "Daughter of Hometown"

author:Literary Spring

About author:Nian Feng, former Party Secretary and President of Hubei Daily Newspaper Group, male, born in Tianmen, Hubei Province, graduated from the Department of Huashi Chinese in 1964. He has successively worked in the Jiangling County Cultural Center, the County Cultural Bureau, the Jiangling County Party Committee, the Jingzhou Education Commission, the Jingzhou Prefectural Committee, the Provincial Department of Culture and other units, successively serving as the deputy director and director of the County Cultural Bureau, the standing committee member of the Jiangling County CPC Committee, the director of the Propaganda Department, the director of the Jingzhou Education Commission, the secretary general of the Jingzhou Prefectural Committee, the deputy secretary general of the provincial party committee, and the director of the Provincial Department of Culture.

Writing a biography of mortals and small things for the people, "Daughter of hometown" records the typical characters in a typical environment, Nian Feng: The Wind Comes from Hometown - The Preface to "Daughter of Hometown"

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Anniversary Feng: The Wind Comes from Hometown – Preface to "Daughter of Hometown"</h1>

The author of "Daughter of hometown" entrusted his nephew Zhou Guoliang to give me a sample book and prayed for a preface.

The anthology begins with "Daughter of the Hometown", followed by ninety-three essays, ending with "Original Incense", which echoes at the beginning and end, and the word "Original Incense" appears many times before this article. The original fragrance of life seems to be made, everyone has it, and the hometown is ah!

The scope of the hometown range is large and small, the large anthologies appear in the Jianghan Plain 21 times, the small hometown word appears 713 times, the rural word appears 39 times, and the old house word appears 25 times. Looking back at the place of birth from the place of birth, not only for nostalgia, but also for the innovation of life. "Original Incense" said that the hometown has milk sugar incense, book incense, tobacco incense, bean fragrance, sauce incense, cloth incense, sun incense, futon incense, clothes incense, lotus leaf incense, grass and wood fragrance... Hometown is a round of the sun, and hometown is the source of all incense.

The author Chen Yanping, I don't know her, and the hometown she wrote about is also the hometown of contempt. Tianmen and its soap city, Hu city, Sanmin city, Hanchuan's Kaoza, Tian'erhe, Lujia Lane, Laoguan Lake, Fengfen Lake, I have been to it many times. My sister-in-law is a Tsukasa native, and her family makes a living by playing cotton wool. The home of one of my uncles and sisters-in-law, close to Sanmin City, is a master of boiling maltose, beating tofu, and pasting bean skins. My mother became an orphan at the age of four, and it was my aunt who brought her to Shaobin Bay near Sanmin City to grow up.

This book made me think a lot and it was very kind to read. The Tianqiu flower drum play and shadow puppet play mentioned in his book have been seen as a child, and now I am still a consultant of the Hubei Provincial Shadow Puppet Art Association. Delicacies such as spicy rice, pickled ginger, salted vegetables, boiled crucian carp with radish shreds, steamed vegetables from Tianmen, sweet lotus root in June of the lunar calendar, not to mention. "Daughter of hometown" and "Original Incense", I read it four times, who said that things are not more than three? "My Bean Sprout Grandpa", "Desperate Grandma", "Autumn Mother", are read over and over again.

Writing a biography of mortals and small things for the people, "Daughter of hometown" records the typical characters in a typical environment, Nian Feng: The Wind Comes from Hometown - The Preface to "Daughter of Hometown"

Mr. Lu Xun wrote a short story for his hometown, "Hometown", and Liu Liangcheng, winner of the Lu Xun Literature Prize, said: "A person can not understand Su Shi's 'this peace of mind is my hometown', but he cannot fail to understand his hometown. We can't even know that the earth is round, but we can't be unaware of where the home wind comes from. ”

Chinese family style was undoubtedly blown by Emperor Yan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation more than 5,000 years ago. In the past, I have learned about the ancient history of Soap City many times from Tianmen magazine "Jingling Wind". My cousin ran from Huxiang to the soap market to open a grocery store, I took the Tianmen Middle School, walked fifteen miles from my hometown of Hushi Zhouwan Bay, spent the night at his house, ate the pot helmet and fried fritters the next day, and walked sixty miles to jingshan middle school exam. My two nephews, both graduated from soap city high school. Soap City is ancient, there is a thousand-year-old temple - White Dragon Temple, the existing White Dragon Temple is the original location of the capital of the ancient "wind" country. I have entered the temple many times to study and investigate, and every third day of the first lunar month, the locals continue to incense the white dragon to wish the birthday.

