
In 1937, the girl who knew her father from the bounty chart was followed and asked: Are you surnamed Zhu?

author:Amy reads history

In the spring of 1927, a new girl under the age of one was suddenly added to a family in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu, and no one knew her origin except her family. It wasn't until many years later that people learned about her story and her identity in The Red Cherry.

So, what's going on here? Today, we're going to follow this issue to get to know.

In 1937, the girl who knew her father from the bounty chart was followed and asked: Are you surnamed Zhu?

In the early spring of 1927, a housewife from Chengdu, China, came to Vladivostok on the border between China and the Soviet Union and took a baby girl who was still swaddling from a young mother, and then she crossed Hebei from the northeast, crossed the Central Plains, and returned all the way back to her home in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu, which was an orchard with one or two acres of land.

In the following many years, the little girl grew up in the orchard day by day, she called the peasant woman who took her back to China as her aunt, the mother who managed her aunt called grandma, the grandmother and the aunt were very kind and gentle people, and the uncle was even more diligent and down-to-earth, and the little girl arrived in the orchard In the second year, the aunt gave birth to a little sister to her, and the family lived happily.

Unconsciously, the little girl reached the age of enrollment, and her grandmother, who had always paid great attention to education, sent her to the school, and the little girl began her own learning career, everything seemed normal, but the little girl was not happy day by day, because she grew up and understood things.

Especially after entering the school and having a small partner, she began to be curious about her own life, but no matter how she inquired, her family always did not say a word, not only did not say a word, but also pretended to be angry, and did not allow the little girl to ask too many questions.

Grandma and aunt rarely get angry, but they start a fire very fiercely, so the little girl no longer dares to inquire about her own origins, but her whole person is gradually unhappy, she does not understand, why other children have parents and mothers, but she can not inquire about her parents?

During that time, she often listened to the neighbors talk about the Red Army, but when they talked about the Red Army, they were all sneaky and seemed to be very excited, and the little girl suddenly wondered, will her parents be the Red Army? But when she asked her grandmother this question, she covered her mouth in shock and solemnly warned her not to mention the Red Army in the future.

In 1937, the girl who knew her father from the bounty chart was followed and asked: Are you surnamed Zhu?

You can't ask your parents, you can't talk about the Red Army, what's wrong with that? The little girl couldn't understand it and became more and more unhappy.

After a few years of this, Grandma saw that she was sullen all day, so she picked a good weather and prepared to take her into the city to play in the park. The little girl heard that she was going to the park, and suddenly became happy again, the child's happiness is so simple, because they usually live in the suburbs, although the park in the city has only been to a few times, but the bustling and lively, bungalow vendors, the little girl is vividly remembered.

In this way, the mother-in-law and grandchildren went all the way to the city with a laugh, and when they reached the entrance of the park, the little girl wanted to spread her grandmother's hand and rush into the park to play, but the grandmother firmly took her hand and led her to a wall next to the park.

It was the most prosperous area in Chengdu at that time, the wall of tourists and vendors bustling, a group of people stopped by the wall, looking at the wall plastered with flowers and green announcements, the little girl also wanted to go to the crowd, but was pulled to the side by grandma again, waiting for the onlookers to scatter away, grandma pointed to an announcement on the wall to show her.

The girl saw a portrait of a bearded man on the announcement, and at the same time, she also read the brief bounty note on the announcement, which meant that the man in the picture was worth fifty thousand oceans. She felt that this person was really expensive, and when she turned around to ask her grandmother what was going on, her grandmother quietly said to her in a low voice, look, this bearded man in the picture is your father!

In 1937, the girl who knew her father from the bounty chart was followed and asked: Are you surnamed Zhu?

It turned out that the man in the picture was his father, whom he had never met day and night! The little girl was sad and happy, sad that she had never seen her father, and happy that her father was so valuable! She stared at the portrait for a long time, and she had to remember what her father looked like.

Many years later, she recorded the incident in her memoirs like this:

In my memory, this is the first time I have the appearance of a father. Although I met my father on a bounty chart, this image left an indelible impression on my young mind.

And this girl, she is the daughter of Marshal Zhu De, Zhu Min, the year she met her father on the bounty chart, she was only 11 years old.

That year, in the orchards on the eastern outskirts of Chengdu, she lived and studied with her aunt and grandmother, while her father was fighting bravely in the Taihang Mountains to kill the enemy, and the enemy was afraid of him, and he could not catch his traces, so she could only post announcements everywhere, play 50,000 ocean chips, and offer a reward.

Also in that year, the wind of the War of Resistance became more and more intense, the enemy did not know where to find the news, began to look around in Chengdu for Zhu Min's clues, trying to use Zhu Min to blackmail her father, Zhu Min's situation began to become extremely dangerous, so later Zhou Father and Deng Mother also deliberately went to Chengdu to prepare to pick up Zhu Min.

However, the grandmother was reluctant to her, the aunt was reluctant to her, and Zhu Min, who had lived with her grandmother and aunt since childhood, was also reluctant to have a family, so later everyone discussed letting her continue to stay in Chengdu first, but we must pay attention to the secret identity, and in order to keep Zhu Min, she even began to spread the news that Zhu Min was her own daughter.

However, the enemy's minions were not willing, they quietly followed Zhu Min again and again, and when they encountered no one next to them, they would also go up and quietly ask the children, are you surnamed Zhu?

In 1937, the girl who knew her father from the bounty chart was followed and asked: Are you surnamed Zhu?

At that time, Zhu Min was unusually intelligent, and when someone tried to inquire about the news, she pretended not to know anything, and then jumped all the way away.

However, after a long time, after the aunt who had been protecting Zhu Min accidentally exposed her identity, Zhu Min could not hide it, so after three years, Deng Yingchao's mother once again secretly visited Chengdu and took away Xiao Zhu Min and her cousin.

It was 1941, Zhu Min was 14 years old, and after a lot of worrying and tossing and turning, she finally met her father, Zhu De, who she thought about day and night on the loess slopes of northern Shaanxi.

After meeting her father, Zhu Min learned that she and her father actually met, that is in the Soviet Union, when she was just born, but unfortunately, she was too young to have a memory, and her father returned to China shortly after she was born, so their father and daughter could only look at each other for the first 14 years.

Our former proletarian revolutionary martyrs, while they threw their heads and spilled their blood on the front line, their children are also doing different efforts, they have to stay away from their parents at a young age, and even the most basic security has become a luxury, which has to make us feel thousands of feelings, today's prosperous world is too peaceful, it is really hard to come by, we must cherish, well, the content of this issue is here, we will see you in the next issue.

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