
Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

author:Mr. Lobbyist dys123

The twenty-seventh of the twenty-eight generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty was named Pi (pī) Tong (tóng), and the corresponding star was called the wing fire snake; the wing fire snake was the sixth of the seven southern residences, because it was in the position of the suzaku wing, and it was called the wing; it had the meaning of assisting the suzaku to fly. When Liu Xiu first arrived in Hebei, Pi Tong attached himself to Liu Xiu and was appointed as the Taishou of Quyang; and when Wang Lang of Handan rose up to arrest Liu Xiu, Pi Tong not only refused Wang Lang but also sent troops to urgently support Liu Xiu, who was hiding in Xindu County. And when the people of Xindu County deliberated, he excluded the analysis and opinions of the public opinion, believing that Liu Xiu's stay in Hebei to continue to develop was the best policy; his generous statement impressed Liu Xiu, and Liu Xiu strengthened his determination to recruit people and horses in Hebei to fight back against Wang Lang; thus opening the door for Liu Xiu to fight the world and establish the Eastern Han regime.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Star Wing Fire Snake figure painting

I. Brief introduction of Pi Tong's history:

Pi Tong's date of birth is unknown, and he died of illness at home in 30 AD; Zi Weijun was a native of Xindu County, Xindu County, Hebei Province; Pi Tong was born in a family of official eunuchs, and his father served as the Taishou of Liaoxi County; during Wang Mang's regime, Pi Tong served as the commander of Hecheng Commandery (Hecheng County, a county separately divided from Julu County at that time), and the county rule was in Quyang City; in 23 AD, the first emperor Liu Xuan sent Liu Xiuxing to cross the Yellow River to the north and town the counties of Hebei; in fact, he made the counties of Hebei submit to him under the banner. During the war and chaos, it is difficult for people to surrender without a certain strength, and Liu Xiu only relies on a banner to make all the forces in the chaotic world attached; generally unless you are really convinced, then your strength is enough to make him submit; and Liu Xiu was originally sent to Hebei by Liu Xuan and others (of course, there are also factors that Liu Xiu wants to get rid of the control of the devil's grip and look for opportunities for self-development), Liu Xiu is almost a light pole to the door to let other forces surrender, naturally it is not easy to oppose, meet people with ulterior motives, Liu Xiu also has the advantage of life. Liu Xiu relied on the reputation of the Battle of Kunyang to kill the mighty world, the identity of the descendants of the Han Dynasty, and the prestige of the more original regime behind it. After Liu Xiu arrived in Quyang, Pi Tong led all the officials to surrender the city, and Liu Xiushun was willing to surrender the city, of course, he was very happy, and let Pi Tong continue to be a taishou; soon he went to other places to appease him.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Portrait of Pi Tong

II. Laying the Foundation for the Siege of Zhongzhong:

When Liu Xiu was alone in Hebei and was drawing counties and counties to annex themselves solely by virtue of the banner of the more shi and his own fame, Wang Lang of Handan united with some local forces in Hebei to claim the title of king of the world, and wanted to play the world with forces such as the more shi regime. Liu Xiu, who was running around Hebei to win over the forces to return to him, became the most wanted target of Wang Lang's forces. When Liu Xiu and his entourage heard the news, they were a little frightened and panicked to evade Wang Lang's army; Liu Xiu learned that Ren Guang of Xindu Commandery and others insisted on supporting him, and felt a little comfort in his heart, and fled to Xindu County with everyone; Pi Tong also received news in his own territory, not only closing the city gate and refusing to submit to Wang Lang's forces, but also sending his subordinate five officials Zhang Wan and The Governor Yin Sui to select more than 2,000 elite horsemen to wait for Liu Xiu on the side of the road; and warned the officials of Tangyang County who were attached to Wang Lang to see Liu Xiu and immediately open the city gate to meet him When he learned that Liu Xiu had arrived in Xindu County, he also rushed to Xindu County to visit.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Wang Lang called the King Mural

