
The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

author:Ding Ming resounded

Brief introduction:

The Shining is a horror film produced by Warner Bros. directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Jack Nicholson, Shelly Duval and Danny Lloyd, released on May 23, 1980.

The film tells the story of the writer Jack Torrance who took his wife and children to a winter guard job at an inn in search of inspiration, but was driven mad by illusions.


Reincarnation The world of the Shining Lonely

The cycle of fate

The movie "The Shining" begins in a strange way, assuming that someone falls asleep before waiting to see the movie in the movie theater, and then wakes up and suddenly finds that the subtitles have appeared on the movie one after another, and may pat the butt and leave, because almost all the subtitles of the movie are played after the end of the film and will not be placed in front, and this "The Shining" means that the beginning is the end through the low music and the flow of subtitles, and fate has opened a new cycle.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

The film begins with the hotel manager telling the story of the horrors that took place in the hotel in 1970, when Gridy, the same winter administrator, hacked his twin daughters and wife to death with an axe and committed suicide. Perhaps because of such an event, not many people were willing to come here to be administrators when the mountains were closed in the winter, but rather than writing, it was forced to make a living, and Jack decided to apply and did not hesitate to accept it.

When Jack and Gredy's ghost are communicating in the bathroom, in the face of Jack's questioning, Gredy says something meaningful: I don't think much like you, but you are the administrator here.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

When the film ends, Jack's picture appears strangely on the wall, in the large group photo taken in 1921, but among so many old photos left on the wall, no one will really notice that there is a familiar face in the photo, only the ghost can understand.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

If you make a guess based on the whole of the movie, it may be Jack, the old administrator, who lured Greddy to commit the murder and became the next generation of ghost administrators, and now Greddy wants to return the administrator's authority to Jack who has returned again, completing a so-called reincarnation of fate.

The world of the Shining

Before his son Danny went to the hotel, he had already seen the strange rushing blood and twin sisters in the hotel, so Danny's shining spirit (Tony) was already reminding him of the horrors of the hotel in another way, but Danny did not have the right to decide, and in the end it was whether his father Jack would agree to this job.

As a person who has a shining, he should be able to see the past and predict the future of the point, but such a person always sees some fragments constantly flashing in his mind, and the shining people can understand each other's meaning without dialogue, which is also a secret between the shining people through the mouth of a black chef.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

For Danny, his comprehension ability is not enough to parse the metaphors of these images, and as an adult black chef with a shining spirit, he can already understand these metaphors, although he warns Danny not to enter Room 237, because something bad has happened in this restaurant, but the curiosity of the child is too heavy, and eventually he enters it, which leads to being hurt by the ghost, and the fact that Danny has a wound on his neck is the source of all the events.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

The result is sad for the black cook, because the communication between the shining spirits makes him feel the danger of Danny, and as a result, he becomes a ghost for the dead, which is to send transportation to facilitate the escape of mother and son.

Not to perish in loneliness is to erupt in loneliness

Speaking of loneliness and not loneliness, I agree with what Chen Guo said: loneliness is not a gesture, but a real realm, a poetic dwelling, so there is no need to find any quiet corners. A person without thought and spirit cannot be lonely, and is at best a lonely person.

The invisible pressure of loneliness will make people examine their own hearts, when people who can face themselves may be able to survive in safety and reach a higher realm, while people who cannot face themselves can only self-destruct.

I once saw an interesting plot in a martial arts novel:

There is a canyon that is said to be carved on the cliff face with the ultimate divine skill, but every time you want to go in, you have to fight a bit, the most powerful people can go in to see, the result of the people who go in after a period of time out, if not without a word, not follow-up crazy, and finally know that the original is just a small deception, there is no absolute divine skill, only the cliff smooth as a mirror of the stone, so in this lonely valley, the daily thing to do is to look at yourself in the stone wall mirror, the result can not face themselves, The viciousness of the heart is infinitely magnified, and even the leader of a faction will lose himself.

Jack, a seemingly successful writer, has been on the verge of collapse, with new novels slow to progress, and as a man in the family, the pressures from life demand that he earn money to support his family, so he began to accept the role of winter caretaker of the restaurant.

To say that the good point is the administrator, in fact, to take care of the boiler to prevent problems, this kind of work is completely inferior compared to the golden splendor of the hotel, and this kind of work has formed a strong sense of conflict with the seemingly glamorous writer Jack.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

After Jack applied, the management of the boiler was actually the business of his mother Wendy, and he sat in the lobby every day and tapped the keyboard to start the so-called creation, in the empty and undisturbed environment, such loneliness made Jack fall into confusion and emptiness, unable to face the evil that surged from the bottom of his heart.

Once, Jack was hurt because of Danny's naughtiness, this matter became a thorn in the hearts of both sides, although it was not mentioned again, it was carefully avoided, but in such a lonely state, the wrong things he had done became a thorn in his own heart, so he would swear to hold his son and say that he would not hurt his son, the previous thing was just an accident.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

Jack himself said he would write hard, and Wendy took care of everything, including breakfast, which would be delivered to his bedside, but he blamed his wife Wendy for his lack of inspiration and the negative emotions of life hardship, believing that she had put herself in this bad situation.

Faced with the status quo whether to struggle hard or sink, Jack chose the latter under the temptation of the ghost, and the extinction of his inspiration was from Wendy's horrified watch as Jack wrote countless sheets, only one sentence, although the manuscript paper was divided into paragraphs in some places, but it was still the same sentence: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (only work and no play, smart children will become stupid)

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

Illusory self-denial and identification

The hardships of life reflect that when he first walked into the bar with only one ghost in a confused state, in fact, his wallet was empty, there was no penny at all, and he could not afford to pay for alcohol, but he did not hesitate to get free drinks.

But Danny was hurt, so Wendy wanted to leave the hotel, and entering this hotel, Jack on the one hand was an escape from the world, on the other hand, he also expected his own inspiration to write a good little word and make a splash, and the departure at this time seemed to Jack that Wendy wanted to destroy his dreams, and pushed him further into the abyss of self-illusion.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

For Jack, he wants a sense of identity and belonging, he wants to be successful, and this is the so-called good opportunity in his eyes, even if he has entered the room and seen the beautiful woman turned into an ugly old woman, he still chooses to stick here and become a superior person.

So when Jack walks into the bar again, it's already a bustling upstream society, like a trick, and then he takes money out of his wallet to pay for the wine.

In such a high-society gathering, he felt satisfied and could dance, and under the temptation of Gredy, he knew that he could become the administrator of this hotel, and the hotel chose him, and he also chose the hotel.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

It finally began his crazy move to leave his wife and children behind, to replicate the tragedy of many years ago.

But symbolizing the labyrinth of life, Jack chased his son into the labyrinth, but he could not get out of the labyrinth of his own, and finally fate was reincarnated again, this time Jack should really become the administrator of the hotel.

The Shining: Fate summons the evil of human nature

One of the most classic posters in the history of cinema was born, and the film", under the direction of the master director Stanley Kubrick, told the audience that horror movies are not just blood plasma and monsters, but the madness and evil of human nature can be magnified in isolation.

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