
Huaining County: Chen Hong went to the University of the Elderly to conduct research and guidance

author:Nine Schools of Education

On October 14th, on the occasion of the Chongyang Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, County Governor Chen Hong went to the County University for the Elderly to carry out research and extend festive greetings to elderly friends, and Deputy County Governor Zhou Zhu participated.

Chen Hong and his entourage visited the county university for the elderly and the activity center for veteran cadres, visited teachers and students of the university for the elderly, learned in detail about the construction of supporting facilities and daily management, and held a symposium.

At the meeting, Chen Hong listened carefully to the report on the operation of the university for the elderly, fully affirmed the achievements made since the establishment of the school, and responded to the difficulties existing in the process of running the school one by one. She pointed out that the university for the elderly is an important place of activity to improve the quality of life of the elderly, and it is necessary to make full use of existing resources to build the university for the elderly into a classroom for the elderly to learn, a stage for the old to have fun, and a position for the old to do something. At present, the whole county is anchored in the development goal of "advancing into the top 20 and achieving a new leap forward", striving to achieve a new leap in the construction of Huaining in the new stage of modernization and beauty, and hopes that all elderly friends will give full play to their advantages, make suggestions and suggestions, and add color to the high-quality economic and social development of Huaining. (Contributor: Ge Zhulin Li Xinxing Reviewer: Ling Xianliang)

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