
Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

author:Little flower talks about food

Text/Little Flower on Food

Nowadays, with the development of the times, people's living standards have generally improved, and they have become more and more particular about eating, wearing, living and traveling, especially in terms of diet, pursuing diversification and appetite enjoyment. As a result, more and more restaurants of all kinds have emerged to meet people's dietary needs. For example, food chains such as Shaxian Snacks are very popular with people.

But when it comes to Shaxian snacks, I don't know if everyone has found it, the Shaxian snacks that were once popular all over the country, now the business is getting more and more bleak, and the number of people who eat is greatly reduced, why is this so? The boss said the 4 reasons behind it, and it was precisely because these drove away customers. Hurry up and find out!

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > 4 reasons why Shaxian snacks used to be very popular and now have a dismal business</h1>

1. Low entry threshold and poor quality affect word of mouth

The first reason is that the entry threshold of Shaxian snacks is too low, the industry is more chaotic, as long as you want to join, you can open a Shaxian snack, so it also leads to the quality of some stores is very poor, affecting the overall reputation of Shaxian snacks. For example, the types of food are too messy, the practice is relatively single, many Shaxian snack owners are just using this sign to attract business, but the taste is really not good, so the business is dismal.

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

2. Peers suppress a lot and the competitiveness is too great

The second reason is the suppression from peers, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce, resulting in a much worse business. We can see that in recent years, a variety of delicacies emerge in an endless stream, such as Chongqing small noodles, yellow braised chicken rice, Lanzhou ramen, etc., everyone can choose a wider range, go out to eat, cheap and delicious and more than Shaxian snacks, so you can see that Shaxian snack business is very hot, but now there are not many people.

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

3. With the rise of the takeaway industry, there are fewer customers coming to the store

Now many people around like to order takeaway to eat, especially for office workers, the noon break time is too short, so instead of going out to eat, it is better to order takeaway directly in the company, save time to eat and rest for a while. This has led to fewer customers going to Shaxian snack stores to eat than before, even if there are many tricks, but the situation is becoming more and more difficult.

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

4. Although the price has increased, the price-performance ratio has been greatly reduced

Nowadays, with the rise in prices, the price of Snacks in Shaxian County has gradually increased, which is understandable to everyone, but what is puzzling is that although its price has risen, the cost performance is not as good as before, it has decreased a lot, and you will find that the amount is not as much as before, and the taste is sometimes unsatisfactory. Some people can't eat a full portion at all, and they have to eat two or even three portions to eat, which leads to people preferring to eat other foods.

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > Second, what are the snacks worth eating in Shaxian County? </h1>

After talking about the 4 reasons why shaxian snacks are now in a dismal business, it is worth taking you to understand what are worth eating in Shaxian snacks.

1. Mix the noodles with shallot oil. This is the signature dish of Shaxian snacks, the soul of the noodles is the peanut butter on the noodles, which is made by the store itself after frying the peanuts, which is very mellow, and the taste of the shallot oil noodles is really good.

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

2. Small ravioli. Many people like to eat the shallot oil noodles and small wontons together, the taste of small wontons is crisp, and it is very delicious to eat with thin skin and meat.

3. Burn the wheat. The third is Shaxian roasted wheat, which is different from the general roasted wheat, the skin is made of hot noodles, vermicelli, diced meat and shiitake mushrooms as the filling, to the taste of the dish is very special.

Shaxian snacks have been popular all over the country, why is the business now dismal? Boss: 4 reasons to drive away customers First, Shaxian snacks were once very hot and now the business is dismal 4 reasons Second, what are the shaxian snacks worth eating?

Today's topic: What do you think of the current Shaxian snacks? Welcome to actively leave a message in the comment area.

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