
"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

author:Guizhou Metropolis Daily
"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang
"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang
"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Remember the videos that were swept up in the circle of friends and the Internet on the evening of August 31, 2020?

"Qingyun Road Night Market is going to be demolished!"

"Tonight I'm going to say goodbye to my favorite food."

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

On the night of August 31, many citizens went to Qingyun Road. Photo by Qiu Lingfeng

Even later, everyone knew that Qingyun Road was only a short "farewell" to everyone, and qingyun road, which was ready to be upgraded and modified, still let waves of old friends punch in all night long, pay for their feelings, and queue up long.

In the days of Qingyun Road's "retreat cultivation", Guiyang's friends used various methods not to think about it, but they were always reminded from time to time by their friends: Is there still a supper street like Qingyun Road in Guiyang? The shop we used to eat a lot was still open... Coupled with the small partners from other places poking at the heart of the question: Do you have a night market street in Guiyang that must punch the clock? Is it called Qingyun Road?

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Qingyun Road Night Market retreats into the room

This feeling is like when you were a child, your favorite things were put away by your mother, saying that the next exam will be returned to you when you get a full score, although it is still there, but when you think of it, you feel empty inside. This feeling was not until, when I learned that Qingyun Road would become a new look, the friends of Guiyang were hi again.

New blood is about to burst forth

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

The north gate of the "Qingyun Market" has been completed

It is said that the best state of life is to have expectations, and the better thing is to witness growth. This reporter happened to pass by Qingyun Road in the past few days and looked at the main gate of the "Qingyun Market" that had been built, which can be said to be full of emotions. Because for young people in Guiyang, not only during the holidays, but also after work and on weekends, shopping and eating with friends, looking at the bustling and lively Guiyang Old Street, drinking and chatting in the north and south of the world, is a time to completely relax.

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Love yourself, love your family, love life, love Guiyang... This is the slogan on the north gate of the "Qingyun Market" located at the intersection of Qingyun Road and Xingguan Road, which has a long history of food culture in Nanming District.

When I first saw the positioning introduction of "Qingyun Market", it also proved that the reporter's above brain supplement analysis was reasonable. In line with the tone of hipster men and women: theme restaurants, music bars... In line with the tastes of authentic Guiyang people: fireworks food stalls, snack streets... In line with the literary and artistic youth of the petty bourgeoisie: rich creative DIY, handicrafts from craftsmen..... "Qingyun Market" will gather Guiyang's lush food, coupled with a variety of cultural and creative markets, will become a punching card for Guiyang food and entertainment with the attitude of "new landmark of internet celebrities".

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Lei family tofu dumplings

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Adu fried crab

"The format is mainly based on catering entertainment and cultural creativity, well-known supper Adu fried crab, Hu Laoliu grilled meat, Hongqiao Laoliu roast chicken, etc., intangible cultural heritage snack Lei jia tofu dumplings, Danjia fragrant crispy duck and so on." Gojo YuBA Ōjo, MASS, Singlee SHOW, W PARTY KING Party KTV. Qingyun Market project leader introduced, "Qingyun Market" project covers an area of more than 60 acres, construction area of about 50,000 square meters, the first phase of the project is about to open, now many brands have begun to enter the decoration, the later will continue to build a set of catering, leisure and entertainment, cultural and creative market as one of the integrated commercial body.

There's everything here

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

But home crispy duck

"I think the ancient book is an important part of me, it represents happiness and freedom." Qingyun ancient shop owner: The old things here are feelings, spanning time and age, pushing the wave of the 70s and 80s to 2021, bringing old things to the present.

"You may have porcelain, potted plants, and glass vases in your home, but a creative wood carving would be a good choice, and he will definitely bring you a more natural atmosphere." Qingyun wood carving craftsman: the shape and texture of wood, carrying the crystallization of heaven and earth, the attachment of time and history, every knife down, will inject a new soul into it, and there are more than wood carvings here.

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Hu LaoLiu grilled meat

"Bring the fireworks back to Qingyun Road." Qingyun catering businesses: Here are folk traditional cuisine, special snacks, all the food, gathered here.

"Eat, drink and have fun, and the 'Qingyun Market' has made a strong comeback." Qingyun people said: Here is art, here is taste, here is the street, here is the tide play... Everything is here!

There is a lot to play

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

The project façade is nearing completion

Looking at Qingyun Road today, although it is very different from the appearance in memory, there is still a feeling of returning to childhood. "After the absence of Park Road, the former Qingyun Road is our gathering place", Mr. Li, who lives in a small cross, told reporters, although there are many shopping malls on weekends, but it will always be very small, you can finish in a few minutes, I hope that after the opening of the "Qingyun Market" in the future, there will be more places for the public to eat, which is also an added to some fun and a good place.

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Gojo Friends BBQ

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

歆live show

Speaking of the most anticipated, Mr. Lee said that in addition to the Wanmo Japanese Izakaya and the popular Gojo Yu BBQ, he is more looking forward to the "Qingyun Market" in the future, the newly opened "Xin Live Show" nightlife art space with live band music show and the Korean trend nightclub MASS CLUB with the same equipment for Jacky Cheung's concert.

"Heavenly Eye takes you around Guizhou" See Qingyun Road again! Qingyun Market wants you to eat all over Guiyang

Images provided by respondents (some images from the Internet)

Guizhou Daily Tianyan news reporter Lan Yun

Edited by Piadan

Editor Li Zhongdi Luo Wei

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