
7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Recently, a photographer in Japan went viral all over the Internet

The only object of his camera is stray cats!

The image of the cat in each picture is very spirited

The photographer said he retired in 2013

Would love to walk around and have a look

But one day I was unconsciously attracted to stray cats

Since then, it has been out of control

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

When there was no previous contact with stray cats

He felt the same for every cat

Eat, drink and play

Except for the different color and body shape

There is no difference between cats and cats

But took pictures of stray cats for 7 years

After walking through many parts of the world

Realize that every cat is different

They are emotionally complex

Rich in expressions

Each has its own unique personality

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

The photographer will also take all the cat photos he took

Post it all on social media

Attracted the attention of cat suckers from all over the world

Take a look at these cute cats

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Orange and white cats on the streets of Tokyo

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

The Tanuki big guy was very calm and opened his arms

Orange cat: There are cats who want sa cats, come to save the cats

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Add food for yourself

Stole small fish from fishing boats

No wonder the orange cat moon and a half

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Stretch out early in the morning and feel refreshed!

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

The mother cat is educating the kittens

The kitten listened very carefully

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Big Orange: You can't see me anymore, I'm not there

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Cats are comfortable, eat and drink in the sun, and sell a cute

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Hello brothers

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

The marriage of orange white and tanuki flowers

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Cat Mom: Let Mom hold one

Kitten: No, Mom, don't get excited

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

He was also caught climbing over the wall and being photographed

Cat: Do you say I'm in or not?

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Black Cat: Isn't Ben Meow handsome?

Is this time to take a picture?

Posture be more upright

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

A cat mother and child waiting for someone to catch a fish

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

No cat can escape the curse of the cardboard box

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

It is worthy of being a cow cat in the second of the cats

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Sit-ups to set up

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Long-distance relationships meet like nothing

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

I was a stray kitten, sad

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual


7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

The latter only succeeded in stealing the camera

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Motherly love

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Come and hold one

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

The duck was not caught, but was hula a face of water

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Cat yoga looks good

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

I can do invisibility

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

A bit miserable

7 years specializing in shooting stray cats, the cats in his camera have different postures and are super spiritual

Which cat do you like?