
Robert Downey Jr. "Iron Man" at INS off Marvel actor Fans: This era is over

author:Left root

Just recently, according to foreign media reports, Robert Downey Jr. took off most of the Marvel actors who had worked with him, and this news immediately attracted the attention of a large number of fans.

Robert Downey Jr. "Iron Man" at INS off Marvel actor Fans: This era is over

"Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr. took the pass, "Thor" Chris Hemswall, and "American Team" Chris Evans, and even "Spider-Man" Tom Holland, who played half of his son in the movie, and other actors who have worked with him.

Robert Downey Jr. "Iron Man" at INS off Marvel actor Fans: This era is over

After this move, it triggered a large number of netizens to discuss, many netizens said that they did not understand such behavior, and some fans said: The era of Iron Man should end here!

There are also some fans who speculate about the reason for the "breakup" in Robert Downey Jr.'s relationship with other Marvel actors, but Robert Downey Jr.'s friend contact record does not block and delete the Marvel actor. The speculation of netizens on this is self-defeating!

Robert Downey Jr. "Iron Man" at INS off Marvel actor Fans: This era is over

Robert Downey Jr. has been starring in "Iron Man" since 2008 and has been working with other Marvel actors for more than a decade. Around April 195 of this year, Robert Downey Jr. celebrated his 56th birthday.

Robert Downey Jr. "Iron Man" at INS off Marvel actor Fans: This era is over

On June 4 this year, "The Antler Boy", an adaptation of DC Comics starring Robert Downey Jr., was launched abroad.

And on July 9th, Scarlett Johansson's "Black Widow" independent film starring Will also meet with everyone.

Original article, plagiarism must be investigated.

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