
During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

author:See Japan at your fingertips

Author: Sanae Hojo

Hideyoshi Hashiba was the second tenjin of Japan during the Sengoku period and the first person to truly unify Sengoku Japan.

Habu Hideyoshi was born in Owari Kunishō Nakamura, and according to the Taikaku Susei Chronicle, Hashiba Hideyoshi's father was named "Kinoshita Yaemon", who was an iron cannon under the command of Oda Nobuhide, the old family member of the Oda family in Kiyoshu at that time. Kinoshita was wounded in a battle and returned to Nakanakamura to recuperate, and died in 1543, when Hideyoshi was still very young, and his mother took Hideyoshi and Hidenaga to remarry Tsukumi.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Hideyoshi Hashiba

However, although the claims in the Taikoku Susheng Are widely used by today's works of art, the credibility of the book is actually very questionable. In the twelfth year of astronomy, the iron cannon had just reached Tanegashima, and in the sixteenth year of astronomy (1547), the shogun hosokawa Harumoto first obtained the iron cannon from Honnoji Temple from Sakai Port to Gyeonggi, so how could Kinoshita Yaemon become an iron cannon before the twelfth year of astronomy?

In Kose Fu'an's "Tale of funan taikaku", there is no such person as Kinoshita Yaemon, and Hideyoshi Hashiba's father is directly Oda Nobuhide's friend Chiku ami. Although Chikuami's status was low, he was a miscellaneous servant who directly served Oda Nobunaga, so because of this opportunity, It is not surprising that Haba Hideyoshi was able to directly serve Oda Nobunaga, starting from miscellaneous work, so in fact, the records in the Fuan Taikaku Chronicle are more credible.

Hideyoshi's early years are puzzling, as he was not a significant figure and therefore has no record. Like many of the courtiers of grassy origin promoted by Oda Nobunaga, It was in the eighth year of Nagato (1565) that Hideyoshi Hashiba first appeared in a historical record under the name "Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro", and has been active as an important vassal under Oda Nobunaga ever since.

In the first year of Tenshō (1575), the Asai clan collapsed, and Hideyoshi was enfeoffed as the former lord of the Asai clan, Kita Omi Three Counties, and two years later built The Castle of Nagahama Castle. According to the Toyokan, at this time, Hideyoshi took one word from the names of the two elders of the Oda family, Shibata Katsuya and Niwa Nagahide, and changed his name to Haba Hideyoshi. In fact, the claims of the Toyokan still need more historical verification, because this anecdote is likely to be viewed from the perspective of the Oda family from the perspective of later generations. Niwa and Shibata were one of the four elders of the Oda family at the time of the Cheongju Conference, but before that, the chief elder of the Oda family was not these two, but the old ministers of the Sakuma Nobumori and Hayashi Hideyoshi who were exiled in the last year of Nobunaga. According to the current version, it is generally believed that Hideyoshi's mother was engaged in the work of "soil master", so Hideyoshi took the pronunciation of her mother's work place "Toshiba" as the basis for the Miao characters, and took the word "Haba" according to the pronunciation. Another theory is that when Hideyoshi Hababa was serving as Nobunaga's acting official in his early years, the Sumida River ferry port he managed was called "Hashiba", so Hideyoshi used the "hashiba" as the pronunciation of the Miao character and took the homophone "Habashi" two words, of course, some people speculate that "Hashiba" is not actually in Sumamata, but near Hideyoshi's later residence in Nagahama castle.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Nagahama Castle

In short, Hideyoshi Haba came from a very lowly background, but because of his father's relationship, he became a miscellaneous servant under Nobunaga, and then he was promoted by Oda Nobunaga, and gradually rose to the position of lord of Ichijo. Before the construction of Nagahama Castle, almost all of The courtiers under Habu Hideyoshi were his own relatives, such as his younger brother Hidenaga Haba, Asano Nagamasa of the Yue family, Sugihara Ieji, the young Kato Kiyomasa and Fukushima Masanori, as well as Mino and Owari Masakatsu, Takenaka (Hanbei) Shigeharu, and so on; after the construction of Nagahama Castle, many of the Omi Kingdom's people such as Ishida Masaki, Ishida Sansei father and son, Katatsuki Andmoto, Wakasa Yasuharu, Masuda Nagamori, and other samurai from Omi, after the conversion of Himeji Castle, Hashiba Hideyoshi also recruited many samurai from the Western kingdom to join him, such as Ukita Naoya, Hideya father and son, Kuroda Takataka, Kamai Ziji, etc., of course, many of these people are actually the Oda family assigned to Hideyoshi' strength, but here is not to be investigated. After the Battle of Komaki Nagamasa, the former colleagues of the Haba regime, including Tokugawa Ieyasu, Maeda Toshiyasu, and Niwa Nagahide, were among the vassals of the Habu Hideyoshi regime. To sum up, Hideyoshi Hashiba's family group can be roughly divided into a group of people, a group of non-tails, a group of people from Jiangbei, a group of Chinese (western) people, a group of former colleagues, and so on.