The rise of Wang Lang, a native of Handan, is a gang of local powerful forces, and the influence of the region naturally makes many counties and counties rush to move closer to him, and Wang Langdu's counties in Hebei all send people to recruit and surrender, and those who do not surrender will meet each other; due to the vast area, the transmission of information is fast and slow, but most of the counties and counties that have received information have basically all bowed to Wang Lang. Only Shinto County resolutely disobeyed, and many other counties were in a wait-and-see situation. Pi Tong and Cheng Jun also expressed their support for Liu Xiu together with Xindu County. However, compared with the forces that had surrendered to Wang Lang, the difference was not a star and a half, and in this embarrassing situation at that time, Liu Xiu consulted with everyone on what to do next in the Fang camp, and most people thought that the enemy was strong and we were weak, and turned back to Chang'an to seek the support of the soldiers and horses of the new regime, and then it was most secure to conquer Hebei.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Stills of Liu Xiu arriving in Xindu County

At this time, Pi Tong stood up and resolutely opposed it, and he first analyzed Wang Mang's tyranny and unpopularity, so that the new regime under the banner of the Han Dynasty was supported by many people; and Wang Lang of Handan was only a fortune teller,posing as Liu Ziyu to seduce some powerful forces and hurriedly raise things under the banner of his lies; many people knew that his people and horses had just been established and were also a ragtag crowd, and although many of the counties in Hebei had joined him, mainly out of self-security, their cohesion and combat effectiveness were still very weak; in addition, There were still many counties and counties in a state of doubt and wait-and-see, if Liu Xiu was gone now, it would lose the best opportunity, giving Wang Lang the opportunity to breathe and integrate his forces; it also made the counties and counties on the sidelines have to submit to Wang Lang without relying on it. After Wang Lang's power has gained enough time to adjust and gather, Liu Xiu will bring people and horses to fight, which will be more difficult to eliminate Wang Lang's forces.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Liu Xiu and the crowd discuss stills

Liu Xiuyi listened to Pi Tong's analysis of the head of the Tao, and it was indeed consistent with the actual situation, and only by seizing the opportunity, relying on his own fame and prestige, the banner of the more radical regime behind him to recruit people and horses, taking advantage of Wang Lang's unstable situation, seizing more territorial dominance and forces, and competing with him for hegemony in Hebei was the best policy. Therefore, Liu Xiu and the generals immediately attacked, enwei and Shi went to capture the surrounding counties, expand their power in a very short period of time, and establish capital against Wang Lang. Pi Tong's remarks were in the right place, the analysis of the facts was indeed so, the people's hearts also returned, and a certain opportunity was seized; Liu Xiu's camp was able to gain a foothold in Hebei, and sure enough, Liu Xiu and others not only took a lot of territory and let some counties and counties that were waiting to see throw themselves into the arms; plus other reasons, they also let the powerful Shanggu County and Yuyang County send a number of generals and tens of thousands of turbulence to support; Liu Xiu's support in Hebei could compete with Wang Lang's forces at once; at the same time, Liu Xiu wrote to the gengshi regime to explain the situation. The first emperor Liu Xuan saw that there was still hope for Hebei to return to his hands, and was afraid of losing the opportunity to control, so he quickly sent Shang Shuling Xie to lead six generals to send troops to Hebei to help Hebei against Wang Lang of Handan.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Stills of Liu Xiu's crusade against Wang Lang

Third, loyalty is not two years of meritorious service:

Liu Xiu integrated his army and horses to recruit Wang Lang of Handan, and marched smoothly and quickly along the way; and Wang Lang also sent soldiers and horses to sneak into Xindu County, and Ren Guang, Li Zhong, Pi Tong, and other relatives also fell into the hands of the enemy; the other side sent their relatives to hold letters to make Ren Guang and others surrender against Liu Xiu, otherwise they would kill their relatives and relatives. After reading the letter, Pi Tong cried a lot, and then he wrote a reply with tears in his eyes, saying: Those who serve the king cannot take care of their homes. Therefore, the Pi clan has been able to settle in Xindu so far, all of which are the kindness of Liu Gong. Liu Zhengyi was busy with state affairs, and I Pi Tong could not think of private affairs. Ren Guang also killed the other side's Neiying, resolutely did not surrender, willing to follow Liu Xiu, Liu Xiu heard the news and sent Ren Guang to lead the headquarters back to aid Xindu County, did not want to temporarily gather most of the people and horses were rabble, heard that the other side mostly ran away, Ren Guang fell a light rod commander and rushed back to the camp. Fortunately, the people and horses of the new regime also hit Xindu County, and just happened to save the families of the people, so that the families could be safe and stable. The Lord of the Small Family saw that the great righteousness of several people was the first thought.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Liu Xiu sent Ren Guang back to aid Xindu County stills

