
The epidemic prevention and control did not relax, Li Qiang went to the key laboratory where Zhang Wenhong and Wu Fan worked to investigate

author:The Paper

The Paper

The epidemic prevention and control did not relax, Li Qiang went to the key laboratory where Zhang Wenhong and Wu Fan worked to investigate

Li Qiang, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, went to the relevant laboratories in the field of public health in shanghai today (August 2) to strengthen the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and improve the public health emergency management system. Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions, soberly understand the complex situation facing the current epidemic prevention and control, unswervingly grasp the work of "external prevention of import and internal prevention and rebound", accelerate scientific research breakthroughs with high-energy innovation platforms, strongly support epidemic prevention and control with high-level scientific and technological supply, build a solid defense line with a high-efficiency public health emergency system, accelerate the road of public health safety governance in megacities, fully protect people's life safety and physical health, and fully protect Shanghai's urban safety.

The epidemic prevention and control did not relax, Li Qiang went to the key laboratory where Zhang Wenhong and Wu Fan worked to investigate

The Municipal Key Laboratory of Emergency Response to Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, built with Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University as the main body, adheres to the guidance of clinical needs, focuses on the reserve of emergency response science and technology and the clinical transformation of innovative achievements, and comprehensively improves the prevention and control capabilities of infectious diseases. Li Qiang listened carefully to the introduction of Zhang Wenhong, director of the laboratory, on the construction and operation of the laboratory, and gained an in-depth understanding of the scientific research situation of rapid detection, precise treatment, and vaccination of the new crown pneumonia. Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to base on professional advantages, aim at the major strategic needs of infectious disease prevention and control, take the scientific research on epidemic prevention and control as a major task, strengthen pathogenic and epidemiological research, strengthen the publicity and popularization of scientific knowledge, accelerate the construction of a high-level scientific and technological "firewall" for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and contribute more to the construction of a strict defense line for epidemic prevention and control in megacities and improve the ability of public health emergency response.

The epidemic prevention and control did not relax, Li Qiang went to the key laboratory where Zhang Wenhong and Wu Fan worked to investigate

Subsequently, the municipal leaders came to the Municipal Institute of Major Infectious Diseases and Biosafety, which was built by the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, inspected the Key Laboratory of Public Health and the Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory, and listened in detail to wu Fan, president of the institute, on scientific research, decision-making consulting services and talent team building. Here, Shanghai's superior research strength and resources are integrated, focusing on the four directions of etiology and biosafety research and technology transformation of major infectious diseases, clinical trials and diagnosis and treatment of major infectious diseases, big data and early warning prediction research on major infectious diseases and biosecurity, and major infectious diseases and biosecurity prevention and control strategies and policy research. Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to further innovate institutional mechanisms, promote the construction of major innovation platforms, accelerate the gathering and cultivation of outstanding talents, strengthen collaborative research and international cooperation, and make scientific and technological tools better empower urban public health security.

The epidemic prevention and control did not relax, Li Qiang went to the key laboratory where Zhang Wenhong and Wu Fan worked to investigate

During the investigation, Li Qiang pointed out that the current ups and downs of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the epidemic prevention and control situation is still grim, we must always be highly vigilant and alert, adhere to the high probability thinking to deal with small probability events, and grasp the work of "external prevention of import and internal prevention and rebound" from a fast and early and early date. It is necessary to regard the situation as more severe, do a better job of studying and judging, think about problems more thoroughly, and do the work more meticulously; from all aspects of monitoring and early warning, decision-making and command, emergency handling, medical treatment, and comprehensive support, around the key points and nodes of the entrance to the city, the foothold, the mobile, the employment post, the school gate, and the monitoring post, we should further consolidate responsibilities, check risks, plug loopholes, and strengthen the defense line, and strictly implement all prevention and control requirements. It is necessary to solidify and improve the effective experience and practice of epidemic prevention, better play the monitoring and early warning role of fever diagnosis and fever sentinel points, and improve the multi-point trigger mechanism of intelligent early warning. In view of the new situation and new characteristics of the current epidemic situation, we must improve the plans in all aspects, strengthen preparations in various fields, further improve rapid response and emergency response capabilities, and effectively achieve early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment, and resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic. It is necessary to continue to guide the public to do a good job in personal protection, promote vaccination work in an orderly manner, and form a strong joint force for the whole society to participate in epidemic prevention.

Shanghai municipal leaders Zhuge Yujie and Zong Ming, and Jiao Yang, secretary of the party committee of Fudan University, participated in the survey.

(Photo by Chen Zhengbao in this article)

Editor-in-Charge: Yao Junjun

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