
"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

author:The wind blows in the east corner

Good morning to the audience, today is Wednesday, October 27th, the 22nd of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. Welcome to the Heroes Simulcast.

Top 1 and Top 4

With the end of the last quarter-final on the 25th, S11's final four teams were officially determined. The six divisions of the group stage are only two divisions left so far, LPL and LCK, and the first half of the division is dominated by EDG against GEN.G. Two teams with similar styles and strengths, and the probability of EDG reaching the final is very high. The second half of the zone DK against T1, the two are the champions and runners-up of this year's LCK summer showdown, T1 was won by the DK 3:1 led by former coach Kkoma, and now the S match meets again, is it Li Ge's revenge or Kkoma's continued education T1?

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

In addition, yesterday's LOL official push gave the division confrontation points from the group stage to the present (not counting the internal battlefield), LCK led by a proud result of 26-7, and the LPL division, the win was only one more than the loss. The situation is grim, EDG refuel.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

II. GEN. G: The strongest in the LCK division

After beating C9 3-0, GEN. Team G was interviewed by the media. Referring to the issue of the competition area and the views on EDG, some of the interviews are as follows.

Q: (for Life and Ruler) The next game opponent is EDG, and many people say it will be important to go down the road. What do you think of the duo of EDG, are you confident? Life?: EDG's downside group was great, but I remember Viper losing to Ruler and me. Confident of winning in the semi-finals. Ruler?: I'm confident because I often beat Viper with Life.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Third, Leng Shao apologized on the hot search

The LNG World Championship defeat with high hopes failed to enter the quarterfinals and was eliminated miserably, and after the game, many people accused icon of electrocuting the ice girl for looking down on people, being killed by crazy singles, etc., and the rhythm flew up. Yesterday, icon posted an apology on Weibo, disappointing everyone.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon
"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon
"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

As the comments section said, the one I'm most sorry for is himself. Unfortunately, from the old OMG has been playing until now, this year is not the only chance in this life of the icon no one can know, whether the electrocution ice girl wants to make a desperate bet or a light enemy is also a thing of the past, enjoy a holiday, next year continue to refuel it.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Fourth, Doinb, Niu Bao's whereabouts

The well-known e-sports whistleblower "Crazy Is Very Old" yesterday weibo revealed some of the problems he learned about the whereabouts of FPX players. In addition to Niu Bao, who everyone speculated about going back, the club has also allowed Doinb to find a team freely. The blow is too big, the players are in poor shape, I don't know how many people can be left in next year's FPX.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Gossip, that is, to eat a melon, everything still has to be subject to the official announcement.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Khan: I want to play for another year

After beating MAD 3-0 to get tickets to the semi-finals, team DK gave an interview to the media. Both Canyon and Zhongdan ShowMaker have expressed confidence in winning the championship, with the current focus on T1. Asked about Khan's game next year, Khan said: "If the South Korean government can open up next year, I will continue to play."

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Since you still want to play for another year, is it okay this year... That's it, good brother of LPL!

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Sixth, there are only six people left in the finals prediction list

After the quarter-finals, The Fist's official prediction campaign, 2021 Worlds Pick'ems, currently leaves only six players to reach the perfect prediction. Interestingly, a total of eight people predicted the final championship last year, and only six people remained in the final four this year, of which the most eliminated players were four teams in Group D 3-3.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

According to this momentum, it is not predicted this year that the players will be completely destroyed, and the final prize ultimate skin does not know whether it can still be received.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

7. Group stage hero data

Immediately after the final four duels, the answer to the world version is almost revealed, take a look at the hero data.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

In terms of BP rate, the top few popular heroes have a win rate of higher than 50, which is indeed quite strong. It is worth noting that the hard assistant Riona with the highest selection rate has a winning rate of only 33%, while the long-shining single warrior knife girl has reached the world championship, and the winning rate is only 25%.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

In terms of winning percentage, it is obvious that the middle mage hero and soft auxiliary are in the world, hey, the LPL played before the game is mostly hard auxiliary.

VIII. 11.22 Patch Preview

Prepare to freeze hands Prepare to freeze hands. Designer traditional skills: Heroes can be strong, but not too strong, especially in the game. Recently, the designer released a preview of the 11.22 version of the patch, and the world's hot male gun Yumi was tragically weakened.

"Hero Network" Leng Shao apologized on the hot search Doinb Niu Bao transfer melon

Today's hero simulcast program has been broadcast, thanks for watching! For more news, please pay attention to the next issue, we will not see the scattered.

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