
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

author:Full range of horizons
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

After the epidemic, these delicacies are worth a visit

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"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

At present, the whole network is talking about "bulk Jiangsu", seemingly organized, undisciplined, think about it, Jiangsu people are enthusiastic, racing against the clock to help.

You see, this time only Jiangsu enterprises to prevent and control the epidemic, the donation of more than 800 million yuan; Jiangsu developed and provided the country with the test kit for the new crown virus test; Jiangsu counterpart to support Hubei's medical team arrived in Hubei, and soon became friends with Hubei patients and medical teams from all over the country! Who says it's not good?

Scatter is full of stars, ju is "Su Daqiang", Jiangsu people are particularly good at the core.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

A friend of the Zhenjiang medical team asked me: This friend is made, until the spring blossoms, friends from all over the country will come to our Jiangsu, to see the only province in the country, the GDP of the prefecture-level city is more than 300 billion, when the time comes, let's invite people to eat something good?

This is the right question. Before the Internet has a special food of 13 cities in Jiangsu, hey, that's all road goods, this time, let's have a little bit of real pressure box bottom, old-fashioned food for everyone to try!

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Zhenjiang folk proverb said: "Silver carp eats the head, the blue fish eats the tail, and the duck eats the thigh." "The big flower carp in the river around Zhenjiang is no better than the pond carp elsewhere, fat and without soil, which has created this famous dish in the dark."

Although the dismantling of braised silver carp head is one of the "three fishes and two heads" of Zhenjiang's famous dish, because of the complexity of the process, even if it is a native local, there are not many people who have tasted it. This time friends come, let's flop the goods at the bottom of this pressure box.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

It is said in the Book of Rites and Inner Rules that "fish goes to B", which means that there is a bone near the fish's eye that must be removed to prevent the throat from getting stuck. Zhenjiang people are more particular about eating, burning the fish head to six ripe, dismantling the bones of the fish head, and then simmering it with crab meat, chicken gizzards, bamboo shoots, ham, etc.

Therefore, when eating this dish, you can't use chopsticks, you can only use a tablespoon, that creamy and tender ingredients, full of collagen, fresh eyebrows to show redness.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Many people know that Nanjing is a great way to make saltwater duck and roast duck, but few people taste the dish of Eight Treasure Gourd Chicken. Looking closer, this dish contains dry water, and there is roast duck meat in the chicken belly.

This dish is similar to the boiled silver carp head, which must first be made out of the bones of the whole chicken. The specific method is to cut the sea cucumber, roast duck, shiitake mushrooms, fresh bamboo shoots into cubes, sauté them with chicken fat, add shrimp, pine nuts, cooked lotus seeds, etc., boil the broth, mix well with the cooked glutinous rice into the filling, and stuff it into the chicken belly. Then tie the chicken into a gourd shape with string, fry until golden brown, use the broth to make the marinade, pour it on the plate...

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Oh my God, listen to this exquisite step, look at this seductive color, smell this rich fragrance, it is almost uncontrollable to salivate, directly down three thousand feet ah.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

The dishes that are hidden in Qiankun are usually like the Eight Treasure Gourd Chicken, or hidden in the belly of chickens and ducks, or hidden in the belly of fish and pigeons, but xuzhou's sheep fang Tibetan fish is unique, hiding crucian carp (or mandarin fish) in a large piece of lamb, fish and sheep are combined, delicious.

It is said that this dish is 4300 years old. Ah, this is a meal of history.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Xuzhou, known as Pengcheng in ancient times, is the place where Pengzu got his surname. And Peng Zu, is revered as "the grandfather of the kitchen shop" and "the longest-lived chef", because he is good at cooking and health, it is said that he lived for more than 880 years and had dozens of wives...

Please dry your saliva and drool to try this dish.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Wu You drunken snail is one of the "Eight Treasures of Yancheng", but also a traditional famous food, just fat eated, taste this can be degreased.

Wu You drunken snail began in the Ming Dynasty, the wine is rich, salty and sweet, jelly-like sticky appearance, is a fresh and refreshing, delicate and crisp core, especially the drunken snail contains a milky white oily protein, is even more delicious, after eating the cheeks are refreshing.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, there are mud snails, but Yancheng Wuyou's mud snails, with the characteristics of abdominal fat, sand-free in the body, red feet and yellow mouths, full of belly and hidden meat, are called the "soft gold" of the Yellow Sea, and it is particularly enjoyable to eat.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Although Lianyungang is also rich in Haibazhen, there is another delicacy that cannot be eaten elsewhere, which is Doudan.