However, compared with the "Hideyoshi Two Guards", "Five Elders", "Five Bongxing", "Seven Guns of Mt. Owai" in the Group of Hashiba Hideyoshi's courtiers, etc., the "Four Heavenly Kings of Habushia" under Haba Hideyoshi's command are somewhat unfamiliar, and can even be said to be the four most non-existent of all the "Four Heavenly Kings" of the Warring States Period, these four are the four "well-known Shinkoda, Miyata, Toda, and Otō" in the toyotomi family courtier column in the "Samurai Chronicle", namely The Divine Son Tian Hanzoemon Masaharu, Otō Saemon Sachisan, Toda Minbu Shōsuke Katsutaka and Miyata Kihachiro Mitsuji.

<h1>Shoji Mikota</h1>

The birth year of Masaharu Tanita is unknown, but he was a samurai from hideyoshi's Owari kingdom who was born in Hideyoshi when his status was low, and he was also the most senior of the four kings of Habuki. After Hideyoshi Hababa became the lord of Nagahama Castle, Masaharu Taneko was enfeoffed as a 250-crowned lord of the Yellow Mother' House.

In the fifth year of Tenshō (1577), Hideyoshi Habu was ordered to go out on a campaign to the Western Kingdom, and after entering the Banmo Kingdom, it is said that Theoko Masaharu Washito was enfeoffed with the territory of 5,000 stones, but at this time, the other three "Tennos" who were also sealed believed that the sealed territory was inconsistent with the battle achievements, and wanted to escape from the Habuki family, which was also persuaded by the three of them to stay.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Invasion of the Western Country

In the sixth year of Tenshō, Masaharu Tanehi participated in the attack on Miki Castle, and then in the eleventh year of Tenshō (1583) after the Honnoji Rebellion, he participated in the Battle of Mt. Tsugashi, and in August of the same year he was enfeoffed with hirose Castle. However, during the Battle of Komaki Nagakuzu in the twelfth year of Tenshō, Masaharu Kankota was ordered to be the first keeper of Nishige Hori Castle, and was ordered to be rear of the temple when the Hashiba army was transferred into Mino Province, but he ignored the other friendly forces when he was pursued by Oda Nobuo's army and fled with his army. Masaharu Taniko was rebuked by Hideyoshi for this, but he in turn taunted Hideyoshi, and was eventually called a coward by Hideyoshi Hashiba, and was confiscated and exiled to Mt. Koya.

In the fifteenth year of Tenshō (1587), after Theoko Masaharu went to Kyushu Island Toyo, he wanted to participate in the Kyushu Expedition of the Hashiba Army, but without Hideyoshi's permission, he was ordered to cut off his abdomen and ended his life miserably. In the end, the head of the first general of the "Habu Shiraku- Ten-King" was hung in Kyoto for public display, and Habu Hideyoshi ordered people to erect a "coward" sign next to the first rank.

<h1>Tonobu Endo</h1>

Owō Yukin was originally known as the Twelve Guards, also known as the Right Guard Gate, and was born in Owari Kingdom, and was the son of Ozō Gennai, a vassal of Mori Kaisei. During Hideyoshi Haba's tenure as lord of Nagahama Castle, Otō Chisho was enfeoffed with two hundred and fifty crowns as the Yellow Mother,000, and later in the fifth year of Tenshō, he was also enfeoffed with the territory of 5,000 stones of the Harima Kingdom.

In the sixth year of Tenshō (1588), Oto Tomosho and Toda Katsutaka fought as a forward for the Habu army, and were wounded in this battle. During the Battle of Mt. Uzumaki and the Invasion of Vietnam, Oto Chisan was very active as Hideyoshi's army, and it can also be seen that Hideyoshi's documents include oto to sign, which shows that Oto Tomoyuki is already a close vassal that Hideyoshi trusts very much.

In December of the fourteenth year of Tenshō (1586), Sengoku Hidehisa's invasion of Kyushu was defeated, and his old consul, Sanki Domain, was enfeoffed to Oto Chison, and from this time on, Oto Toshinobu began to take the stage as toyotomi Daimyō. However, Otō Chiso, who was supposed to be reused, ushered in a moment of change of fate the following year. In the fifteenth year of Tenshō (1587), Miyabe Jirun, one of the Habushira army that conquered Kyushu, was attacked by Yoshihiro Shimazu at Ne-Shirasaka, and upon learning of this, Oto Yoshinori firmly opposed Habu Hidenaga sending reinforcements to support Miyabe Jirun, but because it was a military pursuit, Habu Hideyoshi's army did not rush to the rescue. Instead, Takato Fujido and Togawa Tatsuyasu of Ukita's army supported Miyabe Jirun with a small number of their own troops, and eventually reinforcements from the Habu army arrived, defeating the Shimazu army. When Shimazu's army was defeated, Owō Chishiro once again prevented the Hashiba army from pursuing, causing the Habu army to miss the opportunity to defeat the Shimazu family in one fell swoop.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Battle of Ne-Shirasaka

After the war, Otō Tomosan was confiscated of his domain and became a ronin, and it is said that he later joined the Go-Hojo clan in the Kanto region, and as a result, Hojo was also attacked by Hashiba Hideyoshi a few years later. In the eighteenth year of Tenshō (1590), Oto Chi announced his renunciation and met with Hideyoshi Hashiba, who had attacked Odawara Castle, hoping to be forgiven, but still not forgiven, and finally said that he wandered until he died of illness, and the other said that he was ordered to be killed by Hashiba Hideyoshi.

