
Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

author:Director of Entertainment

In the entertainment industry, there will always be a few stars who have been pushed to the forefront because of their poor acting skills. For example, some time ago, Yuan Bingyan was ridiculed by the group for crying with eye drops. The reason why everyone is so disgusted by such things is mainly because people's requirements for works are constantly increasing.

Today's audiences are not satisfied with the simple high-value protagonist setting, but also pay more attention to the performance of the actors in the drama. Therefore, in order to prove their acting skills and let the audience understand that they are a powerful actor, many stars actively sign up for acting reality shows. They hope to prove to everyone that they are not a person without acting skills by virtue of their performance in reality TV.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

For example, last year's fire of "Actors Please Take Place 2" has helped many actors who have been popular successfully. In this show, in addition to the performance of the new and old actors, it is worth watching, and several directors on the jury are also very interesting. In addition to Zhao Wei, Guo Jingming and Chen Kaige, three directors who are more familiar to everyone, "Actors Please Take Place 2" also invited the famous Hong Kong director Er Dongsheng to join.

With a sharp comment and sharp and vicious recoil, Er Dongsheng successfully won the love of a large number of audiences. Everyone has called him an "anti-correctionalist", believing that his appearance is to rectify those who are both temperamental and have no acting skills in the show business circle.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

Of course, some netizens also questioned that Er Dongsheng commented unceremoniously in the program, without the slightest fear of offending people, where did the confidence come from? Isn't his backstage hard? When we understand Er Dongsheng's family environment and life experience, perhaps everyone will find the answer.

Friends who have done homework must know that Er Dongsheng is from an acting family. Her mother, Hongwei, is a professional actor, and her father, Er Guang, is a well-known producer and director in Hong Kong. Even his two brothers, Qin Pei and Jiang David, are also famous elders in the show business circle. If anyone has the deepest influence on him, it must be his mother, Hongwei.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

First, Hongwei had two marriages in her life, and only four of her eight children were left in the end

Hongwei, whose original name was Luo Zhen, was a Manchu and lived in Beijing in her early years. If you look it up according to the family tree, this can be the Manchu grid of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er.

However, Hongwei fell into the middle of the family road at an early age, and her life was once very embarrassing. In order to improve her living conditions, at the age of 12, she joined the troupe with her brother and participated in the cabaret performance.

Later, the brothers and sisters moved to Shanghai together. It was also during this period of acting in Shanghai that Hongwei met her first husband, Yan Hua.

Compared with Hongwei's nameless origin, Yan Hua was still well-known in Shanghai at that time. Because of his good acting skills, coupled with his handsome appearance, he is easily sought after by many people.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

Soon after the two met, they came together because they loved the industry of acting. After getting married, Hongwei and Yan Hua gave birth to four sons and a daughter. Among them, Qin Pei and Jiang David, who are very familiar to everyone, are her third and fourth sons with Yan Hua.

It was 1947, and the Defeat of the Kuomintang was on full display. Seeing that the situation in Shanghai was becoming more and more unstable, Yan Hua consulted with Hongwei and took the children to Hong Kong to make a living. After the couple arrived in Hong Kong, they starred in shaw pictures and Taishan pictures. Because of their solid acting skills, they soon took root in the Hong Kong showbiz circle.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

Perhaps because the parents are actors, several children have heard about it since childhood, so they have a strong interest in acting. Qin Pei and his younger brother Jiang David have often made cameo appearances in film and television dramas since the age of three or four. Although the acting skills are slightly immature, they also pave the way for the future to go to the road of acting.

In Hong Kong in the 1950s, the income of actors was not high. Fortunately, the couple worked together, and life was not too bad. Unfortunately, such a happy situation did not last long. When Qin Pei was six years old, Yan Hua died because of ineffective rescue from liver cancer. As early as a few days before Yan Hua's death, Hongwei's second son also died of illness. The successive blows made Hongwei a little flustered.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

(Hongwei video data)

In order to raise the mother and four children in the family, Hongwei can only shoulder the heavy responsibility of supporting the family alone. Before she began her second marriage, in order to supplement the family, Hongwei often led her children to audition with the crew. Just to make a little more money, so that you can supplement the family.