Bean Dan looks very much like the green version of the silkworm baby, it is an insect that eats soybean leaves and so on, and grows in a natural non-toxic and pollution-free state. The delicacy of Doudan is known as "rare in China, only in northern Jiangsu, unique to Guanyun", and CCTV has also reported it many times.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

There is a "Dan" in the name of Dou Dan, because the people think that it has the magical effect of a panacea and is a rare high-protein food. Bean dan has a special aroma, but also a particularly delicious taste. Locals eat bean paste as meat, stir-fry with Chinese cabbage or loofah, or stir-fry with red peppers. No matter how you eat it, the colors are seductive, the aroma is fragrant, and the appetite is very exciting.

Don't don't put the dried beans into the wrong food, don't don't make the beans improper. A pot of roasted beans, often one or two thousand yuan, is a treasure of the people of Lianyungang.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

After eating a heavy and special meal, let's eat a little bit of the popular food: Wuxi meat bones.

Wuxi is very famous for its "three voids": Huishan clay people's stomach is hollow, oil gluten bubble heart is hollow, meat and bones are empty in the mouth. The first two are easier to understand, why eat Wuxi meat bones will be empty in the mouth? Because the meat bones do not have any real meat, the main thing is to eat a good taste, to relieve hunger, to kill hunger.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Some people have examined that the prototype of Wuxi meat bones is the "fried pig" of the Ming Dynasty, which is first seasoned and fried, and then hung with honey juice and sweet brine; in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a dish called "bone burning" was more similar to Wuxi meat bones, and later called "fried ribs".

Now the Wuxi meat bones, do not need to be fried, but with the method of cooking, the color is heavy and strong, salty and sweet, the meat is crisp, the bone is fragrant, once it is started, it is difficult to give up.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Dayao Saddle Bridge is a famous dish in Huai'an, that is, the roasted eel section, named because the eel section shrinks into a saddle shape after heating.

This dish is now a very grounded dish, mostly with garlic cloves to cook, or add pork to cook, locally known as "Dragon Tiger Bucket". This time, let's eat something different and try the Qing Dynasty practice.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Use large eels, fry them in sesame oil, put the fresh artemisia into the pot, still fry them thoroughly with crude oil, flatten the eel segments, the ratio of artemisia to fish is 2:1, and simmer a simmer with condiments. After the dish is cooked, the color of the saddle bridge is red, the soup is thick and thick, the eel section is crisp, and the fresh artemisia is bright and emerald green, full of fragrance, which is the most appetizing.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Yangzhou's famous dishes are also many, we are more familiar with grilled whole pig face, etc., today another way, said a famous dish that everyone is not so familiar with: hibiscus sea pine.

We now eat jellyfish, mostly cold dishes, and this dish is the only hot jellyfish dish in contemporary Chinese cuisine. As we all know, the characteristics of jellyfish, one is crisp, one is fishy, hot to eat more fishy, the average person does not dare to eat hot, because there is no such technology and bottom.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

This dish soaks the jellyfish head in boiling water twice for about 10 minutes each time, until the jellyfish is loose and tender; take the egg white, add the chilled chicken broth, and stir clockwise until you can insert chopsticks without pouring, and then basket and steam into hibiscus eggs. Place the jellyfish in a soup bowl, scoop in the boiling chicken broth, blanch it three times in a row, then plate it, spoon the hibiscus eggs into the bowl one by one, and add the ham slices to serve.

Look at this color, and then listen to the strength of this chicken soup, can it not be delicious?

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Boiling dry silk, boiling dry silk, Xinghua and Yangzhou and other places are also good, but to say that the love for dry silk, but also belong to Taizhou people. According to some statistics, the whole city of Taizhou eats more than 2 tons of dried silk a day.

