
A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

author:There is reason and face

Today, I have come to share with my friends a 1910 American novel called "The Unparalleled Invasion", which is also translated as "Unprecedented Invasion" or "Unprecedented Invasion", written by the American Jack London, to the effect of how Europe, the United States and Japan joined forces to genocide Chinese with biological weapons.

1910 was the era when China was the poorest and weakest. After the Russo-Japanese War of 1904, Japan was considered by the author to "officially enter the family of nations", while "Chinese is still asleep". The novel describes that due to China's abundant resources, in the future (the future after the article was published), Japan infiltrated China through various means, controlled all walks of life in China from parliament to the army to education, and formally invaded China militarily in 1922. But the result was that "Manchuria, South Korea, and Taiwan left Japan after seven months of bloody fighting, and the defeated Japan cowered on a small, crowded island," and China, after expelling the Japanese invaders, rose back to become a powerful nation.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

"China's rapid rise may simply be due to the quality of workers. Chinese are perfect workers, and no worker in the world can compare with Chinese in pure work ability. "the freedom of Chinese is epitomized by hard work, which is the only power they need in life. Awakening gave China a large population freedom and unrestricted, scientific means of labor. ”

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

As in reality, the China in the novel is not a belligerent country, and instead of building a large standing army, it has established a very efficient militia organization, with only a small navy, and the world's treaty ports have never been visited by Chinese warships. But Chinese loves business, does very well with countries around the world, and is considered by the author to be "dangerous".

After 1970, all countries bordering China began to complain about Chinese immigration, when China's population was half a billion.

It should be noted here that the author's world refers to the United States and the West, including Japan, which has been Westernized, while the vast third world is not considered, which is also very similar to the current worldview of the United States and the West.

"China has shown no intention of conquering the world. China is not an imperialist race, but industrious, frugal and peace-loving. War is seen by Chinese as an unpleasant but sometimes obligatory task. The Western countries, on the other hand, are constantly quarreling and fighting, risking the world. China, on the other hand, has completely calmed down, working and growing on machines. Now China has begun to migrate in large numbers, and across all the borders, Chinese migrants have spread to neighboring territories with a slow but firm momentum like a terrible glacier. France made a decision in 1970 after being threatened by migrants. At that time, French Indochina was completely occupied by Chinese immigrants, but the French could not stop the flow of people from China. France assembled 100,000 troops on the border between the colonies and China, and China sent 1 million militia fighters, their families and luggage to form the Second Army, so the French troops were shot like flies. More than 5 million Chinese calmly settled in French Indochina, planning to stay for thousands of years. ”

"France was furious and sent several fleets to the coast of China, china did not have a navy, but Chinese did not mind, calmly withdrew from the range of the French guns, Chinese to continue to work. The French entangled the nations of the world and formed an army of 250,000 to invade China, but the next day the team lost contact, and no survivors came back to tell people what had happened. ”

"Chinese immigrants continue to move forward into Southeast Asia, India, Nepal, Central Asia, Persia..."

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

In response to China, the world and China met in Philadelphia, USA, and the Chinese representative said: "Don't think that the whole earth belongs to you, you can't defeat us."

Seeing this, Brother Li suddenly thought of the words of Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, in the China-US Alaska Dialogue in March: "The United States is not qualified to talk to China condescendingly, and Chinese not eat this set." ”

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

It can be said that at this point in the novel, in addition to the date, the navy and foreign immigrants are not matched, other generally "God prophecy" is as accurate. In fact, this author does not have any prophecy ability, after all, even a hundred years ago, the degree of excellence shown by Chinese still wearing braids already indicates that China will inevitably rise again.

In the novel, in order to deal with China, the whole world, that is, the United States and the West, plus Japan, united a million troops to block China's road borders, gathered all the merchant ships and warships they could find, and blocked the Chinese coast, but did not invade China. Since there is no navy and no way to prevent it, the Chinese in the novel continue to live as they should.

Then, the West used airships to throw glass test tubes, viruses made in various laboratories, at Beijing and other major Chinese cities, and the plague began to occur in China on a large scale.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

The author paints this picture of what he was expecting:

"In six weeks, if someone shows up again in Beijing, he will find that most of the eleven million people are not finished. He might see a small fraction of them, about hundreds of thousands of people, their bodies festering, scattered across houses and deserted streets or piled up on discarded high-piled transporters. Others would be spread over the empire's various roads and trails. Everyone was fleeing the plague-stricken areas, far from Beijing, and thousands of people left their unburied bodies and evacuated quickly. But the plague did not occur only in Beijing, but in all the cities, towns, and villages of the empire. The plague destroyed the country. Not one plague of two, but a dozen plagues. All kinds of deadly infectious diseases are spreading rapidly on the earth. It was only then that China finally understood the implications of the previous preparations, fleets from the world, tin airships and glass test tubes. ”

