
"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

author:Xiao Tao

There are several actresses in the film and television industry who specialize in playing "old ladies", such as Jin Yaqin, Peng Yu, Li Mingqi and so on. All three are northeasterners, but became famous in Beijing. Jin Yaqin and Li Mingqi came to Beijing relatively early, and Peng Yu only came to Beijing after he retired.

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

Old drama bone Zhang Shaohua

Zhang Shaohua is also an "old lady" professional household. Unlike Jin Yaqin, Peng Yu and Li Mingqi, Zhang Shaohua is an authentic Beijinger, born and raised in Beijing. The old lady of Beijing she plays is the closest to the character image. For example, Ma Liqiu, the mother of Xiangxiu in "The Gate of the Great Mansion", the old mother of Ru'er's grandmother Feng Ma in "The Fragrance of The Flowers in May", and the old mother of Zhang Frangipani in "The Contrarian son of the House", Li Mama, and so on.

Zhang Shaohua was originally a drama critic. But in the commentary theater, she is not ambitious, first running the dragon set, and then playing the B role. Only if the A corner is absent for some reason, it will be her turn, but her efforts are not small at all. In 1993, the 47-year-old Zhang Shaohua switched to film and television dramas. Some people say that Zhang Shaohua's change of career was influenced by the famous critic Zhao Lirong. Zhao Lirong became popular for participating in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. When Zhang Shaohua changed careers, Zhao Lirong was already the queen of the Hundred Flowers Award.

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

Zhang Shaohua when singing and commenting on the play

Zhang Shaohua's first play was "Wuyi Immortal Mortal World", playing an old witch. This play opened a window for Zhang Shaohua, but it also labeled Zhang Shaohua as an ugly old woman. According to incomplete statistics, in the following 26 years, Zhang Shaohua starred in 90 TV series and 30 movies. At first, she played either a witch, a bustard, a matchmaker, and later played the more positive roles of grandmother, aunt, aunt and mother.

In terms of artistic achievements alone, Zhang Shaohua is inferior to Zhao Lirong, and even inferior to Jin Yaqin, Peng Yu and Li Mingqi. Jin Yaqin and Peng Yu both won the Golden Rooster Award. Li Mingqi has won the Wenhua Award, and her role as Grandma Rong is a household name and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Zhang Shaohua has only won the Magnolia Award at the Shanghai TV Festival, and there is a certain element of luck.

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

Use two words to describe Zhang Shaohua's home - shabby

However, Zhang Shaohua is a prolific actor. On average, she participates in at least five plays a year. 2008 and 2009 were the two years she filmed the most. In the past two years, she has participated in a total of 13 TV series and 9 movies. Jin Yaqin only made 7 TV series and 6 movies in her lifetime.

The highlight of Zhang Shaohua's art was in 2008. In the 26-episode TV series "My Ugly Lady", she played the ugly lady. This is the real female number one, and it is also the only time zhang Shaohua has played a female lead in his life. In 2010, Zhang Shaohua was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. After his illness, Zhang Shaohua insisted on filming with illness and participated in 29 TV series and 9 movies.

After Zhang Shaohua's death, her family said: "She (referring to Zhang Shaohua - Xiao Taozhu) stubbornly struggled with the disease and still photographed many popular works... Her spirit of struggle and hard work is an example for us to learn from." Filming with illness does have an element of "struggle and struggle", but it does not need to be deliberately elevated. Would you believe such a high-intensity take on the drama and say it was just to "struggle and struggle"? However, those who admit to filming in order to make money should have no second person except Li Liqun, who came from Taiwan to shoot in the mainland.

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

As a guest in Beijing, Zhang Shaohua bluntly said that his mother had no dignity

Zhang Shaohua's chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not a single disease, but a general term used to describe chronic lung diseases that can cause limited airflow in the lungs. We often hear that chronic bronchitis and emphysema are chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. The most common symptom of COPD is dyspnea. Its causes, in addition to heredity, are mainly caused by long-term smoking or inhalation of dust or chemicals, and most of the people who suffer from this disease are people living in the lower levels of society. Malnutrition and poor living conditions can make the disease worse.

Zhang Shaohua obviously did not live in the lowest level of society, but why did she get this disease? To say that it has nothing to do with her desperate filming, I am afraid it is not a fact. Zhang Shaohua himself was emaciated. Filming in the crew, eating box lunches every day, nutrition is definitely poor. Zhang Shaohua has been living in a house of more than 40 square meters in the evaluation theater, and it is also a fact that the living environment is poor.

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

Zhang Shao defended his only son

There have been rumors on the Internet that Zhang Shaohua did not dare to retire, filming everywhere to repay his son's mortgage, and his son was accustomed to being a "white-eyed wolf". Whether Zhang Shaohua's son is a "white-eyed wolf", Xiao Tao does not dare to jump to conclusions, but it is a fact that Zhang Shaohua does not dare to retire.

Two years ago, Zhang Shaohua sent a Weibo to clarify: "During the hospitalization, my son was busy, but someone sent a video to reverse the non-slander of him, and my son is a good person who works hard to filial piety to his parents." Zhang Shaohua's use of "reversing right and wrong" cannot be miscalculated, but what is commonly used is to reverse black and white and confuse right and wrong. "Work hard" and "filial piety to parents", these words are more suitable for leaders to evaluate their employees, and they are still "conscientious" and "hard work". A mother says her son is a "good man", and what mother does not say that her son is a "good man"? But not all of the "good people" my mother said were good people. Whether this clarification weibo was sent by Zhang Shaohua himself is no longer known. However, this is no longer important.

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

Use Zhang Shaohua's Weibo number to forward the news of Zhang Shaohua's death

Zhang Shaohua died on the morning of March 23, but his brokerage firm's Obituary was not released until March 25. The obituary said: "The funeral honors Mr. Zhang Shaohua's last wish: during the epidemic period, from Jane, do not cause trouble to others!" The family also said that they wanted the elderly to go on the last journey quietly (so they issued this obituary after the funeral on March 25). ”

During the epidemic period, funerals are simple, not only is there nothing wrong with it, but it is worth advocating, but it is unusual to issue an obituary after the funeral. Literally, Zhang Shaohua did not ask for this, which should be the request of the family. Why did Zhang Shaohua's family make such a request, and what was the hidden reason in it? Xiao Tao said that whether there is a hidden feeling or not, it should not be as simple as "funeral from simplicity".

"Ugly Lady" Zhang Shaohua Died After the Funeral, He Issued an Obituary Against the Ordinary What is the hidden feeling?

Yang Yang pushes Zhang Shaohua, who is in a wheelchair, to the stage, followed by Zhu Jun, in 2018

Zhang Shaohua was born in 1946 and died only at the age of 75. Today, the average life expectancy of Beijing citizens is 82.31 years. Writing this, Xiao Tao suddenly thought of a sentence said during the Lu Yu program: "The human world is not worth it!" What Xiao Tao wants to ask is not that the value of the world is not worth it, but whether the "struggle and struggle" like Zhang Shaohua is worth it?

(Xiao Tao original.) The image comes from the Internet, except as indicated. Reprinting is strictly prohibited, and the embezzler will be prosecuted! )

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