
How much does a catalpa cost? Introduction to the medicinal and edible value of catalpa

author:Huinong School

Catalpa trees look tall, and the amount of fruit is also spectacular, not only has a high ornamental value, but also has edible, manufacturing and other values, in the northern region we can often see this kind of tree. So today's xiaobian will introduce you to the price of catalpa and its medicinal and edible value.

How much does a catalpa cost? Introduction to the medicinal and edible value of catalpa

First, how much is the price of a tree

The price of catalpa is affected by its variety, height and other factors, the current ordinary catalpa is 4 meters high, the crown width is 3.3 meters, and the price is about 180 yuan a tree; the elm catalpa is 1 meter high, about 5 yuan a tree.

First, the edible value of catalpa

The fruit of catalpa contains a variety of vitamins, containing 8 mg of carotene per gram, vitamin C 40-150 mg, in addition to sugar and citric acid, etc., edible, made of jam, fruit vinegar, fruit wine, fruit cake, jelly, fruit juice, preserves, or made into dry powder. Used to make chocolate and grain fillings containing vitamins. Therefore, it has a good edible value.

How much does a catalpa cost? Introduction to the medicinal and edible value of catalpa

Third, the medicinal value of catalpa

The fruit, seeds, stems and skins of catalpa can be used medicinally. It has the effect of antitussive expectorant, healthy spleen and water, bark preparation can treat abdominal discharge, berries can be refined gargling medicine, can treat sore throat tonsillitis, and can also be used to treat scurvy. It can also treat chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, edema and other diseases. There are also broad prospects for development in medicinal uses. The material of the catalpa tree is hard and delicate, and it is often used by farmers to make agricultural tools such as pickaxes and pickaxes.

4. How to plant catalpa?

1. Seed collection

The cultivation of catalpa is generally based on the method of sowing. Every year in September is the time when the fruit ripens, and if there is any intention of picking seeds, you can leave the large, good-looking, pest-free fruit on the branches and wait until winter to pick it.

2. Seed treatment

The collected fruit is pressed, mashed, rinsed with tap water, the seeds and pulp are separated, and the seeds are selected from the drying to select the best quality seeds. Catalpa prefers wetness and cold, as do the conditions under which the seeds germinate. Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked in warm water for a day and a night, and the water temperature can be maintained at about 40 ° C. After disinfection and then rinse, under the condition that the ambient temperature does not exceed five degrees, mix evenly according to the proportion of one part of the seed and three parts of sand, about two to three months the seed will germinate, and the germinated seed will be taken out before sowing and placed in a humid, cool indoor environment for backup.

How much does a catalpa cost? Introduction to the medicinal and edible value of catalpa

3. Sowing

Generally, before planting seeds, the soil is first repaired, one is to prevent residual diseases and insect pests in the soil, and the other is to supplement the nutrients necessary for the growth of catalpa. Fertilize and prepare the seeds to be sown in a hotbed before they enter the ground. Generally, spring and autumn are the best time to plant catalpa flowers, and the sower can choose according to his own needs.

Remarks: The above price information of catalpa comes from the bulk wholesale quotation (non-market retail price) of the user's place of origin of Huinong Network, and the data is for reference only.

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Further reading:

How to grow black fruit catalpa? Cultivation Technology of Black Fruit Catalpa -Huinong Xuetang-China Huinong Network