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

"Millions of fugitives are running wild in this land, taking care of nothing. They bring infectious diseases from the cities to the countryside, and wherever they flee, they bring disasters to... Creature attacks flooded the entire empire with fugitives. Farms are filled with spoiled crops, unplanned, unattended and unattended. The biggest problem here is the displaced people. They assembled in groups of several million, rushed to the borders of the empire, which were blocked by the huge armies of the West, encountered them, and were driven back. This massacre on the border line is staggering. The defensive line again retreated twenty or thirty kilometers to escape the infection of the many dead. ”

"This is an unprecedented invasion of China. For these billions of people, they have no hope. They can only huddle in the morgue's house rotting and stinking, losing all their organizational strength and cohesion, and all their efforts are in vain, and they can only wait for death. Unable to escape, they were driven back from their land borders and from the sea borders. For there are seventy-five thousand warships patrolling along the coastline. During the day, the smoke from the warship's exhaust outlet dimmed the sea, and at night, flashing searchlights swept through the darkness to find every fleeing Chinese galleon. None of the large fleet of sailing ships could escape. No one can cross the range of a cruiser. ”

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

"In the summer and autumn of 1976, China was a hell. Microbial weapons reach every of the most remote hiding places, with nowhere to hide. Unburied bodies multiplied by bacteria that doubled their ability to infect, and finally, millions of people died of starvation every day. In addition, hunger weakens the victims' bodies and destroys their natural immunity to the plague. The whole country is plunged into cannibalism, murder and madness. At this point, China perished. ”

"It was not until February of the following year, in the coldest weather, that the countries began their first cautious expedition ..... They found China devastated, full of desolate wilderness, with herds of wild dogs and desperate survivors wandering like bandits. All survivors found were summarily executed. Then a huge project began to clean up China thoroughly. Within five years, hundreds of millions of jewels were found and looted. ”

"After 1982, the people of various countries happily settled in China, becoming a huge and successful mixed national experiment, with brilliant output in machinery, intelligence and art."

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

Seeing this ending, all the little friends were shocked, Chinese live well on their own land, work hard, develop peacefully, and as a result, they were genocide. On the corpses of Chinese, Western ethnic groups immigrated and rebuilt a mixed nation.

Where is this talking about? Isn't this the United States today? The massacre of Chinese in the novel is actually the genocide of the Indians by white Europeans, killing all the Indians and using the huge wealth of the land to build a powerful United States from 1910 to the present.

Who was the author who could come up with such a vicious genocide? Is it an extreme fascist?

The author was Jack London (January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916), an American realist writer. His major works include: the novel collection "The Son of the Wolf", the novella "The Call of the Wild", "Love of Life", "White Teeth", the novel "Sea Wolf", "Iron Hoof" and "Martin Eden".

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

Jack London was born in San Francisco in 1876 to a family of bankrupt farmers. Due to his family's poverty, he has been engaged in manual labor since childhood. Worked as a child laborer, stevedor and sailor, and later wandered across the United States. He studied at the University of California, Berkeley on the basis of his labor, but was forced to quit school due to poverty and joined the ranks of gold prospectors in Alaska and other places.

According to the class division, it can be said that Jack London was an oppressed proletarian laborer, indeed he was classified as a leftist writer in the United States, and he also joined the left socialist Party of America in his youth, participating in the struggle against the capitalists and for the rights and interests of the workers. In his works of his youth, there was a pulse of challenge to capitalist society.

One of the novels, "Love of Life", was excerpted from the junior high school Chinese textbook of the People's Education Publishing House (old version).

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

A foreign writer who can enter Chinese textbooks can never be a fascist in his position in European and American society. But how can he explain his great enthusiasm for genocidal Chinese?

Jack London's experience in the gold panning also came into contact with some Chinese workers, and he remembers Chinese's diligence. Due to the policy of the United States, the Chinese workers at that time could only choose the gold mines abandoned by the American workers to mine, and use ten times or a hundred times the diligence of the American workers to dig out more tiny gold grains.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

It can be said that the Chinese workers of that year were picking up the leftovers of the Bottom of the United States for a living, and even accumulated a certain amount of wealth. This caused dissatisfaction among American gold diggers.

Jack London's rise to fame gradually fell into extreme individualism, expanding the dissatisfaction encountered in his youth infinitely, resulting in more than one "Yellow Peril" work.

As mentioned earlier, the author is by no means a prophet, he just made "reasonable inferences" according to the development trend of the world at that time.

