
Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

author:Happiness Fuding
Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges
Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

Round toot big face

Big dark eyes

A body of hemp gray feathers...

That's what makes everyone cute

鸺([xiū]) 鹠([liú])


From May 17 to May 19, the forest police brigade of the Fuding Municipal Public Security Bureau received a call from the public, saying that it had picked up a group of birds that looked like owls, and the forest police quickly took them back to the Fuding Green-Eyed Environmental Protection Association for feeding observation and isolation protection.

Each of these dozen birds is about 10 centimeters long, and their vigilance is very high, as long as there is a slight movement, they make a fighting posture, and their expressions are cute and cute. After identification, these birds are the national second-level protected wild animal, commonly known as the little owl, which is listed as a rare species among the birds in the Red Book of Endangered Animals of China.

Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

"We rescued 15 partridges from The Creek, Nodding, Stacked Rocks and the city." Zhou Fan, an auxiliary police officer of the Forest Police Brigade of the Fuding City Public Security Bureau, said.

Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

After three consecutive days of observation, after feeding and feeding, the physical strength of the partridge recovered quickly. Zhu Changzang, president of the Fuding Green Eye Environmental Protection Association, told the author that the 15 storks rescued were newborn chicks, and after examination, their physical condition was no problem, but they needed to stay in the rescue base for two to three months, wait for them to have their own foraging ability, and then release them into nature.

Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

Wagtails, is a bird of the family Owls, the genus Of Grebe, is a nocturnal animal, inhabiting broad-leaved forests, mixed forests, secondary forests and forest edge shrublands, but also appears in villages and farmland near the sparse forest and trees, it will prey on the field of rats, insects, good for agriculture and forestry, is the guardian of crops, in maintaining the ecological balance has a great role.

Forestry department reminder

It is the breeding period of the partridge, if you find an injured wild animal, please report it to the forestry department in time. The best way to protect birds is not to interfere with their normal life.

Fuding Forestry Bureau Wild Animal Station:


Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

Editorial Office of "Happiness Fuding"

Text: Cai Lijun

Super love! For 3 consecutive days, Fuding successfully rescued 15 partridges

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