The legends of history are strikingly similar, and the former Jingzhou Prefectural Committee and Jiangling County Party Committee, where I worked, are two miles away from the west gate of Gujiangling City, with Bailongtan in the south and Qinglongtan in the north. The white dragon is good, the green dragon is bad, the former is for the people, and the latter is punished regardless of whether the people live or die.

The anthology includes an article called "Ancient Town of Cao Cao", and the legend is related to Cao Cao. Hanchuan, Honghu, Wuhan, Jianli, Huanggang, Xianning, all of which were water towns in Zeguo, all said that the Wuwei water war occurred in the local area, but there are no documents and underground cultural relics to examine, only Honghu Lake has a Wulin town, where there are hot springs to bathe.

Legends about history, there are few ancient Chinese myths, many legends. The famous British biologist Huxley once said: "Ancient legends, such as tested by modern rigorous scientific methods, most of them disappear like dreams." But strangely enough, the legend of this dream is often a half-asleep dream, foreshadowing the truth of history. ”

The author of "Daughters of Hometown" was born in his hometown, toddler, took his younger siblings, watched plays, lived, worked, and studied for fourteen years, left his hometown at the age of fifteen to go out to work, and returned home every New Year's Festival. The kite that flew away did not break the line, and it was the people, love, food, grass, wood, and birds in her hometown who led her home. Only those who leave their hometown can deeply understand what their hometown is.

Distance is also a kind of beauty, and hazy is also a kind of beauty. It is not difficult to write the form, it is difficult to write the heart, and it is difficult to write the feelings. The author writes about the characters who are extremely familiar with each other day and night, body, heart, love, people, hearts, and feelings. Watch her write about the emotional place, good people will also shed tears! The author writes about life and releases the endless nostalgia!

Broadly speaking, all literature and art involving man are anthropology. Most of the chapters in the anthology are written by people, and the fifth chapter, "A Piece of Ice Heart in a Jade Kettle", is all written by people. Write about the little things of mortals and establish a biography for the people. The anthology records the personalities of typical characters in typical environments, especially with real details. This book is colorful, the skeleton is hard, the flesh is plump, it can stand up, what is it? Use details to establish people, feelings, things, and things.

Writing a biography of mortals and small things for the people, "Daughter of hometown" records the typical characters in a typical environment, Nian Feng: The Wind Comes from Hometown - The Preface to "Daughter of Hometown"

This book is written about three important people: Grandpa, Grandma, and Qiu Mama. In addition to the grandparents each having a single article "My Bean Sprout Grandpa" and "Desperate Grandma", there are sixty-five articles in the collection that mention grandparents. The author and Qiu's mother are neighbors and close friends with her daughter QiuQiu. When she was a child, after her parents divorced, she often went to Qiu's mother's house to rub her mother's love. Now, the three elders who loved her have all died.

The author uses an anthropomorphic techniques, and the "Chicken Affair" article writes the chicken world alive, which is simply a bit human. "Daughter of Hometown" is a story club. Prose is grounded to write about life, life not only has content, go with the flow to write. There are ways and means of writing in life, and this book is a vivid and concrete example. The author reads more ancient and modern Chinese and foreign books, famous works, and collects a large amount of information. With the hometown of Sanmin City as the center of the circle, the circle is gradually expanded, and there are contrasts between northern and southern China, especially in Hunan and Hubei, because Chen Yanping's mother's hometown is in Hunan. Chen Yanping is good at writing psychological activities, with "Teacher Wen" as the most important, writing the virtues of young teachers and the hearts of little girls vividly. The author makes good use of comparisons, metaphors, and sandwiches... The text is rich in association and rigorous in structure. The author read the "Book of Poetry" and "Dream of the Red Chamber", Tang poems and Song Ci especially came home, and many of the flowers, trees, birds, insects, fish and medicinal herbs written originated from the "Book of Poetry".

In the future, you must read more good books, from content to form, your prose will certainly be as the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhizhuo said in "Climbing the Stork and Bird Tower": "The day is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea." Want to go to the next level.

Compared with other ethnic groups, Chinese characters are beautiful, have a unique structure, and have profound meanings. In "Daughter of hometown", the tea affairs in the hometown are mentioned many times, and Lu Yu Tea Saint and his "Tea Classic" are also mentioned. I will whitewash the original tea, involving the length of human life. There is rice to eat, and you can live to be eighty-eight years old. Take apart the rice word, isn't it eighty-eight? There is tea to drink, you can live to be 08 years old. Take apart the tea word, isn't it one 08?

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