
Can Chen Zhipeng's gunfight movie "Line of Fire Breakout" a hot theme innovate ratings?

author:Film copyright subscription Manager Yuan

Title: Line of Fire Breakout

Genre: Web Movie

Director: Roger

Starring: Ren Tianye, Chen Zhipeng, Feng Wanhe, Yang Han, Zhang Liwei, Sun Zhao, Lang Feng, Hao Li

Production company: Cultural and Creative Tianhe Studio, Hengdian Film and Television, Yonghe Pictures

Status: Released on September 2

Synopsis: The film tells the story of a retired ace bodyguard who fights a group of outlaws in a deadly duel to save his daughter. Da Rong was once the top bodyguard in Southeast Asia, in the process of a mission, the failure of the operation led to the tragic death of his brother, his wife also died unexpectedly, and the sad and frustrated Da Rong has since retired to live an ordinary life. Unexpectedly, the rebellious daughter is unladylike, accidentally involved in a criminal drug trade, and is kidnapped by outlaws, in order to save her daughter, Da Rong has to re-emerge from the jianghu and embark on the rescue road alone...

Can Chen Zhipeng's gunfight movie "Line of Fire Breakout" a hot theme innovate ratings?

Project Highlights: As we all know, Ren Amano's play is very fierce and has a strong sense of strength, which is inseparable from his professionalism and professional attitude. It is reported that Ren Amano was injured in the hand due to a scene accident a few days after the filming began, in order not to delay the shooting progress, he insisted on shooting with injuries, and immediately plunged into the shooting of the next scene after being simply handled by the medical staff on the spot, and joked to himself: "Minor injuries can not reach the line of fire, we shoot the line of fire breakthrough." In fact, before this, Ren Amano was not healed due to foot injuries due to filming, and the shoes he wore in order to shoot "Fireline Breakout" were specially customized, and many of the scenes in the film that ran fast to chase and jump Ren Amano endured the pain and insisted on completing it.

Can Chen Zhipeng's gunfight movie "Line of Fire Breakout" a hot theme innovate ratings?

In order to give the audience a better viewing effect, the film uses a large number of shooting difficult and dangerous car chase and explosion scenes. Although the smoke grenade device had been repeatedly tested before filming and the condition of the vehicle was carefully checked, sudden accidents were still inevitable. During the shooting of the scene, a car suddenly caught fire, which frightened the staff, and fortunately no one was injured, which shows the difficulty of the film to present a real battle effect.

Can Chen Zhipeng's gunfight movie "Line of Fire Breakout" a hot theme innovate ratings?

It is understood that "FireLine Breakout" is the first gunfight action movie film shot by actor Chen Zhipeng, this time playing a cold-blooded killer with agile hands and extremely high sniper ability, is a role that is far from real life and completely opposite to Chen Zhipeng's own personality, for him from physical strength to acting skills is a big challenge and breakthrough. When filming the rooftop battle scene, although it was winter, the sunshine in Yunnan was still very strong, which was a great test of endurance. But this did not bother Chen Zhipeng, who, with his excellent actor quality and physical fitness, spent a whole afternoon in the hot sun, very dedicated.

Can Chen Zhipeng's gunfight movie "Line of Fire Breakout" a hot theme innovate ratings?

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Can Chen Zhipeng's gunfight movie "Line of Fire Breakout" a hot theme innovate ratings?

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