
In the face of the epidemic, the traffic police in Wushi, Xinjiang: retrograde to practice the original intention and live up to the mission to shine the police emblem

author:Bright Net

Legal Network all-media reporter Pan Congwu correspondent Li Dongdong

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, all the police of the traffic police brigade of the Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District) in Xinjiang have always adhered to the first line of fighting the epidemic and maintaining road traffic safety and smoothness, safeguarding the safety of people's lives and property, ensuring the safety and smooth flow of road traffic, retrograde upwards, practicing the original intention and mission of party members with their own practical actions, and practicing the Zhengzheng oath when they joined the police.

"Special membership fees" polish the true colors of party members' original intentions

The more critical the moment, the more it can test the party spirit of a party member; The more critical the moment, the more we can test the responsibility of a leading cadre. Wang Xiaoxing is the captain of the traffic police brigade of the Wushi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District). Since the first-level response to epidemic prevention and control, he has always taken epidemic prevention and control as the most important task at present, adopted "hard-core" measures, and strictly implemented various prevention and control requirements. He commanded from the front, went deep into the frontline posts of the anti-epidemic to carry out inspection and guidance, and put forward the work requirements of "four uniforms"; He dared to take responsibility, organized party members of the organs to set up an anti-epidemic commando team, and took the initiative to undertake the work with the heaviest tasks and the most difficult conditions; He took the lead and insisted on participating in the duty with the police every day, took the initiative to stand guard for the police, and strictly and meticulously did a good job in various inspections and registrations; He gave up his life and forgot himself, always had to analyze and judge his daily work, seriously looked for loopholes in his work, and was often busy until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning to sleep.

Wang Xiaoxing's parents are over eighty years old, his mother is suffering from cancer, his father is in a nursing home, it is the time when he needs the care of his family, and he has not returned home once since the Spring Festival. He is well aware of the responsibility and responsibility of Communist Party members, and he turns his guilt towards his family into a driving force for his work and continues to fight at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. In 2019, due to his outstanding work performance, he was commended by the Urumqi Municipal Public Security Bureau and won the third class of personal merit, and was rewarded with 5,000 yuan.

"This money is a special honor given to me by the party, and now I am handing it over to the party organization as a special membership fee, please transfer it to the frontline epidemic rescue personnel." On the morning of February 14, after Comrade Wang Xiaoxing took the time to hand over the party fee to the branch secretary, he turned around and went to work again.

"One side has difficulties, eight parties support, I hope to use this money as a special party fee, handed over to the organization, to contribute to the national epidemic prevention and control." On February 14, the brigade's police officer, Akobair Elken, also solemnly handed over a sum of 5,000 yuan that won the third-class merit award to the secretary of the party branch of the brigade as a special party fee.

Aikobayer is the instructor of the duty squadron, and in 2019, he was commended by the Urumqi Municipal Public Security Bureau for his outstanding work performance and won the third class of individual merit. "The third class merit is the organization's full affirmation and recognition of me, at the time of the decisive battle against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, as a party member, I must play an exemplary and leading role, and repay the trust and love of the organization with practical actions." Since the first-level response to the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Comrade Aikobayer has taken the lead in entering the state and led the squadron police to implement various prevention and control measures. He served as a commander, made overall arrangements for all the service work of the squadron, and made every effort to do a good job in ideological and political work in wartime and the logistical support of the squadron; Moreover, as a combatant, he insisted on working with the police on duty, fully participated in the diversion of high-speed export vehicles, led the team of Ulapo and inspected vehicles in the urban area, always fought in the front line of epidemic prevention work, and practiced the original intention and mission of a communist party member with practical actions.

Silently put away the retirement application Father and son fight together on the front line of the fight against the epidemic

Urumqi high-speed rail station on duty police officer Pang Yuan, 55 years old this year, from the police for more than 20 years, he has always fought in the front line of traffic management, the most beautiful youth dedicated to the cause of traffic management. In 2016, Pang Yuan due to long-term irregular work schedule led to acute gastritis, stomach was removed 2/3, in recent years due to hypertension and complications, he gradually came up with the idea of early retirement, and entrusted colleagues to help him make a retirement application, planning to submit to the organization after the Spring Festival.

Since the first-level response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, comrade Pang Yuan's high-speed rail station is the largest passenger flow distribution center in Xinjiang, in the face of heavy epidemic prevention work and the back of busy colleagues around him, he silently put away the retirement application and took the initiative to apply to the squadron leader to participate in the front-line epidemic prevention task. Outside in February, the temperature was around minus ten degrees, and he completely ignored the physical condition of more than half a hundred years old and weak resistance, and insisted on working with young policemen. At the security checkpoint of the high-speed rail station, he strictly performed his duties, checked the personnel and vehicles entering the high-speed rail station with the epidemic prevention personnel one by one, carefully verified the registration, did not let go of any suspicious problems, and ensured that the problem personnel did not enter the station; At the long-distance passenger station, he went deep among the stranded passengers, carried out psychological counseling for anxious people, and sent them hot water, instant noodles, bread and other food. Whenever he saw that sanitation workers and passengers did not have masks, he would always give them a limited number of masks and advise them to pay attention to personal protection.

Pang Yuan's family is a family of three policemen, his wife just retired the year before, and his son works in a drug rehabilitation center. Since the first-level response to the epidemic, his son has also fought in the front line of the fight against the epidemic, because of the particularity of his son's work, he cannot use his mobile phone, and he has not even made a phone call between father and son. They sacrificed their small families to take care of everyone, stepped forward and charged forward in the fight against the epidemic, "father and son are on the same front", and interpreted the strong determination of the epidemic in the front, the police not retreating, and resolutely winning the sniper war of epidemic prevention and control with practical actions.

As children and parents, this family of three police officers is not carefree. But in the face of the epidemic, they have never retreated, because they know deeply that one police uniform, two responsibilities! When spring blossoms and everyone is happy to reunite, their reunion will be more meaningful!

Wife is about to give birth Father-to-be sticks to work

"Call home, report to the brigade immediately, don't delay." This is the most recent sentence said by the leader of the brigade to Almujan Aiyisha, who turned out that his wife was about to give birth, and there were still about 6 days to go, and he was about to be promoted to father.

Since the beginning of the fight against the epidemic, Almujiang has been stationed in the unit like a "nail", sticking to his post and not returning home once. The Wukui Expressway Eight Steel Exit Post where he is located is a famous outlet, with strong wind, fog, poor environment, and many large trucks, many police officers are reluctant to go to this place on duty, he did take the initiative to ask miao to the most difficult point on duty. He conscientiously performed his duties, carefully and meticulously carried out inspection and registration of each vehicle, asked about the source of the vehicle, verified the information of personnel, recorded the whereabouts of the vehicle, and conscientiously explained the policy and diverted the flow guidance work for large vehicles. He is selflessly dedicated, whenever the brigade has a new task, he is always the first to stand up, and has participated in the urban vehicle inspection and control, off-site vehicle guidance and other services 8 times. He cared about the masses, patiently explained the masses who did not understand the policy, did his best to help the masses in difficulty, and at the same time spontaneously gave the instant noodles and drinks distributed by the unit to the passing drivers, which won many praises from the masses.

Considering that Almujan's wife was about to give birth and had no one to take care of her, the leader of the brigade talked to him many times and asked him to go home to take care of his wife. However, he politely refused the kindness of the leaders of the brigade and insisted on fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention. "My wife will understand me, my children will be born safely under our protection, we believe that everyone will do their duty, and the epidemic prevention battle will be completely won!" Not meeting each other is to get more people together as soon as possible. Almujan said.

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