The so-called roof leak coincided with overnight rain, and not long after Yan Hua's death, Hongwei's brother also died suddenly. In order to support herself and her brother's family, Hongwei can only continue to take on the scene and shoot the scene. When I am busy, there are more than a dozen works a year.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

It was not until later, when Hongwei met her second husband, Erguang, that Hongwei's life was improved. Compared with her previous husband, Yan Hua, Erguang's strength is obviously stronger. He has worked as a producer in Shaw, Yonghua and other companies, and even the famous Hong Kong director Li Hanxiang was also hand-picked by him.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

(Four brothers and sisters of Er Dongsheng)

Not long after the two married, they gave birth to a son, Er Dongsheng.

Although the three brothers are very different in age and are not born of the same father, their feelings are very deep, which once made Hongwei very pleased. The only thing that made her feel sorry was that she had two marriages in succession, and she had eight children, but in the end only four children remained by her side.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

(Four mothers and children)

Second, in 1993, Hongwei won the Special Achievement Award of the Golden Horse Award

Because of the family road in her childhood, Hongwei suffered from hardships in life. Because of these pasts, she can always interpret those ordinary and small characters and small supporting roles just right. Whether it is the ordinary peasant woman in the anti-Japanese film or the unknown mother in the film, she can always restore the role itself to the greatest extent.

Since her debut as an actor in the 1940s, Hongwei has starred in a number of Chinese films. For example, films such as "Little Two Black Marriage" and "Moon Bending and Bending to Illuminate Kyushu" are her representative works. Although she did not play a leading role in the film, this did not hinder her love of acting.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

It is precisely because of her words and deeds that several of her children have a clear understanding of the role of "actor" in their future lives. In 1993, Hongwei won the Golden Horse Award for Special Achievement. This is the only time that Hongwei has won an award, which is both an affirmation of her superb acting skills and a praise for her years of silent efforts.

Therefore, when Ni Hongjie cried about the heartache of the middle-aged actress in the show, Er Dongsheng once mentioned his mother Hongwei, he said: "My mother has never played a leading role in her life, and she has played her mother since she was young, but she has never given up." He wanted to inspire these middle-aged actresses through his mother's example and convince them that if they were willing to work hard, they would have good results.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

(Qin Pei)

Third, because Hongwei has a good teaching, several brothers have become excellent protagonists

In her lifetime, Hongwei has starred in more than sixty works, but there is no protagonist. But it is such an actress, because of the emphasis on the education of her children, who has trained her three sons to become male protagonists. It can be said that this is the best praise for Hongwei's hard life.

First of all, let's talk about the eldest son, Qin Pei. Qin Pei's original name was Jiang Changnian, and when he was three years old, because of his mother, he got the opportunity to participate in "Slut's Heart".

Although it is only a small supporting role in the film, this is also a representative work of Qin Pei entering the film and television circle. In the following years, Qin Pei often participated in movies with his mother, counting as the earliest batch of child stars.

With his solid acting skills, Qin Pei has won the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor for many years. In April 2018, he won the 23rd Huading Awards Chinese Film Lifetime Honorary Award, which is also a recognition and recognition of Qin Pei's many years of acting career.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

(David Jiang and Dillon)

When we learn about Qin Pei's experience, we have to talk about Jiang David, another son of Hongwei. Compared with the tepidness of his brother Qin Pei in his early years, Jiang David's popularity can be said to be smooth sailing. At that time, martial arts films were on fire in Hong Kong. Because Jiang David studied Hong Quan with liu Jialiang, he laid a solid foundation for future martial arts films.

With this layer of preparation, David Jiang successfully became the most popular male star in Hong Kong with his wonderful performances in "Thirteen Taibao" and "New One-Armed Knife". If it is said that Jiang David's fame is so smooth and smooth, who should be most grateful, we must mention the big director Zhang Che.