Pi Tong and others followed Liu Xiu and Xie Gong to attack Wang Lang's forces, and soon took Handan and killed Wang Lang, Pi Tong was enfeoffed as Marquis of Wuyi for his merits; then he won several major victories against the Copper Horse rebel army, recruiting hundreds of thousands of Copper Horse troops, liu Xiu's power expanded for a while; but Liu Xiu did not stop the conquest, and carried out successive conquests against the peasant army forces in Hebei, and won many battles; at the same time, in order to get rid of the control of the more original regime, Liu Xiu sent Wu Han to sneak up on Xie Gong, and even recruited and annexed his men and horses; in just two years, Liu Xiu unified the whole territory of Hebei and got rid of the first regime and claimed the title of emperor in Hebei. In 25 AD, Liu Xiu made Pi Tong, who had made many meritorious contributions, the Marquis of Lingshou, and because the Great Sikong King Liang had been fighting abroad for many years, he appointed Pi Tong to act on behalf of the Great Sikong, which showed his trust in Pi Tong's ability.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Liu Xiujun conquered the world to draw a map

At the end of 25 AD, Liu Xiu's camp took Luoyang and set the capital at Luoyang City; with Luoyang as the base camp, he began to game the world, Pi Tong followed Liu Xiu to Luoyang, was appointed as Taichang, and later changed to Shaofu, one of the Nine Qings, and later became Zuo Cao's attendant, following Liu Xiu on his expedition. Under the trust and appointment of Liu Xiu, Pi Tong did a good job in both the place of the uprising and the conquest, or the observance of government affairs, and made a lot of contributions to the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty, until 30 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty eliminated other forces, and the world basically returned to Taiping. Pi Tong resigned his official post and returned to fengguo, where he died of illness at home in the same year.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Pi Tong mural statue

Summary: Although Pi Tong was an old official of Wang Mang's imperial court, he could clearly see that Wang Mang's tyranny was unpopular, and when the uprising was in turmoil, he carefully observed his duties and guarded the land; when the famous Liu Xiu arrived, he was able to return to Liu Xiu with Shun, indicating that he had a well-known and convincing mind for Liu Xiu; and when Liu Xiu fell into distress, Pi Tong was loyal and loyal, and he could also take the initiative to send troops to rescue, which shows that he always pays attention to the development of the external situation and can get all kinds of news in a timely manner. And for the powerful Wang Lang to stroke his nose, with a lonely and weak momentum did not change his original intention, hurried to join Liu Xiu, his courage is very strong. When analyzing the situation with Liu Xiu and others, the ability to exclude the public opinion, the actual situation, the people's wishes and thoughts, the regional situation, and the later development foresight can be clearly laid out, which shows that Pi Tong really has the ability to have foresight and foresight.

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Liu Xiu became a portrait of a generation of emperors

Pi Tong followed Liu Xiuneng's small family Gu Dayi to see loyalty, accurate in analyzing the situation in the world, conscientiously working hard for officials, and doing a good job in government affairs, and also doing his best to accompany the army to fight. The reason why Liu Xiu became powerful also had a lot to do with his fame and prestige, and his ability to go smoothly and quickly gathered a group of talents of literary and martial arts all-rounders to help him. By the time of the Qing Dynasty, Pi Tong was attached to Anguo County to believe in the divine physician "Pi Wang" (Pi and Pi homophony), the two were merged into one, and from then on, Pi Tong was honored to be revered as the "Medicine King"; when the Han Ming Emperor Liu Zhuang recalled the exploits of the founding fathers, Pi Tong ranked twenty-seventh among the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai. (Picture from the network, thanks for borrowing)

Twenty-eight Generals of the Eastern Han Dynasty: True and False Medicine King General Pi Tong

Pi Tong and the Medicine King merge into one statue

Original author: @ Lobbyist Mr. dys123 hobbies are complex, the way of moderation, a brief history, cultural talk, welcome to exchange, fun life.

Reference Book: Book of the Later Han Dynasty