
Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

author:Small taste

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

Cucumber is one of the vegetables that should be seasoned in the second season, although people's living standards have improved, and cucumbers can be eaten all year round. But organic cucumber is the most tender, no matter how to eat is very delicious, home cold dishes are indispensable cucumber, now although it is autumn, but the weather is still very dry, this time the diet should also pay more attention, drink more water and eat more fresh water ingredients, cucumber is a good choice.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

Cucumber is a widely eaten vegetable, the most common way to eat is cold mix, and some people are directly raw, raw cucumber is not only diuretic, fire gas, but also detoxification and laxative. So it's very good, in addition to cold mixing, there is a very good practice. Without losing flavor, it must also be delicious and retain nutrients, that is, the sesame oil cucumber roll with good appearance and good taste.

Cucumber this practice is common in our family, and it is also a dish that adults and children like to eat, cucumber has a good effect of insisting on slimming, this is what women know, cucumber can control the absorption of sugar in the body, so as to achieve the effect of weight loss. Using cucumbers as a meal replacement is reduced, and you can try it.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

Cucumber in addition to being a good weight loss ingredient, it is also a beauty and beauty of the ingredients, the cucumber mashed into juice on the face can reduce the growth of fine lines, moisturize the skin, let's take a look at this oil cucumber roll method.

【Dishes】: Ring oil cucumber rolls

【Cooking Ingredients】: 1 cucumber, 1 millet pepper, garlic to taste, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of soy sauce, 2 spoons of rice vinegar, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of salt.

【Cooking steps】:

1. Prepare the ingredients you need.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

2: Wash the cucumber and use a peeler to follow the cucumber from one end to the other until it is cut into a long sheet.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

3: After all the cucumber slices are cut into long pieces, roll the cucumber slices from one end to another, into a roll, and place them neatly on the plate.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

4: Finely chop the millet pepper, chop the garlic into minced garlic, and then put it all into a bowl.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

5: Add soy sauce, soy sauce, rice vinegar and oyster sauce.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

6: Add another spoonful of salt and a spoonful of sugar, add them all and stir well to make a sauce for later.

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat
Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

7, the prepared sauce into the cucumber, the pot to burn the oil, the oil temperature reaches 80% hot when the hot oil into the cucumber and the juice, until you hear the sound of cheering, this is called "ringing oil", learned?

Cucumber this method, not only high value, the taste is also very good, adults and children like to eat

【Cooking Tips】:

1, when making the sauce, the amount of seasoning can be added according to personal preferences.

2, the method of ringing oil cucumber is very simple, as long as the sauce is done and poured into the cucumber roll, and then pour hot oil on it, the kitchen novice can also operate, hurry up and learn it.

3, Xiaoming this skill is a bit big, we can according to personal preferences to add appropriately, if you can not eat spicy, you can also replace the millet sauce with other non-spicy peppers, such as red bell pepper, so the color is good, the taste is not very spicy, children can also eat.

4, the oil temperature should reach 70% or 80% heat, so as to stimulate the aroma of the seasoning.