
The five most "strong" animals on earth, the blue whale at the bottom, Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more things


Animals of all shapes and sizes have different advantages. Deciding which animals are the strongest depends on how you define strength. Do you define strength as the pure power of an animal, how much weight of something or other power they can carry? Here are the 5 most "strong" animals on the planet, the blue whale is at the bottom, and Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more stuff!

The five most "strong" animals on earth, the blue whale at the bottom, Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more things

1, shell Lang This little dung beetle is the strongest insect in the world. Although the name is not very good, and the eating habits are not very good. But it's strong enough that it can come out on top. Because, this little shell lang, it can carry 1100 times its own weight.

The five most "strong" animals on earth, the blue whale at the bottom, Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more things

2, rhino beetle from the appearance of it is very powerful, or it is very powerful. These insects can carry things up to 850 times their own weight. Essentially, this beetle can carry 850 rhino beetles.

The five most "strong" animals on earth, the blue whale at the bottom, Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more things

3, leafcutter ants This is a very special kind of ant, they can cut leaves like tailors, and then transport them away. This little scissor ant can carry something up to 50 times its weight. This is the equivalent of a person lifting a truck with his teeth.

The five most "strong" animals on earth, the blue whale at the bottom, Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more things

4, the eagle is undoubtedly, the eagle is the strongest bird on the earth, they are muscular and strong. Although they are flying animals and are not convenient to carry, eagles can carry four times their own weight when flying.

The five most "strong" animals on earth, the blue whale at the bottom, Figure 1 can carry 1100 times more things

5. The blue whale is considered one of the strongest animals, as it requires great muscle strength to move. Weighing up to 200 tons, it takes a lot of force to move so much mass.