
On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

author:Yule Bebe

Speaking of derailment is actually nothing new, but for the star derailment can be said to be a big news, after all, the star is a public figure, the influence is very large, this and just on the New Year's derailment is really let the audience and netizens very surprised ah, many netizens have said that this is the first melon at the beginning of 2020, this melon is also big enough.

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

Speaking of this star, everyone knows him very well, but in recent years, I don't know what's wrong, rarely appear in the entertainment industry, and there are few new works, this star is he Junxiang, who is well known to everyone, and it is estimated that many people do not know him very well, after all, he has not had any new works for so many years, and he does not often participate in various variety shows, so everyone is not very familiar with him.

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

Although everyone is not very familiar with He Junxiang, but many of the works he played have also left a deep impression on the audience and netizens, He Junxiang, who is born as a model, is not only tall and fit, but also has thick eyebrows, big eyes and a facial contour that does not take off Junxiu, his appearance is not only Sven, handsome, but also modest and courteous, which is also his killer skill to attract the opposite sex.

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

So such a person is most likely to please girls, perhaps it is really for this reason, He Junxiang recently suspected of cheating, on the first day of the new year, the Taiwan media exposed He Junxiang and the long-haired hot girl street hug video, the two held hands in the street in front of the long-haired sister's residence hugged, more suspected of kissing, when leaving still clinging to it, alluding to its derailment.

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020
On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

He Junxiang sent the beautiful woman home to hold hands and hug, regardless of the wife and daughter in the family, He Junxiang and this long-haired beauty, staged a lock neck hug picture downstairs, Taiwan media pointed out, after hugging, it is suspected of kissing, but the woman is obviously wearing a mask, kissing is impossible; however, after the two people hug, they are still reluctant to spread the hands that are tightly held, and the two people shake their bodies back and forth, like a couple who do not want to separate during the hot love period.

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020
On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

He Junxiang tried to leave, and then turned back and rubbed in front of the woman's body for a while before saying goodbye. Up to now, He Junxiang has not responded. In June 2017, He Junxiang posted a photo of his daughter announcing that he had married and had a daughter, and Taiwan media broke the news that He Junxiang's wife was a person outside the entertainment circle, and the two began to communicate in high school, and broke up after 4 years of dating because of the relationship between He Junxiang's acting career, and then formally reunited in 2015.

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020
On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020
On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry who is suspected of cheating, and the first melon in 2020

On the first day of the new year, there is another star in the entertainment industry suspected of cheating, this is the first melon of the opening year of 2020, although He Junxiang has not officially responded to this matter, but the girl's behavior makes people suspicious, and somehow, there are many things that divorce and cheat in 2019, and there are such things at the beginning of 2020, which will inevitably make netizens and viewers sigh.

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