
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

author:Dapeng School of Calligraphy and Painting
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

In ancient and modern China and abroad, many painters are good at imitating characters, and the characters in their pens are extremely evocative!

Time comes to modern times, among the many contemporary painters, who paints the most beautiful woman? I think there is one person who deserves to be nominated.

He is known as the first person in contemporary Chinese Gongbi figure painting!

His works and painting styles have always been imitated, but never surpassed!

Some people say that he has opened a new chapter in Chinese Gongbi character painting!

All the women in his paintings have a fresh and unworldly divine beauty!

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Korean International Students

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

He is He Jiaying, the leader of contemporary Gongbi figure painting!

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

He Jiaying, born in Tianjin in 1957, is currently the vice chairman of the China Artists Association, the vice president of the China Gongbi Painting Association, the doctoral supervisor of the China Academy of Art, and the president of the Gongbi Painting Research Institute.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

"Rice Fat's Mother-in-Law"

The beauty of the beauty under the brush can be exquisite, can be the national color and heavenly fragrance, but the trait that people have always respected is also the style rhythm of the people in the painting.

He Jiaying is a master in this, the women he expresses, whether it is a rural woman or an urban beauty, are all natural and divine special objects, it is also the objectification of He Jiaying's human spirit and personality ideals, and the women he writes about are ultimately beyond women, pointing to the beauty of life and the sacredness of life.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Red Apple

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

In the process of choice and expression, different artists often make different choices. He favors the gentle sadness, the elegant girlishness and the poetry of everyday life.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Heart Language

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Most of He Jiaying's characters are women: "When I paint women, I know them with my heart, so I can find unusual beauty from women."

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

"Dancing Rest"

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Women were chosen as the object of expression because women are the most emotionally vulnerable, she is sensitive, affectionate, and easy to show on the outside.

The woman's eyes, the woman's dynamics, will be presented in an aesthetic state, and this aesthetic state can be painted.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Sour Grapes

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

In his expression of women, he was idealistic, and he followed the laws of classical art.

In his artistic world, women are always placed in a timeless expressive structure in which only nature and women coexist.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?


Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

He Jiaying's feminine temperament is similar, no matter what the identity, it is always a little distance away from the world, with some poetry.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Lonely Leaf

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

The model of "Lonely Leaf" is an ordinary laid-off female worker, the education level is not high, but he finds the meaning of painting from her sluggish gaze, and deeply feels that her bone-sensitive forehead, deep concave eye sockets, and smooth feet all have the expressive power of beauty. "I borrowed her appearance, but I expressed my own heart."

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?


The works of the Gentle School deeply infected and influenced He Jiaying, making his artistic expression imbued with a kind of poetic sadness. In this sadness, women's beauty is associated with the unfounded number of life.

Because of this, He Jiaying's female beauty expression and secular beauty painting have drawn a clear line, and his female themes include beauty, youth, purity, purity, motherhood, fertility and inner upbringing.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

"Autumn Meditation"

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

He Jiaying said that he is not a person who has experienced too many ups and downs in the world, so he is not good at depicting strong tragedies.

But what touches him is often tragic, the sadness caused by the little waves in some people's peaceful lives.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?


Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

He played with the faint feelings of melancholy and sentimentality, and found them the most poetic. It is the aftertaste of a good food after sweetness, with a little bitterness, gentle and interesting.

"If we just paint people sweet, it is very sweet, the reason why we love chocolate, coffee, green tea, is because they are a little bitter, we will not be greasy, will feel its long taste, is to penetrate into the heart." 」

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?


The reason why He Jiaying is named "one of the most promising Gongbi painters" is not only because his paintings are so simple, but also because his Gongbi paintings can almost perfectly borrow the strength of Western paintings in inheriting the style of the Jin and Tang Dynasties, expressing contemporary realistic trends of thought and reflecting the emotions of the times. Both Gongbi painting and freehand painting have unique achievements, completing the transformation of Chinese painting from classical to modern forms.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

"Soul Horse Crest"

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

He Jiaying portrays ancient historical themes from the perspective of modern people, the picture still has a strong "antique" atmosphere, the expression of the emotions of the characters in the picture is extremely vivid, and the overall oppressive atmosphere jumps on the paper minute by minute.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?
Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

On the road of exploring a special self-style, it can be said that He Jiaying is extremely lucky and successful, and even many painters in the industry often say that He Jiaying has painted a picture that they have always wanted to paint but can never draw.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

"Xi Shi Huan Yarn"

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?

Some people say that He Jiaying's paintings have a kind of tranquility and ultra-vulgar elegance that is far away from the dust and the high ancient neutrality.

Some people sighed: thousands of strokes, but his art has not failed, this is kung fu.

He Jiaying has always maintained a unique thinking perspective and perception, reading his paintings, you can find a sincere and delicate passion and dreamlike ideal color.

Who paints the most beautiful woman in contemporary times?