
Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

author:Zhao Helan
Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

As the saying goes, there is much help for the way, there is no help for the wrongdoer, this is true between people, and the same principle is followed between countries, and some countries have successfully got rid of the identity of poverty and whiteness with the help of other countries, and have since entered the ranks of rich and powerful countries, such as Israel.

However, in the face of countless assistance from other countries, some countries are still in the predicament of poverty and backwardness, just like the Adou that cannot be lifted up. The European country of Albania is a typical Adou that cannot be supported.

This geographically advantageous European country, having received a large amount of foreign aid in the last century, has never been able to get rid of poverty and backwardness.

The reason for this dilemma is not that the donor countries have too few handouts, but too many, causing the country to sit on the mountain and use a large amount of aid for useless construction, causing huge waste, not to mention, but also making its own people hungry and clothed.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > ill-fated Albania</h1>

The Balkans are known as the powder kegs of Europe, and because they are located at the junction of Eurasia, they have been a place of contention since ancient times, and if the Asian countries in the east of the Balkan Peninsula want to conquer Europe, they must take the Balkan Peninsula.

Similarly, if European countries were to conquer Asia, they would have to pass through the Balkans. Albania, on the other hand, is in the Balkans.

For these reasons, the history of Albania is the history of conquest by others. Although Albania was an indigenous inhabitant of the Balkans, it was occupied by the Roman State, the Byzantine Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria very early on.

It was not until 1190 that his kingdom was established, but it was not long before it was occupied again, this time by the Turks.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

Although Albania launched a fierce independence movement, it was suppressed, and it was not until 1912 that Albania achieved independence status.

During World War I, Albania was reoccupied and did not declare independence until 1920. A few months before the outbreak of the Second War, Albania was occupied again, this time by its next-door neighbours, the Italians.

Albania became a vassal state of Italy. Later, Italy was defeated and its interests in Albania were taken over by the Germans. In World War II, the anti-fascist national liberation movement led by the Communist Party of Albania won victory and declared independence in 1946.

In 1945, Albania held grand elections, and the leader of the Albanian Communist Party, Enver Hoxha, won and became the head of government. The following year, the People's Republic of Albania was proclaimed.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Albanians who are good at holding thighs</h1>

It is precisely because Albania has always been in a state of conquest by other countries in its long history, so that the Albanian people are full of sense of crisis, in order to avoid the fate of being conquered, Albania has chosen to hold the lap of others.

There is nothing wrong with hoping to save itself by relying on the power of the great powers, but Albania has not profited from the process of defecting to the great powers.

The reason for this is not that these great powers Albania did not help enough, but on the contrary, both the Soviet Union and China did their best to support them.

Although Enver Hoxha had seized power in Albania, he was a typical first-rate ruler who ruled incompetently.

After he came to power, in order to consolidate his position, he adopted a series of means to maintain his rule, including supporting cronies and vigorously eradicating dissidents. These tosses, although greatly beneficial to the consolidation of his own rights, are obviously not conducive to the development of Albania.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

After the end of World War II, Albania's neighbors, especially its European neighbors, achieved great economic success, and Albania remained destitute.

In order to save itself in the struggle between the great powers, Albania chose to defect to the then great power of the Soviet Union, because Albania, like the Soviet Union, belonged to the camp of socialist countries and shared a common ideology.

Albania, which threw itself into the arms of the Soviet Union, was not only supported by the big brother of the Soviet Union, but also favored by Yugoslavia, which was also a socialist camp. The three brothers soon came together.

Due to its geographical proximity to Yugoslavia, Albania wanted to merge with Yugoslavia and establish a "Balkan Federation".

However, when the cause of merger really took its course, Albania again committed underestimation, and the reason was because of the suspicious national character formed by the long-term occupation of foreign enemies, and Albania believed that after the merger with Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia would take advantage of the opportunity to eat itself.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

At the same time, there was an inherent territorial dispute between Albania and Yugoslavia. The territorial disputes over which they were all planning to merge fully illustrate Albania's inner rejection of other countries.

Albania, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, which were also part of the socialist camp, although they had the same ideology, were independent and could not walk together.

After Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union fell into a stalemate, Albania completely fell into the arms of the Soviet Union. This move was also a wise move at the time, because the Soviet Union at that time was not only the number one socialist power, but also the only country in the world that dared to compete with the United States.

