
Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

author:Da Li Dan Qing

Huang Gesheng is incredible about the creation of nature, often to appreciate the majestic and dangerous shows of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, to find and express the wordless beauty of nature and the beauty of life, he constantly absorbs nutrients through sketching, leaving invisible mountains and rivers and boundless seasons.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Ginkgo biloba golden straw yellow"

Gesheng Four Seasons · autumn

In the autumn of the Li River, the moisture is a little delicate and damp.

The trees are light, and the grass hall at the foot of the mountain is near the water, and there is no silence and depression in the mountains, but there is a faint tranquility. Like the owner who lives here, listen to the birdsong, sightseeing in autumn, and enjoy yourself!

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Autumn Light with Sunset"

Huang Gesheng's landscape paintings are very careful in color, making it an indispensable organic part of the whole.

Golden yellow is the tone of autumn, but autumn in Guangxi is rarely seen in large areas of golden yellow, Huang Gesheng chose to take the subjective warm color of the picture, so that the autumn scene suddenly jumped on the paper.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Hump Autumn"

In the painting, Huang Gesheng consciously gives the middle and close-up scenes a warm yellow color to the bamboo bushes, lone trees, huts, and boulders, reflecting his dedication to life, and the color makes his works have a richer atmosphere of life.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"The Farmer's Autumn Feelings From Safety"

Huang Gesheng's paintings are very realistic, vivid and full of local life. He unifies both in a reality that is not kitsch and popular, resulting in a fresh and natural style.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Grain And Abundant Forest Mao Good Home"

The thick and long pen will show the forest smoke clouds in Guangxi, the sparse fields, and the villages and villages. Huang Gesheng's landscapes and images show the unique regional style spirit of the Eight Gui Land.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"It's when the grain yellow cabbage is ripe"

Huang Gesheng uses freehand brushwork to paint mountain stone trees, the trunk is only a simple double hook, and the branches and leaves are made of ink dots and grass.

The mountains draw the concave and convex layers of the mountain with a fine and soft line, and then dye it with water ink to make it appear soft and grassy.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Ginkgo on the Slope Early Phi Gold"

Leaf light boats, old houses, wisps of cooking smoke, grass stacks, and lush banyan trees, the undulating miaoling ridge touches Huang Gesheng's heart at every moment, making it tireless.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Miaozhai orange yellow autumn water purification"

The landscape paintings under Huang Gesheng's pen and ink integrate the rich connotations of humanities, geography and emotions, making the picture richer, deeper and more impressive.

Ge Sheng Four Seasons 丨 His autumn is clear, beautiful, and deeply meaningful

"Dream Home is Autumn Sound"

Huang Gesheng created a systematic and complete pen and ink language suitable for expressing Guangxi style with his art creation practice, which also reflects his artistic style as broad, majestic and magnificent, showing the majestic atmosphere of great beauty, and reflecting his personality traits of perseverance and perseverance.

Edited | Ashasha

Plan | Hey Ma Squad

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