
Da Bong beat more people outside - Su Su

author:Enjoy push books

Beijing, Su Province

"Wow, wow, wow"

With the sound of a baby crying, the young scribe who had been waiting outside the door looked at the door with joy, not even aware that a few beards had been plucked.

"Congratulations to Mr. Su, Mr. He Xi Su, Mrs. Su gave birth to a phoenix fetus, which is a healthy doll of eight pounds and six pairs."

Before the midwife arrived, the voice was already coming out of the room.

The door opened, and the midwife congratulated the adult in front of her with a happy face, and followed by the maid holding the baby.

The young scribe hurried forward, looking at the doll, and his expression of joy suddenly froze a little.

"This.... It's ugly. ”

"Adults don't mind, newborn babies are like this, in a few days it will look good." The midwife looked at the adult's face and hurried to explain.

"Well, come on, take the midwife down to receive the reward." The young scribe commanded the family, and then turned to the lady, "You carry the young lady into the house with me." ”

The young scribe entered the room, saw his wife lying on the bed weakly, closed his eyes, walked gently to the bed, shook his wife's hand, and said softly: "You have worked hard, Wanjun." ”

The woman opened her eyes and replied weakly, "It is a blessing for Wanjun to be able to pass on the lineage for her husband." ”

"What about my baby?" Come and show me the newsletter. ”

Hearing this, she carried the baby to the bed.

The woman lovingly stroked the baby's forehead and looked at the child with a kind face.

"You rest first." The young scribe said softly, "The child will be well taken care of." ”

The woman heard the words, nodded her head gently, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Da Bong beat more people outside - Su Su

A hundred days later.

Su Mansion is full of lights and joy, countless guests come and go, and the sound of congratulations rings from time to time.

"Congratulations to Lord Su for being overjoyed, and the little congratulations are not respectful." A white-clad scribe came to the door of the Su Mansion and said to Su Hang, who was entertaining guests at the door.

"Oh, how dare you bother Lord Xu to come in person, just send someone to send it." Su Hang heard this, looked at the white-clad scribe, and hurriedly walked over, "Lord Xu inside please, inside please." ”

After saying that, he walked into the mansion with the white-clad scribe.

When he reached the front of the hall, Su Hang commanded to ya gui, "Go and ask Madame and Miss to come out." ”

The beard heard the words and walked toward the back hall.

Not long after, Madame Su walked out with the Su family Qianjin in her arms, saluted the white-clad scribe, and sat down next to Su Hang.

"May I ask, Lord Su, can Ling Qianjin be famous?" The white-clad scribe asked.

"It hasn't been named yet." Su Hang responded.

"Then I don't know if I can let this official rub this blessing, in order to make Qianjin take a secret." The white-clad scribe continued.

"I can't ask for it." Su Hang's face was overjoyed.

The white-robed scribe stood up, walked over to the baby, and looked at it carefully.

"I look at Qianjin's eyes, so I might as well call su Lingqiong." The white-clad scribe gave his answer.

"Thank you Lord Xu for your golden words." Su Hang said happily, "Madam, I didn't hug Qiong'er and thank lord Xu." ”

"Wanjun took the little girl to thank Lord Xu."

"No thanks, no thanks." The white-clad scribe waved his hand and said, "Since I have already taken the name, then I will retire." ”

With that, the white-robed scribe got up and left.

"Lord Xu does not stay for a light meal." Su Hang retained.

"No, things are busy in the DPRK, and I still need to deal with it." The white-clad scribe responded.

During the conversation, he had already walked to the door, turned around, and looked at Su Hang meaningfully.

Da Bong beat more people outside - Su Su

Unconsciously, nineteen years have passed, and the girl who was still a baby has now grown into a big girl like a flower.

During this period, the Su family had another younger brother.

It was night, Su Hang was about to fall asleep, wanting to have a husband and wife fight with his wife, when suddenly there was an urgent knock at the door.

The mood was interrupted, and the wife was obviously very dissatisfied.

Su Hang could only comfort: "Maybe there is something big, I will go out and have a look." ”

Su Hang came to the front of the hall, only to see a golden gong under the hall carrying three silver gongs and dozens of copper gongs, looking at Su Hang with bad eyes.

"Lord Su, your crime has been committed, follow me to beat up someone and sit in prison." Headed by Jin Gong Senran.

When Su Hang heard this, his heart was full of doubts and asked, "Dare to ask this adult, what have I done?" ”

"If you have committed something, you will know when you go to the big prison." Come, take him down, and if there is any obstruction, shoot him. The golden gong looked at the servant who wanted to protect the Lord in front of him.

"All retreat, and the cleaners clean themselves." Su Hang said, "You can't cover the sky with your hands. ”

When Su Hang was taken down from prison, a will suddenly came out of the palace, "Su Hang, the criminal official, corrupt and perverted the law, formed a party for personal gain, committed a heinous crime, stripped of his official position, and was assigned to the frontier." Women of his family were admitted to the priesthood and men to slave houses. ”

At the sound of an order, countless fighters and guards surrounded the entire Su Mansion and waited for the arrival of those who raided the house.

"Come, people, go and destroy the su mansion, and don't leave a living mouth." Be careful not to alarm the beaters outside the house. The white-clad scribe sitting in the hall commanded into the air.

"No." Echoes came from the air.

When the day of the raid came, the beaters opened the door of su mansion, but only saw a tragic scene.

All the creatures in Su Province, Mrs. Su, Jia Ding, and Ya Gui, including chickens, ducks, cats and dogs, all died of death, and the death was terrible. The whole Su Mansion was dead silent, and the back of the gong was soaked and stood stupidly.

In the night, all the dead bodies in Su Province were all moved out, and the whole Su House was dark and dead. A man dressed in Xuan robes climbed over the wall, looked at this Su Mansion, and muttered to himself, "Although the belongings are different, I still did not count that he would be so cruel after all." ”

Suddenly, a glimmer of noise came from the backyard.

The cloaked man hurried to the backyard, listened carefully, and found that the sound was coming from the well.

When I came to the well and looked down, I saw a woman holding a little boy tightly, her hands tightly covering the boy's mouth. But it was clear that the woman was dead, but the boy was still alive, and the sound was officially made by the boy.

The man in black clothes rescued the boy and looked at the boy and said, "You are the last descendant of the Su family, follow me." ”

The boy didn't seem to have figured out what was going on and nodded his head in a daze.

The man in black clothes picked up the boy and left su mansion.

When the man in black clothes left, the yin qi in the well suddenly rolled over, and it was mysterious.

"Why why? What happened to my Su family? ”

A low roar came from underground. Suddenly, a pair of red eyes looked at the wellhead, their eyes filled with hatred.

A few days later, a Tianzong emperor passed by su province, looked at what was lurking under the well, and took it into his pocket.

"It turned out to be a charm....."

Da Bong beat more people outside - Su Su