Enver Hoxha threw Albania into the arms of the Soviet powers, which was exactly what big brother of the Soviet Union intended, after all, it was a country on the chest of Europe.

Europe is the domain of the Americans, and it is almost like god to take such an ally in Europe, and if necessary, Albania can be turned into a knife inserted in the chest of Europe, which can curb the eastward policy of American power.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

The Soviets were indeed bold enough to give Albania a lot of military and economic assistance. Like it did in support of China, the Soviet Union took its own supplies.

Experts and others poured into Albania, which immediately enriched the poor European country, and Albania also developed rapidly.

It was not long before Albania and the Soviet Union fell out. After Stalin's death in 1953, Khrushchev gained leadership of the Soviet Union after a struggle.

At the 1956 cpsu meeting, after Khrushchev finished his report, he threw out a speech entitled "Against the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences", which was the "secret report" that shocked the world at that time.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

Khrushchev's secret report set off a red storm in the communist camp, which led directly to violent revolutions in many countries.

As a die-hard fan of Stalin.

Naturally, Albania could not approve of Khrushchev's series of measures against stalin, accused Khrushchev of engaging in revisionism, and refused to cooperate with the Soviet Union again.

In 1961, the angry Soviets withdrew all their personnel and supplies from Albania, and Albania once again entered a difficult situation.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > in China</h1>

After the termination of cooperation with the Soviet Union, Albania, at the center of the whirlpool, knew that it could not stand alone, so he decided to attach himself to another big brother of the socialist camp, the red China in the far east.

Although China was still poor at that time, it was no longer the same as ten years ago, but it was suffering from no friends, especially friends in Europe, and seeing albania taking the initiative to show goodwill, China also opened its arms and accepted this brotherly country.

In fact, another important reason for China's acceptance of Albania at that time was that China also began to make enemies with the Soviet Union, and in line with the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, China recognized Albania as a brotherly country.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

Chinese is very meaningful, and if they identify each other as friends, they will do their best to assist their friends' careers. In order to support Albania's domestic construction, China can be said to have spared no effort to help.

In 1961 alone, Albania received hundreds of thousands of tons of grain and 250 million yuan of financial assistance from China, and the 250 million yuan at that time was a heavy amount of money for China, equivalent to 100 million US dollars.

From 1954 to 1978, China provided more than 10 billion yuan of aid to Albania, in addition to financial assistance, China also provided Albania with the weapons drawings it developed, allowing them to imitate it, and half of the J-7 fighters produced by China were given to Albania.

But Albania did not cherish China's assistance, and this country, which was deeply suffering from the invasion of other countries, still built more than 700,000 bunkers with the purpose of preventing the enemy from invading!

These bunkers, which were built at that time, are still everywhere today and have become the most obvious symbol of the Albanian state.

If it is understandable to build such a large number of bunkers in the country for historical reasons, Albania's waste of Chinese aid is inexcusable.

After receiving assistance from China's industrial producers, Albania did not use it well to develop its own domestic industrial level, but tossed and turned, and the machine was not repaired when it was broken, and it was directly replaced.

Albania: An unaffordable country with a troubled fate, Albania is good at hugging the thighs of Albania and leaning on China

At that time, the experts who aided Albania were kind to persuade each other, but Albania did not accept it, but said generously: it is okay, it is bad and there is Chinese support.

They have the textile machine provided by China, but they are suffering from no cotton, China has to send The Buddha to the west to provide them with cotton, but the inferior products they produce have no market at all, and they sell back to China, and the price is not cheap, out of the need to maintain relations, China accepts them all according to the order!

With this assistance, Albania's economy remains unsustainable and the people live in extreme poverty.

After Nixon's visit to China, Sino-US relations began to move toward normal, which made Albania feel abandoned at that time, and they accused China of also embarking on a revisionist road and blatantly accused China of its affairs! Relations between the two countries are at a freezing point.

Two years later, China finally saw the albanians and stopped aiding them. Albania became a famous poor country in the land of Europe.

In fact, Albania's conditions are very superior, the terrain is flat, the resources are abundant, and it is close to developed countries such as Italy and France as neighbors, and under normal circumstances, there is no reason to be poor.

But Albania is still poor, and even if it later becomes a candidate for the European Union, it still has to rely on EU assistance to survive. The cause of poverty in Albania, I believe they already have the answer.

Text/Zhao Helan

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