
Liu Xiaoyanfang responded: The video transmitted on the Internet was maliciously edited, and there was absolutely no intention of slandering the martyrs

(Observer Network News) Recently, some netizens broke the news that Liu Xiaoyan, a "famous teacher of examination and research", openly slandered the heroic martyr Dong Cunrui in the classroom and insulted the people of Henan, and the video clip of the relevant lecture triggered a hot discussion on the Internet.

On the afternoon of August 3, Liu Xiaoyan's studio told the Observer Network that after malicious editing of the video transmitted online, Liu Xiaoyan's own intention was to use this ridiculous paragraph of "Dong Cunrui Explosive Pack" to refute the view that "Henan people are liars", which is full of regional discrimination, and has no intention of slandering the martyrs. In addition, Liu Xiaoyan also provided a complete video clip of the course to the Observer Network.

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Full video (with permission from Liu Xiaoyan) The content starts at 29:05

On the morning of the 3rd, the Observer Network reported that netizens broke the news that Liu Xiaoyan, a "famous teacher in the examination and research institute", openly ridiculed and insulted the heroic martyr Dong Cunrui and insulted the people of Henan in his class.

Video footage from the Internet shows That Liu Xiaoyan told another version of Dong Cunrui's story in class that she felt was "well founded."

She said that at that time, it was a Henan person who went to blow up the bridge with Dong Cunrui, because the explosive package was close to the bridge deck, and the Henan people let Dong Cunrui support it with his hands first, and he went to find a wooden stick to support the explosive package. As a result, the Henan people ran away, Dong Cunrui held up his hand to hold the explosives package until the end, and the last sentence before the sacrifice was: "Don't believe the Henan people." ”

Liu Xiaoyan smiled and said, "I don't know (true or false) this matter, but I think this is more logical, you found that there is none." ”

At that time, the observer network private message contacted Liu Xiaoyan, but as of the morning press release, Liu Xiaoyanfang did not respond.

Webcast video footage

On the afternoon of the 3rd, Liu Xiaoyan's studio contacted the Observer Network to respond to the matter.

Liu Xiaoyan said in her response that the online video was maliciously edited, misinterpreting her original positive energy intentions. Her original intention was to justify the names of Henan people and refute the view that "Henan people are all liars". She hopes to tell students that the version of the Henan people who use Dong Cunrui's explosive packages on the Internet to defame Henan people is unreliable, untrustworthy, and has no intention of slandering the martyrs.

The following is the original text of Liu Xiaoyan's response:

Regarding the malicious editing of my personal previous class video by people with ulterior motives, distorting the original positive energy intentions and denigrating my perception and views on heroes and martyrs, I would like to make the following explanations:

First, regarding the black matter of Henan region, my own intention is that the view that "Henan people are all liars" is unreliable, and the reason why I said it in class is because I saw such a fabricated story on Baidu. This story is to blacken the Henan people by borrowing the hero Dong Cunrui to hold up the explosive package, I am an authentic Henan person, in the face of such slander against my hometown, I feel that I have the obligation to justify the name of my hometown Henan.

Second, regarding the denigration of the martyrs, the original meaning I conveyed in the video course was: the version of the Henan people on the Internet that uses Dong Cunrui to hold up explosive packages to defame henan people is unreliable and untrustworthy, and I hope that my students will not believe it.

Third, for the revolutionary martyrs, I have always maintained the feelings of not forgetting my original intention and being grateful to the martyrs.

Liu Xiaoyan said that the video clips transmitted online came from their paid courses, and they gave a more complete version of the relevant videos.

Liu Xiaoyan gave an example of a "private Individuals in Henan" in class, and she continued: "Saying that Henan people are all liars, I really said that students, in fact, there are many things written that are not necessarily right, nor are they necessarily true, have you seen that 'Dong Cunrui explosives package'..."

Then, Liu Xiaoyan recounted the passage of the "Dong Cunrui Explosive Pack" circulating on the Internet that defiled Henan people, refuting the remark that "Henan people are all liars".

In the subsequent courses, she also appeared "This story was made up blindly when she heard it, similar to Dong Cunrui's explosive package, classmates..."

More complete video footage provided by Liu Xiaoyanfang

For Liu Xiaoyan's evaluation of the story of the online version of "Dong Cunrui Explosive Pack" in the video, which is more "logical" and "more logical", Liu Xiaoyan's studio staff explained to the Observer Network: "She means that the causal relationship between the story is made up, and the story logic is quite logical, but it is not a credible story." ”

Liu Xiaoyanfang responded: The video transmitted on the Internet was maliciously edited, and there was absolutely no intention of slandering the martyrs

Screenshot of the interview

The observer network inquiry found that Liu Xiaoyan's Weibo account @ Xiaoyan Kaoyan was now unable to view it because of complaints of violating laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Weibo Community Convention.

Liu Xiaoyanfang responded: The video transmitted on the Internet was maliciously edited, and there was absolutely no intention of slandering the martyrs

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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