
Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

author:Business from all walks of life

Take a scenic view of the wind and stray into the wonderland of TaYun Mountain

  Ascend to the far horizon, listen to the wind and watch the rain, the waves are gusting, and the clouds are ethereal. The so-called wonderland is just to find a place to relax in the midst of busy life.

  Time enters June, the sun becomes hot, and everything is full of vitality in the splendor. Spend the warm and lovely spring, and summer comes proudly. In early summer, it is most suitable to stretch out in the bright mountains, see the Yangguan sprinkled with golden roofs in the high and distant horizon, feel the vastness of the mountains in a clear school, and experience the beauty of life. So, one day in early May, I arrived in the wonderland of Tayun Mountain in the depths of the sun, leaving behind a beautiful memory of early summer that cannot be forgotten.

Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

Golden Dome

Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

Caiyun Bridge Photo by Yao Yuanzhong

Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

The wonderful "Yixi Wonderland"

  Located in the small town of An'an Tayun Mountain, the main peak of the Golden Peak at an altitude of 1665.8 meters, formerly known as "Qiu'er Mountain", known as "Golden Peak Tattoo Sky, Songhai Clouds and Mist" reputation, scenic spots are divided into the Wind Ya Gateway Area, Tianchi Ya Leisure and Entertainment Area, Jinding Taoist Experience Area three areas, before arriving at Ta Yun Mountain, I have long heard that here has the reputation of "Yixi Wonderland", personal experience, only more deeply appreciate the dangerous, peculiar, beautiful, spectacular, mysterious is the keywords about Ta Yun Mountain, dangerous peaks, strange stones, ancient pines, seas of clouds, caves, Canyons and dense forests together illustrate the beauty and beauty of this place.

  According to legend, because the scenery is so beautiful, Tayun Mountain is also a place where the seven fairies used to bathe and play in the middle of the night. Stepping into Tayun Mountain, you will enter a natural "green oxygen bar". The scenic area is green with forest coverage rate of 98%, and more than 1,300 kinds of vegetation are gradually covered on the strange immortal mountain. In June, the sun shines on the lush forests, sprinkling sparse light and shadow, and the light is brilliant. Dragon phoenix pine, whitebark pine, infatuation vine and other exotic rare plants, in the sun is more charming and leisurely, listen to the locals, Tayun Mountain these strange plants, each plant contains different beautiful legends, perhaps, the forest creatures, but also the treasure of this immortal mountain, only to grow and flourish.

  Listening to the sound of forest growth, in the unpredictable sea of clouds, every step taken, every time you change the angle of vision, you will have a deeper understanding of the two words "fairyland". Soft and fluffy cotton wool, ethereal like a light veil of warmth, or like a huge current surging waves of clouds, atmospheric, shocking, vast, wind and clouds, the sea of clouds floating and sinking, is to stop at Tayun Mountain can not miss the scenery and beauty.

Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

Cloud ropeway

Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

The legendary Immortal Mountain

  The ancient tower of architecture, the clouds and mist, the vast mountains and forests, the name of Zhen'an "Tayun Mountain", full of poetry, just like its charming scenery. As the first immortal mountain of Qinling, Tayun Mountain is full of myths and legends, and is a real "place where the gods and immortals belong", where every mountain and stone wonder has a classic legend.

  In Tayun Mountain, there is a mountain called "Hunchback Beam", and the name of this mountain is derived precisely because of an exceptionally kind "hunchback old man". Legend has it that a long time ago, Mount Tayun was dry and rainless, and the Taoist monks and pilgrims on the mountain had no water to drink. There is a hunchback old man, volunteering to carry water for the temple, the road is rough, once a day, spring, summer, autumn and winter, never stopped, thus touching the gods, in his hundred years later into a huge mountain beam, known as "hunchback beam".

  Ever seen a candle? So, have you ever heard the story of the "CandleStone"? At Tayun Mountain, a huge stone wonder called candle stone caught my attention. Legend has it that when He was young, Yan Anlan, a native of Zhen'an, studied hard in the Tayun Mountain area, but when night fell, when he got up to look for light, he suddenly saw a huge candle shining on the mountain. He read a book under a candle, and only at dawn did he realize that the candle was a stone pillar. Yan Anlan later won the list and became an official in the capital salt government, and posterity called this strange stone "Candle Stone".

  The forest has a spirit, the mountain stone is strange, and in Tayun Mountain, it is also a very gratifying thing to watch the wonders of the mountain stone. A giant dragon descending from the sky, majestic tiger lying on the ground, like the peak of the palanquin protruding, people can't help but wonder if it is a fairy sitting in it... Many pictographic peaks, coupled with the appearance of mountain stone wonders such as Flying Cliff and Dripping Cliff from time to time, constitute the most characteristic mountain and stone wonders of Tayun Mountain, which is magnificent and imaginative.

Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain
Zhen'an: Mistakenly into a fairyland and enjoy the beauty of TaYun Mountain

Xionghun Taoist famous mountain

  The famous place of landscape and water has always been a cultural attraction. Tayun Mountain complements humanities and nature, and is a wonderful place where nature and man are united. Since ancient times, Tayun Mountain has been a well-known Taoist mountain in Qin, Hubei, Sichuan, Henan and other places, and in 2011, it was also rated as "China's Most Potential Ten Great Avenues Famous Mountain".

  In Tayun Mountain, there is a quaint and large-scale Taoist architectural complex. The building complex was built in the Ming Zhengde period (1505-1521), consisting of a museum, a tower, a temple, a hall, nine halls, the style is simple and elegant, has a long history, is a provincial second-level cultural relics protection unit, for more than 500 years, Tayun Mountain has always been incense and fire, people say, "Worship in Tayun Mountain, spiritual experience"!

  On the first and fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the lunar calendar, the TaYun Mountain Temple Fair is held in a grand manner, at this time, thousands of pilgrims from Qin Chu and the Central Plains come from all directions, and people gather here to worship and pray for blessings.

  Climbing to the top of Tayun Mountain, the beautiful scenery of the Golden Dome Guanyin Hall is the most memorable. Tayun Mountain is shaped like a pagoda, towering straight into the clouds, known as "the golden top tattoo sky, the pine sea between the clouds". The Golden-roofed Guanyin Hall, built on top of the Ten Thousand Dragons of Tayun Mountain, is adjacent to the abyss on three sides, and it is extremely dangerous and extraordinary. In the Hall of Guanyin, you can see the flowing clouds, you can hear the sound of pine waves, the summer world, the green trees and flowers from time to time leisurely into the heart, making people feel more comfortable and natural.

  Outside of the Guanyin Hall, there are many interesting places to do in Ta Yun Mountain. Walking through the Lanyun Trail, bravely stepping over the Cloud Glass Bridge, recording a thrilling scene with the camera, taking a panoramic view on the Zilan glass platform, and resting and looking at the ancient village of Panlong, which is restored from the original appearance of the livable ancient cottage, it is a very thrilling and interesting experience!

  When the colorful natural scenery meets the thick and long-standing Taoist culture, mystery and ethereality have become the more distinctive temperament characteristics of Tayun Mountain, and since then, every holiday, I have wanted to come here and hide my time territory. (Zhen'an Publicity)