
4 Zhang Old K Why does Red Heart K have no beard on his mouth Square K always has a sideways face?

author:Sticky rice looks at history

Playing cards are easy to carry, often the easiest tool for the average person to entertain at a gathering of friends, the numbers in the playing cards are known to everyone, A stands for 1, the numbers are 1 to 10, and the big cards behind are JQK that represent 11, 12, and 13 respectively. When it comes to playing cards, everyone can casually say a few poker games, but the meaning of each card in the playing card and the character of each "big card" are not necessarily known to everyone. In bridge, spades are the highest level, while spades represent Ace of spades. J is the English servant (Jack), Q is the Queen, and K is the King. In fact, the JQK of Spades, Hearts, Squares and Plum Blossoms has a total of 12 cards, all of which are historical figures.

The 4 old K represents the 4 kings, and the K of Spades was King David, the father of solomon, the famous king of Israel in the 10th century BC, who was good at playing the harp. His hair was curled outward.

4 Zhang Old K Why does Red Heart K have no beard on his mouth Square K always has a sideways face?

Square K, also known as Diamond K, is the Caesar of the Roman Empire, because the Kaiser on the coins of the Roman Empire at that time is a profile image, so the square K on the playing card is circulated in the side, and he holds an axe representing rights.

4 Zhang Old K Why does Red Heart K have no beard on his mouth Square K always has a sideways face?

Plum K was the Macedonian king Alexander the Great, who established Greek dominance and established a vast empire on Eurasia.

4 Zhang Old K Why does Red Heart K have no beard on his mouth Square K always has a sideways face?

We put the red heart K at the end, not that the red heart represents the lowest "class", but the red heart old K is very special. Red Heart Old K is the Frankish king Charlimagne the Great. The portrait handed down from the history of Europe, Charlemagne the Great has a beard on his face, but have you looked at it carefully? Why is our current poker card Red Heart Old K a beardless face?

4 Zhang Old K Why does Red Heart K have no beard on his mouth Square K always has a sideways face?

According to historical data, Charlemagne the Great is actually a bearded king, carpenters in the wooden board carved Charlemagne the Great accidentally slipped, the emperor on the mouth of the beard shaved off, because the board is close to completion, he did not have the perseverance to re-carve, and later when the playing cards reprinted the red heart old K, but are based on this wood carving as the basic version, most of the playing cards that have been handed down so far are red heart old K, that is, a king without a beard.