The description of the Chinese industrious revival of the country in the first half of the novel can be said to be a portrayal of the Chinese workers in the United States, and not invading after becoming strong is also the character of Chinese. Japan's invasion of the three eastern provinces, although it occurred 21 years after the publication of the novel, can also reflect the tacit approval of Japan's invasion of China, which is the consensus of Western society for many years. With the tenacity of the Chinese, it is also foreseeable that the Japanese invaders will eventually be expelled. The description of how biological weapons were used in the second half of the section is not that he foresaw that his homeland would establish a biological virus base such as Fort Detrick, but that the US government gave blankets infected with smallpox virus to the Indians and used "biological weapons" to carry out genocide in front of the real bloody examples, so he reasonably imagined this science fiction story.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

In 1916, six years after his fantasy of extinction Chinese work came out, 40-year-old Jack London died of a drug overdose. Before China became extinct, he took drugs himself.

Jack London is classified as leftist in Western society rather than an extreme racist. When China was at its weakest, he could see How China was strong and fantasized about how to exterminate Chinese, which showed how the Western social atmosphere at that time was toward China. Today's United States and the West are an increasingly right-leaning society, so how do you view China, which has become stronger?

Do they want to exterminate Chinese, take away China's wealth, and divide Up China's land, as Jack London envisioned a hundred years ago?

Of course they want to!

It is just beyond jack London's imagination, in the past hundred years, Chinese benevolent people have gone forward and succeeded and made unremitting efforts to improve themselves. After the expulsion of the Japanese, the Chinese people established a people's state under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. In order to defend their homeland, Chinese soldiers bravely went abroad and fought a national war with the "United Nations Army" composed of the world's most powerful countries at that time.

We have no way back, because behind us is the motherland!

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

Punch away with one punch, so as not to have a hundred punches coming! After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, imperialism no longer dared to have territorial ambitions for China, so that China could win a long period of peace to build a socialist country.

In times of peace, Chinese revolutionaries were not complacent. Deng Jiaxian and other scientists completed the project of "two bombs and one satellite" in the blockade, so that Chinese had a "bullet" with the same power as imperialism in his hands.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

Qian Xuesen, the father of Chinese aerospace and the father of Chinese missiles, and other Communist Party members have allowed Chinese rockets to transport satellites for interstellar exploration for the benefit of mankind. At the same time, Chinese missiles can also send "bullets" anywhere in the world.

Dongfeng Express, the mission will be achieved! Let the Jack London blockade destroy China and become a bubble.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

General Liu Huaqing, the father of China's aircraft carriers, led the Chinese navy from weak to strong and grew into the world's second-tonnage navy with two aircraft carriers (soon three). If imperialism dares to blockade China's coastline again, it will encounter an iron wall of copper.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

Yuan Longping, the father of China's hybrid rice, allowed 1.4 billion Chinese to eat enough and have a large number of war-ready reserves.

According to Xinhua News Agency, at present, China's hybrid rice planting area of more than 17 million hectares, accounting for 50% of the country's total rice area, staple grain has been self-sufficient, and now imported grain is only to eat better and raise livestock.

Imperialism dares to wage a food war against China, we replant hybrid rice in ordinary rice fields, and China's grain production can increase rapidly in one planting cycle. China's arable land is now 1.8 billion mu of red line, and there are also 1.5 billion mu of saline land that is not suitable for cultivation, of which 200 million mu can be planted with seawater rice invented by Yuan Longping. The room for improving grain production can be said to be China's strategic underpinnings.

Imperialism comes again, Chinese not only have guns in their hands, but also grain in their bags!

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

The virus plague is coming, we have the brave and fearless People's Liberation Army, medical care rushing to the front line of defending the people, there are Vulcan Mountain, Leishen Mountain, Zhong Nanshan. The novel depicts the beijing residents laughing in the face of the virus ignorance, and then a large number of sick people running around, but instead became a reality in the American descendants of Jack London, and it has to be said that karma cannot run away for a hundred years.

But don't be afraid, his children and grandchildren can try to drink disinfectant water.

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

Former U.S. President Barack Obama has said that Chinese would be a disaster if they lived the life of an American.

For a hundred years, it has been a hundred years, and the greed of imperialism has not changed at all, even if it is Chinese how peaceful and friendly, as long as you want to live a rich life, it is a sin in their eyes.

Western leaders, and even many western civilians with red necks, are very eager to do another "unparalleled invasion" against China, looting wealth and occupying land, just as they did to the Indians!

Unfortunately, the times are different, China has a strong leadership core, and with the efforts of generations of heroic sons and daughters, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely come.

And you Jack Londoners, who can only shiver under the threat of the hybrid mutant virus, anesthetize yourself in drug addiction like your ancestors, and can no longer stop the great revival of China!

A century ago, Americans painted a picture of how to exterminate Chinese...

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