The soul of boiling dry silk and boiling dry silk is chicken soup? Taizhou people do not see it this way, they believe that the most critical is first of all to make dry silk soybeans, must be soybeans produced in the Lixiahe river area; secondly, a large white dry should be cut into more than 20 layers of uniform thickness, and then "float" out of the dry silk of consistent length and thickness.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Taizhou people often say that the top dry silk is the "nine silk soup" handed down during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, that is, dry silk plus ham silk, bamboo shoot silk, silver fish, wood ear silk, mushroom silk, seaweed silk, egg skin silk, chicken silk, just listen to these names, saliva has been surging forward.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

In Siyang, Suqian, as long as there is a wedding and funeral, other dishes can not be, and the dish of chicken cannot be absent! Moreover, after eating, everyone commented on the chef's craftsmanship, and they also used the craftsmanship of chicken as a benchmark.

Eating large pieces of meat and drinking wine in large bowls is a life that many people yearn for, however, it always feels fat, and I guess that the invention of the chicken is because of this demand.

From a distance, the chicken looks like Zhenjiang's pork, except that the red "lean meat" part is made of lean pork paste, egg yolk, steamed bread crumbs, starch, made of salt, green onion, ginger, pepper and other condiments; the fat part is made of fat pork paste and peeled potato paste, egg white, green onion white, starch, etc.; and the meat skin part is a hundred leaves.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Therefore, obviously it looks red and white, pinch a piece to see, the texture is flexible, smell, the meat is fragrant, but it is not fat and not greasy, and the taste is tender. Chicken can be cut dry to the table, or it can be slightly cooked in hot soup and hot water, which is really a good wine for both cold pots and hot dishes.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Nantong has one delicacy that is not found elsewhere: cold steaming. After the valley rain, it is the best time to make and taste cold steaming, just ten days, and it will take another year to miss it.

The raw material for making cold steaming is yuan wheat, which must be cut down when the wheat is green, and once the wheat turns yellow, it will take the crash machine. Why? Because, eating is the wheat that is full of pulp at this time, the unique strong smell of green wheat at this time, after kneading into a ball, fragrant and soft, full of the taste of spring.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

In detail, this unique way of eating in Nantong is the way the poor used to save their lives when they are not connected, and gradually developed into a delicacy, and now it has become a rarity.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

If the people of Changzhou want to say what the king of the table is, many people will say that it is wujin's Hengshan Bridge shutters.

Hengshan bridge blinds have the characteristics of thickness, tenderness, fragrance, smoothness and elasticity, making Yokoyama bridge blinds, a bucket of soybeans to be repeatedly beaten three times to ensure delicacy; and the use of ingredients, quantity, time, and heat of the point brine also directly determine the taste of the blinds. In addition, the heat of "boiling pulp" and the strength of "pressing" also directly determine the quality and aroma...

Sounds complicated? Pick it up and rub it, smell the unique bean fragrance, and feel irreplaceable.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

Yokoyama Bridge shutters, you can fry leeks, mushrooms, bean sprouts, dried bamboo shoots, you can make white soup, but also fully competent red soup, no matter how to burn, that toughness and smoothness, that indescribable bean fragrance, eat once you have to use a lifetime to miss.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food
"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

There are countless delicacies in Suzhou, but if you look at the whole country, the most written delicacies in ancient and modern poems, the perch is afraid to be among the best. Here's a famous dish from Suzhou: braised sea bass fillet.

What makes this dish special is that it uses all the ingredients and is extremely simple.

The specific method is: after the fish is sliced and cut into strips, shaped with cooked lard, the original pot is left in oil to fry the chives and ginger, and then add the leek white section, water chestnut slices, wood ear fungus, scoop in the sea bass bone soup, add Shao wine, fine salt and boil, remove the foam, pour in the fish fillets to collect the juice, and the soup is ready.

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

This dish seems simple, but it is delicious and tender, which can be described as simple.

In the "New Language of the World", it is recorded: "In Luo, seeing the autumn wind, because of the thought of Wu Zhong's cabbage soup and perch, he said: 'Life is too expensive to be suitable, how can you be bound for thousands of miles to be a knight!'" 'Then he was ordered to return.' This is the origin of the idiom "thoughts of the perch", and the main reason why later poets competed to write about the sea bass, of course, the sea bass has become synonymous with food.

This menu, you collect first, spring blossoms, let's try together!

"Su Daqiang" is not only economically strong and willing to help, but also well-eaten food

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