<h1>Toda Katsutaka</h1>

Toda Katsutaka, whose first name was Saburo Shiro, was a vassal of the Haba family along with Kankota and Otō, and was given two hundred and fifty crowns as a yellow mother during the Nagahama Castle period, and Hideyoshi was given the title of 5,000 stones when he entered the Harima Kingdom.

After this, Toda Katsutaka participated in the Battle of Miki Castle, the Battle of Mt. Takatake, the Battle of Komaki Nagakute, and the Shikoku Expedition, and achieved considerable success. In the fifteenth year of Tenshō, Toda Katsutaka was enfeoffed with the domain of 70,000 stones in the southern part of the Izuku Kingdom, and in the same year he participated in the Kyushu Expedition, and together with Asano Nagamasa captured Akizuki Castle, which was defended by Akizuki Uzumaki. The following year, Toda Katsutaka's name appeared in Hideyoshi's edict, and he was active in the Habuki regime.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Battle of Wenlu Qingchang

In April of the first year of Bunroku (1592), Toda Katsuryū participated in the War of Aggression against Korea, the Battle of Bunroku Keicho, and the following year as a representative of Japan on Geoje Island, he was responsible for the negotiations between the three countries. Unfortunately, the land of Korea was not suitable for these invaders, and toda Katsuraka, who was not satisfied with the soil, died of illness on the way back to China in the third year of Bunroku, because of the early death of his son, the Toda clan of Osu was severed, and then Osu Castle was sealed to Fujido Takaho, who was active in the invasion of Korea.

<h1>Miyata Miyata</h1>

Miyata Mitsuji, as a member of the Four Heavenly Kings of Habuba, began to serve As a teenager and was famous for his martial arts, and after Hashiba Hideyoshi entered the Banmo Kingdom from Nagahama Castle, he was listed as one of the four great courtiers of the Habashi family along with Otō Tomo, Kanko Masaharu, and Katsuryu Toda. However, Miyata Mitsuji was not as fortunate as the other three, and was able to see the lord take over the world, and in the sixth year of Tenshō (1588), when Hashiba Hideyoshi attacked Miki Castle, Miyata Mitsuji was unfortunately killed.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Takenaka Hanbei

There is such an anecdote in Emura's "Miscellaneous Stories of the Old Man", and once Hashiba Hideyoshi said to the generals: "Our army is ten times braver than in the past. ”

Takenaka Hanbei listened to Hideyoshi's words and said in a contradictory tone, "No, our army is much worse than before. ”

Hashiba Hideyoshi was about to refute it when Takeaka Hanbei continued, "Especially since Miyata Yoshihachi died in battle..."

After Hearing this, Hideyoshi Also sighed, "As you said." ”

The Chronicle of the Samurai Family is an encyclopedic book created by the Confucian scholar and warrior Yamaga Suyuki in the first year of Yanbao (1673) in the early Edo period, which records the politics of the samurai family, the war, the castle, and the family courtiers, etc., and also records the biographies of many characters, including many references to the four sons of TheoDa Masaharu, Oto Toshiyuki, Toda Katsutaka, and Miyata Miyoji as the four vassals of the Haba family. In the earlier Bunden of the Eighth Year of Kanei (1631), it is also mentioned that Otō, Toda, and Miyata were the three most active warriors in the Habu family, and it can be seen that the Four Heavenly Kings of Habuba were actually powerful vassals who were very active between The fortune of Hashiba Hideyoshi and the conquest of the world. At a time when Hashiba Hideyoshi was still under the Oda family, these four were the real vassals cultivated by Hashiba Hideyoshi, and were "predecessors" who preceded Masanori Fukushima and Kiyomasa Kato.

During the Sengoku period of Japan, toyotomi Hideyoshi's unknown four major ministers, Shoji Ota, knew Tomita Katsutaka Mitsuji

Battle of Miki Castle

However, the reputation of the Four Heavenly Kings of Habuki was not as loud as that of other daimyōs of the same era, and even almost forgotten, for a very simple reason. Miyata Mitsuji died young, Ando Masaharu Ando Otō died tragically, and although Toda Katsutaka had always been active as a powerful vassal of Hideyoshi Hashiba, his fame was not great because he had no heirs and his family lineage was severed.

If these people can all die well and become the descendants of the Haba family, then in the Habuki regime after The death of Habu Hideyoshi, it must be a different scenery. Even if there is no good death, as long as you try to cultivate a good son and write books tout yourself in the Edo period, the title of Habu Shiten-no would surely be alongside that of other daimyō courtiers.

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