In 1968, David Jiang served as a stand-in for the crew of the movie "Golden Swallow". Because of the recommendation of director Zhang Che, Jiang David has the opportunity to become a contracted actor of Shaw. The reason why Zhang Che takes such care of Jiang David is mainly because he and Yan Hua have been friends for many years. It is also because of Zhang Che's help that David Jiang was able to successfully gain a firm foothold in the Hong Kong film and television circle.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

Compared with the natural entry of his eldest brother and second brother into the show business circle, Er Dongsheng's entry into the show business circle seems somewhat unexpected. According to the original plan, Er Dongsheng should go to Canada to study. However, he refused to go abroad. Under the guidance of the second brother Jiang David, he went to Shaw Pictures to become an actor.

At first, he could only run the dragon set in various movies, and later he had the opportunity to play the leading role under the appreciation of director Chu Yuan. He has starred in many movies such as "The Sword of the Three Young Masters" and "The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens".

Later, with many works, he became a famous actor in Hong Kong together with his eldest brother and second brother.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

(Er Dongsheng with Jiang David and Qin Pei)

After more than ten years of filming, Er Dongsheng suddenly turned to the background and wanted to be a director. To this end, he gave up filming and went to work as a screenwriter in the film company set up by Qin Pei and Jiang David.

The three brothers successfully completed the transformation with a martial arts comedy "Owl". In the years that followed, Er Dongsheng constantly switched between the director and the actor. Compared to being an actor, his achievements in directing are obviously higher.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

After switching to directing, the first film directed by Er Dongsheng, "The Legend of the Upside Down", achieved very good results as soon as it was released. Since then, he has also successfully won the popularity of Cecilia Cheung and Yuan Yongyi with the movies "Can't Forget" and "New Can't Love". Even the later "Disciple" and "Eavesdropping" have been highly recognized by the audience.

The success of the three brothers in the show business is not only related to their own talents, but also has a very direct relationship with the words and deeds of their mother Hongwei.

It is precisely because they have witnessed their mother's silent dedication for ten years that the three brothers will cherish every opportunity to act after entering the show business circle. They grasped every possibility and interpreted each character with their hearts, which left so many classic character images for people.

As we all know, a good work is not only to make the protagonist shine, but also to supporting roles. Because it is not only the protagonist who plays the lead role that is called success, but also the success of the supporting role. Whether it is from Hongwei or the early experience of the three brothers, we can find the answer to this.

The Geng guard in "Son-in-law" and the big lady in "Know It or Not", these are all supporting roles, and they are all real and successful examples. Because several actors do not care about the size of the role, only a mind to study the acting skills, which can portray the bland small role into the wood three points. The storyline has become full because of their outstanding performance, and they have also won the love of the audience because the characters are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists

Since then, we seem to understand the reason why Er Dongsheng was sharp and ruthless to the actor in "Actors Please Take Place 2". He hopes to use such comments to awaken the awe in the hearts of contemporary young actors.

Let them understand that whether they play a leading role or a supporting role, they must first accept their shortcomings with an open mind and seriously explore and learn. Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry with real talent and practical learning.

As for why he mentioned his mother Hongwei in the show, it was probably to encourage the middle-aged female stars who were in an awkward position with his mother's deeds. No protagonist is not terrible, as long as you are willing to work hard, even if it is a supporting role, you can also win the recognition of the audience. After all, no one can play the lead role all the time, but as long as you work hard enough, the supporting role can also be successful.

Hongwei: Er Dongsheng's mother, who has never played a female protagonist in her life, has trained her three sons to become male protagonists


The more admirable Hongwei is, the more it sets off the chaos of the contemporary film and television circle. Nowadays, film and television drama works no longer pursue the exquisite display of works, but rely on a large number of traffic students and small flowers to brush their faces. The Internet is no longer full of discussions about the plot of the work, but instead a battle for the position of several leading actors.

When netizens are ashamed that traffic stars have no acting skills, and crying scenes rely on eye drops, should the actors also think about whether people's requirements for film and television works are too high, or have you lost the reverence for performance, and lost the love and sincerity of achieving good works? As an actor, I don't work hard to hone my acting skills to improve myself, and I think about brushing my face all day to be a male and a female one, which is ridiculous at the same time, but also makes people can't help but feel sad for them.

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