
This person has outstanding military, political, and diplomatic performance, and advocated the abolition of the emperor system after the victory of the War of Resistance


In the ancient Chinese calendar, many generals, the military is a genius, a political dwarf, and in modern history, there is a person who has a prominent performance in military, political, and diplomatic affairs, or a patriotic general, after the victory of the War of Resistance, he led the abolition of the emperor system of General Shang Zhen.

This person has outstanding military, political, and diplomatic performance, and advocated the abolition of the emperor system after the victory of the War of Resistance

Shang Zhen was an early general in the Jin Sui Army. In the early years of going to the society, after all kinds of experience, Wentao Wu was not left behind. After having no choice but to turn to Yan Xishan, the reason why he ran and worked for ten years, after the saddle, slowly grew up, successively serving as the chairman of Hebei Province, the chairman of Shanxi Province, and the chairman of Henan Province. Commander-in-chief of the Twentieth Army and commander of the Sixth Theater during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, Shang Zhen served as the commander-in-chief of the Twentieth Army Group, commanding troops to block the Japanese army in southern Hebei and northern Henan. In 1940, Shang Zhen was transferred to Hunan as the commander of the Sixth Theater of Operations, Changgong, and the personnel of the chief's department were all from Chiang Kai-shek's concubine.

This person has outstanding military, political, and diplomatic performance, and advocated the abolition of the emperor system after the victory of the War of Resistance

In 1940, Shang Zhen was transferred from army general to the diplomatic front, thus ending more than 30 years of military career, Shang Zhen mainly engaged in diplomatic activities. He was able to show his life's aspirations and became a diplomatic talent among the allies of that era, and Chiang Kai-shek attached great importance to him, and his contacts with British and American military personnel were smooth and well received. Accompanying Chiang Kai-shek to the Luo Conference, Shang Zhen was able to attend such a high-level allied summit as Chiang Kai-shek's chief attaché, which fully demonstrated the trust and importance that Chiang Kai-shek and his wife placed on him.

This person has outstanding military, political, and diplomatic performance, and advocated the abolition of the emperor system after the victory of the War of Resistance

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China sent a military delegation to Japan to be surrendered. Zhu Shiming was dismissed from his post and transferred back to China because of his misconduct in his private life in Tokyo, and Shang Zhen was sent to succeed him as the head of the military delegation in Japan.

During the official opening of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, which attracted worldwide attention, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East held an international trial of Japanese war criminals who committed a terrible crime in World War II, during which Shang Zhen pointed out with a large amount of facts and evidence in the debate on behalf of China that Emperor Hirohito was the chief decision-maker, and as the only supreme ruler of Japan and the sole supreme commander of the army, the emperor was the source of all the evils of Japan's wars of aggression! Shang Zhen firmly advocated the abolition of the Japanese emperor system and held Emperor Hirohito accountable for the war. Shang Zhen's generous statement expressed the voice of the Chinese government and the Chinese people. Although the imperial system has not been abolished for various reasons, and the emperor has not been held responsible for the war, the debates that Shang Zhen made on behalf of the country and the nation must not be forgotten!

This person has outstanding military, political, and diplomatic performance, and advocated the abolition of the emperor system after the victory of the War of Resistance

In 1974 and 1975, Shang Zhen returned to China twice for sightseeing, and was received and feasted on by Zhu De and Ye Jianying. On May 15, 1978, Shang Zhen died of illness in Tokyo at the age of 90, Shang Zhen continued to pursue progress throughout his life, and although he settled in Japan in his later years, he was in a foreign country but never forgot his motherland. After his death, his ashes were buried in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.